Chapter one - Loving Family

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Stepping off the plane I'm immediately reminded of reasons why I left home. Not only is the sun scorching, the air is also heavy with heat. I could never stand the way sweat made clothes stick to my skin.

Once I've got everything sorted I grab my luggage and head towards the car hiring service. While talking to the car hiring agent I see Jiles our family driver coming my way with a young man in tow. Jiles is probably the only person I've missed and I feel guilty for not keeping in touch with him, he was always such a good listener when it came to my mommy issues. I give him a small one armed hug (probably the most affectionate thing I'll ever do to anyone).

Maybe I am truly incapable of emotion, affection and passion.

"How you doing, old man?" I slightly tease him, "As you can see this old man is going nowhere soon, so you just going to have to get used to seeing my wrinkly face for the next two weeks" he says puffing out his chest and chuckling. I just shake my head and smile in return before diverting my attention to the young man. He immediately stands straighter (So he knows my reputation huh) I inwardly smirk but keep my face blank.

"I am Ryan ma'am and I will be your driver for the duration of your stay." I really wanted to hire a car and not depend on any one else driving me around but knowing my family that's the very reason they sent Jiles here, to make sure I don't send the young boy away. Ryan sticks out his hand and I immediately shake it probably a bit to roughly though. I hear Jiles chuckling in the background before he excuses himself saying he has other guests to pick up.

"Shall we leave ma'am?" I nod in response, he picks up my bags before turning around and heading to the car park. I'm not surprised when I see our shiny "new" family car. My mother and her cronies are constantly trying to out do each other cars, hair, nails, houses, holiday celebrations. I'm pretty sure weddings has been added to that list to see who's poor daughters

I get in the car and email Jessica asking for updates of the goings on in the company. Once I'm satisfied that everything is running smoothly I lock my phone and doze off, jet lag finally getting to me.


I wake up and immediately recognise my surroundings "Rain where are you taking me?" he looks into the rear view mirror briefly before answering "To your family's beach house ma'am, that's where everyone is meeting up" I sigh in frustration, this is exactly why I didn't want a driver! I hear the driver mumbling something about his name being Ryan, not Rain this immediately adds to my already piling frustrations "I heard that" I say trying not to shout.

As we park I instruct Ryan to leave my luggage in the car and I ensure he understands that while I'm here I am his boss, not my mother. He gives me a fearful nod in acknowledgment and I walk away satisfied. I look up at our white 3 storey mansion, what a waste, only 2 people actually live in this house. As I open the front door I take a deep breath, I might as well get over and done with this.

I scrunch up my nose as the smell of a mixture of perfumes assaults me as soon as I enter the door. In the distance I can hear women all trying to talk at the same time. To me it sounds more like 1000 birds chirping at the same dam time! I walk in the direction of the voices not even bothering to take a look around our house, it's all probably the same except for some fancy new art pieces.

I enter the room full of women and decide to go about greeting people strategically. I'll start with the aunts and cousins that talk most that way it will be easier to excuses myself quickly claiming that I have to go greet someone else.

I start with Aunt Elsie, the most boisterous and biggest of them all with curly orange hair and rosy cheeks. She gives me a bone crushing hug while I stand rigidly hoping for it to end. I give her a closed lip smile and pretend to listen to her lecturing me about eating less.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

I head over to Amanda next, she's the family barbie. She tries to engage me in a conversation mocking Becca (the rebel) about her latest tattoo and new pink highlights. I give her a death glare and she immediately shuts up and makes an excuse about going to grab a snack. After Elsie and Amanda everyone seems a little reluctant to talk to me (not that I mind, they are actually doing me a favour) so I just exchange pleasantries nothing more nothing less.

I release the deep breath that I had been holding in as I near the door, I made it through the bee hive alive and I didn't even see the Queen B. Maybe today isn't that bad after all. I hear high heels clicking and I immediately know i spoke to soon.

I see my mother walking in my direction. She's wearing what could very well be a Victorian style ball gown for goodness sakes! Her golden hair is piled in a neat regal chignon, all that's missing is her crown. I turn towards the opposite direction from where she's coming from and start walking fast.

"Madison, Madison dear is that you?" her voice sounds so theatrical "Oh Madison dear, don't you dare walk away from your mother" I turn around slowly and give her a tight smile "Sorry mother, I didn't recognise you there." I say looking her outfit up and down "Do tell what all the dress up is for, a teddy bear tea party perhaps?"

Her face turns an amusing shade of red and I can tell she's about to burst but my younger sister Madilade interrupts stepping infront of our mother "Madison you'v only been here an hour and you're already taunting mother." She looks up at me with her big blue eyes trying to make me feel guilty. These two where certainly raised in a theater.

"I guess it's a Good thing I'm leaving then." I turn around and start walking towards the exit "We hope to see you tomorrow at breakfast sweetheart." I hear my mother saying I don't bother to reply. "Oh and Madilade please don't come wearing that horrible suit" I look down at my attire, typical black pencil skirt, black heels, white blouse and black jacket.

Her request automatically makes me plan on wearing my suit tomorrow morning but I remember my meeting in a few days that I'll probably need it for. Arnt you lucky mother

After collecting my luggage I head straight to the back of the yard where to cottage is located. They probably think I went to a hotel, so no one will bother me here. Im surprised to see how clean it is, like they were expecting some one. But I don't dwell on the thought long cause the fatigue has finally caught up with me. Immediately after my head hits the pillow I'm plunged into darkness.


Careful I'm like Madison, so don't get on my bad side by not voting and commenting.

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