Chapter 2 - You Again

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I wake up after what seems like seconds but after checking the time I realise it's 3am in the morning. My body is autoprogramed to wake up after 6hours so I know there's no way I can go back to bed now. I groan, roll over and get out of bed, I immediately regret that decision because the ice cold tiles almost freeze my toes off.

I hop to my suitcase and quickly take out my red fluffy slippers and matching robe. After making myself a hot cup of chocolate I go sit by the living room window with a book and wait to watch the sunrise.

After about 3 hours of good reading and 3 cups of hotchocolate I see the first rays of sunlight cutting through the darkness of early morning. I walk outside and let ny skin soak up the first light of the day. After staring at the sky for about 10 minutes I head back inside closing the door behind me.

I head straight for my bedroom, grab my toiletries and practically march to the shower. I need to get my head straight so I can focus on making a plan to survive through this ordeal. I let the steaming hot water work magic with my muscles as I go through my itinerary of the day. After scrubbing my skin and washing my hair I turn off the shower nozzle. As soon as I open the shower door to reach for a towel The bathroom door swings open and hits the wall with a bang!

I'm frozen in fear and stare at the intruder. First thought that pops into my head: His hot extremely hot!

Wow Madison drool over the possible thief/rapist/kidnapper.

His wearing a suit, a well tailored black suit. Maybe Mafia? After I realise that his eyes are busy feasting off my naked body I quickly rap the towel around me "What is the meaning of this!?" He stands by the doorframe sizing me up not bothering to reply "What the fuck are you doing in my house!"

I don't need this right now, I have to many things going on to deal with this sexy stranger in my bathroom. Well this is awkward I find my attacker attractive. Technically he hasn't attacked me yet but barging into my bathroom is an attack on my privacy.

You're incapable of having feelings Madison, attraction counts as a feeling.

"There must be some misunderstanding, Mrs Cullum specifically appointed this cottage to me" His deep husky voice makes my head spin for a second before I realise what he just said "Mrs Cullum?" I repeat slowly, what has mother done now? He gives a single nod  and looks at with with irritation.

I immediately recognise that look and those brown eyes "Mr Adkins?" I state questioningly I'm surprised I hadn't recognised him earlier. As soon as those words leave my mouth recognition flickers in his eyes "Miss Lane" he returns. The atmosphere in the bathroom is now completely hostile as we glare at each other.

"Fancy meeting you here, and under such circumstances" he says motioning to my attire and smirking. I clutch the towel closer to my body in anger, I will not let him get the upper hand! "Yet it seems a moment ago you were taking advantage of our little circumstance" I answer standing straighter and raising an eyebrow.

In my deadly, no nonsense voice I say  "Leave my bathroom now Mr Adkins" he doesn't even flinch where most people would have pissed in their pants. That's the exact reason why I dislike Damon Adkins, I can't intimidate him or bend him to do my will and that gets my blood boiling.

"Was that an order Miss Lane? I don't take well to people telling me what to do" he says eyes narrowing he takes a step forward, I can see his shocked that I didn't step back and cower in submission. Instead I take a step forward and immediately I see his shock quickly turn to anger "Do you know I can destroy you and your little empire with a flick of my wrist Miss Lane?"

I cross my arms and take another step forward I notice his gaze dropping to my now semi exposed breasts. Men! "Try me Mr Adkins, it just so happens that one of my banks is handling your 'biggest investment yet' we wouldn't want that falling through now would we?"

At that moment I realise the only thing separating our bodies from touching is my folded arms and that Im tilting my head back just to make eye contact "Are you threatening me Miss Lane ?" he leans in to whisper into my ears.

I hardly register what he is saying, all I can concentrate on is keeping my breathing regular. Shit I feel like a fucking horny teenager!

"I don't make threats Adkins, only promises" I practically growl before pushing him out the way and walking out the bathroom.

This is what you get for going without sex for so long, the urge to jump every handsome man that walks in the room!

I hear his footsteps following me into the bedroom but I decide to ignore his presence, I need to get my hormones in check before speaking to him again.

I dig in my suitcase looking for an outfit to wear today, I decide on black skinny jeans, a white Tshirt and white strapped sandles. After laying my outfit on the bed I add a plane black bra and black lace underware to my selection.

I'm about to remove the towel from my body and wrap it around my hair when I hear him clear his throat. I turn around quickly and almost laugh at his expression almost,  he looks pissed that I totally forgot about his presence. Well he better get used to it, I can completely block out thoughts in my brain forgetting they ever existed.

"I would expect to see you packing Miss Lane, not unpacking" I raise an eyebrow before saying "I would expect to see you out of my house Mr Adkins but I guess the worlds just full of surprise" there isn't even a trace of humour in my voice but I catch the corners of his mouth twitching. "Well I'm not leaving" he says taking a step in my direction. To be honest I planned on leaving the moment I head my mother was involved somehow but all those plans went out the window as soon as he made that cocky statement.

"Well I'm not leaving either."


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