Chapter 8- Dinner

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Dinner- A formal evening meal, typically one in honor of a person or event
In as much as I wanted to stay away from the house and avoid a certain someone (two people actually) I had to attend Dinner. My sister would hate me for bailing out on her 'extremely important night'.

I decide not to waste neither my time nor energy fighting with my mother so I dress appropriately in a long deep purple dinner gown with a more revealing chest line than I usually sport. To complete the look I adorn my usual frightening Crimson lipstick. As soon as I enter the dining room I am escorted to the far end of the long table and placed next to Becca the rebel.

Smart move on my mothers part, Becca is probably the only family member who isn't piss scared of me.

I inspect the young girl out of the corner of my eye, in truth she's probably only 5 years younger than me but when you own a conglomerate at age 30 almost everyone seems younger than you. I continue to analyse her as I wait for dinner to be served; she sits next to me peacefully, not a care in the world with earphones blocking out the rest of us. Rainbow coloured hair extensions, chipped black nail polish and worn out jeans and a rocker tee. Lucky Bitch

I allow myself to flashback to a time when I was just like Becca, living for the moment and doing whatever the hell I wanted with no fear of consequences. A time when I was happy. A time when my father was still alive...

Luckily the sound of cutlery on dinner plates brings me back to the present before I can actually begin to feel any emotion. Everyone has already began eating, I pick up my spoon and begin to eat my spicy tomato soup. I'm not even halfway done when the speeches to the bride and groom begin.

Lord give me strength

I sit through several drunk uncles telling bad jokes before I decide I've had enough, I instruct a server to inform me when desert is ready before exiting and heading out into the night. I stand under the night sky and breath in fresh cool air, I look up and marvel at the beauty of the stars. This is definitely something I did miss, the view out here has always been breathtaking.

My stargazing is interrupted by a very distinct female giggle, I walk down the steps and turn the corner in pursuit of the sound. I stand ramrod straight when I see the young lady who has been laughing and her male counterpart in a rather compromising embrace.

"Becca?" I mumble in awe, he sees me before she does and coughs awkwardly. She spins around promptly, I catch a flicker of dread in her eyes before she morphs her face back to her usual nonchalant expression " I see you eventually left that insanely boring farce of a meal". I cross my arms, not at all moved by her statement. "What the hell are you doing with her?" I direct my question to him.

Ryan looks at me expressionless. Is this my quiet, eager to please driver standing before me? After a lengthy silence I am about to inquire whether the young man is deaf when a muscular hand is placed on my shoulder. "Is this old hag disturbing you two" the man asks the young couple. Becca giggles and uses the intrusion as an opportunity, she grabs her beau's hand and drags him away from the scene. I twist vehemently under the newcomers hand. "Are you stalking me now Mr Adkins?"
I say in the calmest voice possible." I was sent to come call you for dessert" he replies in a similar civil manner. "Yet instead, you interrupt me as I am trying to defend my cousins fragile honor, from that leech!" I screech unpleasantly.

In response Damon Adkins burst into a fit of laughter "You sound like an 18th century chaperone" he says before continue with his annoying laughter. "Honor, really Madison?? Fragile honor??? Really " His humorous take on the situation annoys me to no end and I stomp off in a huff like a toddler. " oh did I upset your fragile emotions Maddy? " he calls out after me in jest. I have a strong urge to roughly tackle the bastard but decide to act like the adult.

I return to a desert of chocolate souffle and deliberately turn down any offering of champagne. Just the thought of the last time i was intoxicated makes me shudder in disgust.

Or in lust...

My eyes begin searching the room for a particular face on their own accord. They find their target at the opposite end of the table seated next to my mother. What a combination; a Queen and a Prince. Each of them bathing in the glow of self admiration. I watch as my mother tilts her head towards him in a conspiratorial manner and looks in my direction. His eyes immediately follow her example, I see a mischievous glint light up in his eyes and my stomach drops. This can not be good.

The sight of the two of them colluding upsets me way more than it should. So for the second time tonight I stomp off into the gardens in search of comfort. I spot a waiter on my way and snatch a bottle of bubbly as I pass by him. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

As I sit on a cold stone bench amongst sweet smelling Rose bushes I think this is exactly why I hate being home. I never act like this in a boardroom full of business tycoons, and yet just being here has made me go soft. Getting upset over no reason, being attracted to arrogant rich boys!

The latter being a complete contrast to the artistic, carefree type of men I usually enjoy playing around with. On that note my thoughts begin to stray to Mark the sexy Australian veterinarian who came close to stealing my (non existent) heart away. The fact that he reminded me of my energetic, bubbly, optimistic, always smiling father was what scared me most. If he had stayed for a couple more months I'm almost certain I would have allowed myself to fall for him. Good thing I had the foresight to sleep with tourists who had lives to go back to effectively avoiding the risk of developing feelings.

By the time I'm done wallowing away in my thoughts the champagne bottle has also been polished off. I stand shakily and make my way down to the cottage, my thoughts once again drift to a certain insufferable brute in a suit. Every step I take fuels my rage; what was he conspiring with my mother? Did she send him here? To seduce me? To Impregnate me? What is she giving him to flirt with? Did he sleep with me because of her?? All these very illogical questions pop into my head, the alcohol making it very hard to see reason.

I slam the cottage door open in search of that bastard, I will discover the truth tonight!! Even if i have to beat it out of that beautiful piece of man.


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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2017 ⏰

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