Chapter 28

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Tyler's POV

The second my uncle told me the plan, I wasn't up for it, but then he showed me a picture of her. She was beautiful. Even more beautiful in person, like wow. I feel bad for doing this, but whats got to be done, must be done.

Jenna's POV

"Hi, I'm Jenna" I said with a smile and shaking his hand that he put out. He's a major cutie and he seems sweet, but i've got harry. "Hi jenna, sorry to just come up and talk to you but you're just so beautiful I couldn't help it" he gave me a smile and I returned a smile. "Well thanks"  I could feel myself blushing. Oh jeeze.  "Aww, your blushing" He poked my cheek, "It's not my fault, when a cute boy calls me beautiful it just happens" Oh shit. I did not just say that out loud. I'm screwed. "So im cute?" He said with a smirk. "Here, tell yah what. How bout you give me your number and we can hang out sometime?" Smooth one. "Alright" I said and we switched phones. 

After I got home from starbucks I got a text from tyler. 

From Hottie at starbucks ;) aka, Tyler'

Hey there whatcha up to?

To Hottie at starbucks ;) aka, Tyler

Wow, really.. hottie from strbucks? smooth :p and just watching tv wbu?

I'm flipping threw the channels on the tv and there is seriously nothing to do. I wanna go out and do something. As if on cue tyler texted me. 

From Hottie at starbucks ;) aka, Tyler

Just getting ready for a Halloween party, I have a great idea! Why don\'t you be my date for the party since mine ditched me?

Hmmm.. should I? 

To Hottie at starbucks ;) aka, Tyler

Hmmm.. Alright I guess since i've got nothing to do, i' ll be your date :) 

From Hottie at starbucks ;) aka, Tyler

Yay!! :) alright i'll pick you up at 6:30 ! see you soon! xx

I texted him a quick goodbye and then locked my phone. I went up to my room and looked at my clock, It read 4:05 P.M . Great i've got enough time. I decided to jump in the shower real quick.   

After I got out I blow dried my hair and decided to leave it natural (If you don't remember what her natural hair looks like its on ch. 23!)  I went to my closet and looked for something that I could throw together since I haven't gone halloween shopping yet. I took out a Black dress and threw it on my bed. I took my cream heels out and put them next to my dress. I went into my top self and took out some cat ears and a tail from 2 years ago when I was a cat. I put all of it on and looked at my body mirror. Somethings missing. A BOW! I ran over to my hair stuff and took out a black bow.

I pulled the sides of my hair back and clipped it to the bow. I looked at the time and it said 6pm. wow, I took longer than I expected. I went into my bathroom and did my makeup. I did't do too much, just mascara, eyeliner, some eye shadow and then I added sparkles to my eyelids. To finish everything I took my liquid eyeliner and drew on some cat whiskers.(Outfit on the side!)     After all that I looked at the time and it was 6:15. I put my shoes on and grabbed my phone from the charger and walked down stairs. 

It was 6:20 and I heard the door bell ring. I went and opened the door and Tyler was standing there as a police officer. "Wow, you look great" He was checking me out. "Thanks but my eyes are up here" I put his head up with my finger "Sorry"  he laughed "Ready?" he asked and I grabbed my phone "Yep, lets go" and we walked out.

Party here I come!


Decided to do a little extra chapter today! Hope you like it! 

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