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Later the afternoon Gaga and i sat on the couch and watched American Horror Story. Halfway through the episode my phone buzzed.


Jessie: "did you really think i'd forget about you, freak?"

i ignored her message, only to be texted again a few minutes later 

Jessie: "you know that she's just using using you to get attention, you're a publicity stunt. She doesn't care about you, you're just a worthless freak, truth hurts doesn't it?"

i stared at my phone re-reading the message over and over letting a few tears slid down my face. Was she right?

"Are you alright darling?" Gaga asked breaking me from my thoughts

"uh...yeah! peachy!" i said quickly wiping my tears forcing a smile 

"okay.." Gaga said uneasy 

"i'll be in my room" i said a little to quickly running up the stairs and into my room. I closed the door sliding down holing my knees to my chest, bawling my eyes out.

I got up and unlocked my suitcase. i searched until i found what i was looking for.

my blade.

i pulled up my sleeve and pressed the edge of the blade onto my skin, sliding it across slowly. i repeated this process until i felt it was enough. i let it bleed until i heard a knock.

"Sam?" Gaga asked quietly 

"uh..i- one minute!"

i shoved my blade into my pocket and ran into the restroom quickly, cleaning up my arm putting my sleeve back down.

 i opened the door coming face to face with Gaga 

"are you okay?" she asked eyeing me carefully 

"yeah" i lied 

"like i said before, you're a bad liar" 

"i don't know what your talking about" i said innocently 

Gaga rolled her eyes "Cut the bull, what's going on?" 

"nothing" i mumbled 

She sighed, "Samantha, please. I just wanna help you" 

"well i don't need your help, i'm fine" 

"You and i both know you're not fine" 

"There's nothing wrong with me" i snapped

"that's not what i'm saying"

"you're saying that i need help"

She sighed, running her hands through her hair "please let me in, Samantha"

i sighed pulling my phone out, showing her the messages from Jessie 

"Y-you don't believe this... Do you?"she asked slowly

i shrugged my shoulders "I don't know" i said honestly "for all i know you could be"

"Well i'm not" she said with a shaky voice "i care about you, and i promise you that i'm not using you"

i looked closely at her and when noticed her fighting back tears, i instantly felt guilty and apologized "i'm sorry"

She pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head "i love you and i mean it" 

"i love you too" i said wrapping my arms around her 

we hugged each other in silence until she pulled away "i'm keeping this" she said waving my phone before putting it in her pocket 

"what?!" i said trying to get my phone back "give it back" i pleaded

"no, i'm getting you a new phone with a new number, okay?" 

i nodded, giving in

After awkwardly standing in silence for a while Gaga spoke up, "so are you gonna tell me what you did?"

"tell you what?" i asked confused

"you did something, i can tell" 

"what are you talking about?" 

"you came up here too quickly and you took too long a while to open the door, what happened?" she asked eyeing me carefully 

i looked down playing with the hem of my sleeve feeling guilty

"Sam?" Gaga asked breaking me from my thoughts 


"let me see" Gaga said quietly, reaching out for my arm

i quickly shake my head taking a few steps back 

"please" she pleaded 

"i-i can't" i said quietly 

"why not?" Gaga asked stepping somewhat closer to me

i noticed and took some steps back only to be stopped by the wall 

"Sam. please let me in" she said softly, slowly stepping closer to me again

i couldn't take it anymore, i broke into complete sobs, sliding down the wall i put my knees against my chest, and almost instantly i felt Gaga's arms wrap around me 

"Hey, shh it's okay... You're okay.." She said trying to sooth me

she repeated this process until i calmed down

"you okay, darling?" 

i nodded wiping dry tears off my face "i'm sorry" 

"There's no need for you to be sorry" 

"why are you doing this?" 

"doing what?" She asked confused 

"Dealing with me, I'm such a mess, you don't need this kind of trouble in your life"

"you are not a mess and you are no trouble at all, your my kid now, which means you are my responsibility" 

i sighed looking down "you shouldn't say things like that because one day you'll get tired of me"

"and how do you know that?" 

"because everyone does, and you will too."

"i'm not going anywhere, your stuck with me now, i love you" she said hugging me 

"i love you too" i said hugging her back

"So, are you gonna tell me now?" 

shit. i mentally cursed to myself, shes not letting this go.

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