Chapter 3

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Harry's POV 

After class ended I made my way so I could catch up with Jenna, I liked to make her think I was her bully, I really did, I don't like being mean to her, but I kinda have to. Y'know, because of popularity; I have a reputation to maintain .

Jenna's POV 

Ugh ! it was just the beginning of the day and already I hated it.. it was strange though, usually Harry waited till around 4th period/class to come after me because that's when he has his friends with him.

I've tried to switch schools but it's no use. All the schools were out of town. My school was just 10 minutes away.

By now it's my 3rd class yay a class with Melanie finally! but sadly we don't sit together.
As Ms. Hernandez walked in everyone hurried into their seats. Everyone took out their things and so did I, then I felt my phone buzz so I checked it. It was Melanie;


Hey babes this class is sooo gonna be boringgg! can't wait till lunch! Where are we going to go today?


Hey! ikr! ugh! and me either! idk tho? you pick? whatcha in the mood for? 


Hmmmm what am I in the mood forrr? idk I want something sweet!


Okayyy then. Let's go to The coffee shop, yah?


OMG yessss!! <3 okay meet you in the front at lunch! byee (:



And with that I put my phone away and started talking notes. I absolutely Loved this coffee shop! I used to go there so much when I was little. It's still my favorite, Of course I didn't get coffee but I loved their baked goods.

After 4th period ended I hurried out of class and made my way to the front of the school, but I didn't see Melanie anywhere, that's  weird.

"Hey!" I turned around to see melanie running after me.

'Hey what happened? ' I said

'Sorry! our class got held in cause some stupid guy threw a pencil at the teacher!" She said

"Ugh what an idiot!' I agreed.
After complaining we got into my car and drove to the coffee shop.

Once we got to the coffee shop we ordered our food and drinks then sat down and ate. About 10 minutes of talking and eating, my phone rang. "hold that thought! gotta take this! " I said to melanie. The number wasn't one that was in my contact list.. but I answered it anyway. "Hello??" I answered 

"Come outside. " some one said into the phone. It was a guy. I didn't really recognize it but I did what I was told.

"Hey, I'll be back, I left something in the car." I lied.

 Knowing Melanie, she would want to come with me or ask a bunch of questions. "Okay, Hurry back!" and with that, I left. When I went outside I went by my car, it was parked where melanie couldn't see me

"Hey." I heard the same same voice I heard over the phone. But he sounded familiar... I turned around to see none other than..


"uhm.. hi?" I said, scared of what he might do.

"I need to ask you a favor" he said.

"What makes you think I want to do a favor for you.'

'well, you get a reward if you help me'

'and what is this reward?' I asked him waiting to hear this .huh this must be good

"you get to kiss me. " HAHAHAHA omg he thinks I want to kiss him!

"Hahahahahah what makes you think I want to kiss YOU!" I laughed, but I realized I shouldn't of done that. His face then got dead serious. He pushed me up against the wall and looked me into the eyes.

"I know you want to because everyone does. " he said with confidence.

Harry's Pov

I pushed her against the wall that was behind her. Man, the way she looks when she's scared. I really want to kiss her right now.

"I know you want to. because everyone does." I told her with a dead serious face. but then ended up with a smirk on my face.

'Well I don't, and .. I-I bet your a horrible kisser anyway" she said looking the other way. Man was this a turn on seeing her struggle to get out of my grip

"Well nobody cares what you think" I spat at her. I was getting frustrated with her, but in a good way? I think?

"Whatever just please, leave me alone right now! " she said. man, was she confident with what she's doing right now.

I couldn't help my self. I looked into her beautiful green eyes, then at her lips, then leaned in.

Jenna's POV

He looked into my eyes, then my lips. What in the world is up with him? 

What is he.... omg omg he's leaning in. He's gonna... kiss me.

What do I do? .... do I kiss him? do I want to kiss him? ... maybe I do? I mean look at him . He's massively cute.. and his hair, man... WAIT. What am I saying! he's mean and gross and a man whore and never the less my bully! I can't like him.

but maybe I do. UGH! I don't know.

Harry's POV

I was so close to kissing her, yes! finally my chance! I've been waiting for this chance ever since 9th grade!

Right when I was about to kiss her-

"JENNAAAAA!!" I heard someone call out for her

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