Chapter 7- No regrets

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I was now showering for the second time this morning. Trying to scrub his scent off my skin, trying to rinse him out of my hair. Somehow hoping to erase the images of him below me by showering. I chastise my lady parts when they begin to tingle at the mere thought of that beast and his animalistic actions of the previous night. My eyes immediately drop to my waist to inspect the damage done by the sexy savage.

My fingers delicately massage the tender areas of skin and I find myself moaning in delight, the shooting pain is a reminder of the immense pleasure previously inflicted on my being. I quickly drop my hands to my sides shocked at my actions.

Am I really that sex deprived?

After turning off the shower I step out and stare at myself in the steamy mirror, the image most people see when they look upon me, just another hazy figure... I lean in and wipe the moisture from the glass. The real me now appears, long brown strands of wet hair draped around my now tanned shoulders, blood shot brown eyes, high cheekbones and plump unsmiling pink lips. I inspect the rest of my body happy with the product of years of 6am jogging. Why can't everyone see this side of me, the tender motherly side?

I towel down and go dress for another dreaded day with my mother. After finding an elegant skin tight, high neckline, knee length black dress and a matching pair of black wedges I tie my hair into a tight ballerinas bun with every strand in place and add dark red lipstick onto my lips with a smack. I throw a bone chilling smile at my reflection before grabbing my belongings and heading out to the main house.

I am informed that everyone has congregated in the music room for a meeting with the dancing master when I arrive at the door. (Yes mother built a music room it was in vogue to have one 6 months ago)  I put my sun glasses on in an attempt to hide my sins of the previous night before heading in the direction of unnecessarily loud music. My entrance only manages to draw the attention of a few joyous family members before they continue with their ridiculous dance moves. I locate the liquor with haste and have already downed my second glass of champagne when a certain dark haired suit walks in as if he owns the room, I inwardly groan (out of frustration) and retreat further into the shadows of the jovial room.

My mother manages to catch me while reaching for my fourth glass of champagne and sends the young waitress away before I can get my hands on it. I find myself pouting like a babe who's been denied candy. "Yes mother?" I hiss, hoping the ice in my tone will be enough to scare her off. " After Mr Adkins rescued you in your drunken stupor last night before any of my guests had a chance to witness your intoxication I would think you would be less, how can I put this? Thirsty??"  I have a sudden urge to rip that perfectly curved quizzical eyebrow from her pale face. "I haven't been in your charge for many years mother, you need not worry over my drinking habits" I mentally give myself a pat on the back as I see her face slightly turning pink. " I have come to collect you for your dance" she says sharply before turning her back on me and marching to the centre of the room, I reluctantly follow her to the death of my toes.

I stand chin up, shoulders back, body rigid ready to withstand any force thrown at me. I struggle to decipher the dancing masters words through the heavy (probably fake) French accent. I mimic his explicit rendition of the waltz a few times before he waves forward my dancing partner for me to practice with. I almost step on my own toes when I see the tiresome Damon Adkins walking purposefully towards me. He takes me in his arms and leads me to some secluded area of the room to "practise"  After rehearsing the move a few times the sexy savage begins to let his hands slip down to my arse, I grab his wrists and place them on my abdomen. The second time his hands glide down they brush past my bruised hips and I visibly flinch "What's wrong?" He says demanding to know rather than asking "Nothing" I respond and continue to dance. " I said, What is wrong?" He growls impatiently "And I said, Nothing" I reply unaffected. He pulls me out if the room and into the hall to the nearest bathroom so fast I could barely react, " What is your problem!" I yell once he has closed the door behind us, he simply ignores me and gently lifts up my dress exposing me stomach down. A frown immediately graces his face when he sees the bruised flesh. " You should have told me I was hurting you." He says bending down in front of me " I was enjoying it too much to notice" I say loudly and proudly.

The first honest sentence to have left my mouth the whole day...

The sensation of his lips placing little kisses on the bruises almost has me melting into a puddle but my ever rational brain reminds me that I already have a pending damage control list, I can not afford to add onto it. I pull my dress down and make a move towards the door. "I thought you said you enjoyed me?"
"I did"

"So why did you make me stop? Just think of our previous passion"

"There was no passion, only sex. A one time thing"

"Carful Miss Lane, regret is the death of amazing memories."

"I have many regrets Mr Adkins however last night was not one of them"

To add finality to my words I remove my black lace underwear and toss them in his directions as a token to remember our one and only night.
I highly doubt that...

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