Chapter 3: A new day, A new world

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I woke up to the Sun shining brightly in my face. For a moment I thought I was at home and everything that occurred yesterday was only a dream...then I heard a loud clatter from downstairs as well as the wafting smell of hamburgers. Yep, I'm still here. I thought while inhaling the smell of freshly cooked junk food.
I made my way downstairs, using the hamburger scent as my guide; it was kinda weird since I slept in the same clothes I wore both yesterday and today although, America did say we would shop for clothes today so I doubt I'm going to be wearing the same clothes for a month. I arrived in the kitchen where I saw the tall, blonde American wearing an apron cooking burgers for breakfast. Yeah, I'm not sure if I'm going to get used to this any time soon.
I snuck up behind America as he hummed the tune to 'Hamburger Street' as he cooked. Swallowing my laughter, I put my mouth close enough to his ear and whispered "Boo."
I never expected him to react like he did, though. It was more of an overreaction. America not only shrieked but he threw the frying pan in the air which sent the burgers (and some cooking oil) flying; they landed on the floor. "Wh-wh-What the heck (y/n)?!" America turned to me looking quite shaken *not stirred, hehe*.
I giggled. "Sorry, America but it just had to be done."
"Oh well...I guess..." America frowned and looked at the floor burgers.
I began to feel guilty for making America feel upset about me ruining his burgers. "I'm sorry America. Can I do anything to make it up to you?"
He thought for a moment. "Two things," He grinned. Uh oh. "Number one, you need to help me make more burgers! Number two, for the rest of the day you refer to me as "my hero", got it?"
"What? No way in hell am I calling you my hero!" I objected.
"You said anything. That is anything." America countered.
I groaned. "Fine. Is that all 'my hero'?"
"Yup. Now come on and help me make more burgers!"
I smiled at his enthusiasm. I was truly happy to be here.
We finally finished making around 10 burgers by the time midday came. The outcome was honestly not that bad, in my opinion. "So, are we shopping today?" I asked before taking a bite out of one of the freshly cooked burgers. Mm.
"I was talking to the others last night and France and England want to give you an outfit each." America replied. He then took a rather large bite out of his burger.
Okay then. I shrugged and continued to eat my burger. I wondered what France had prepared for my outfit, he was very fashionable and French coture has always appealed to me, although, I hoped he hadn't prepared anything too girly. I didn't mind girly, I don't mind skirts or dresses either but I minded if they were too puffy. I then began to think about what England had prepared for me seeing as he is quite competitive when it comes to going against France. I remembered how often they insulted each other and went against each other. I was hoping Britain would give me a casual outfit, kind of punk-ish maybe.
*Arriving in France*
"(Y/n)!" Paris cried from the distance although it didn't take that long for her to get to me.
The cheerful girl wrapped her arms tightly around me as if we had known each other for years but haven't seen each other in a long time. "Hey!" I smiled.
The girl was noticeably 5'7 and a very good hugger. "Oh, mon frere has prepared an outfit for you." She smiled as France walked over with a bag in hand.
"This is for you, mademoiselle." He handed the bag over and grinned flirtatiously.
From the corner of my eye I could see America who seemed irritated with the French boy's actions. I shrugged and opened the bag to find a white and blue dress. The top half which covered the chest area was white while the rest was like a blue flowing skirt that reached to around my knees. As well as the dress France had given me matching white flats with a blue bow on each shoes outer side. However, what really caught my eye was the adorable flower crown that was placed inside of a glass case next to the shoes. I carefully opened the lid and lifted the flower crown out of the box, the fragrance was beautiful. "Woah, who made this?"
"Ma so-" France began but was immediately cut off.
"My big brother." Paris quickly said.
"Thanks France!" I said, seeing what Paris was trying to do. I hugged France tightly which made him blush ever so slightly, I then hugged Paris. "You shouldn't have!"
"Yeah, you really shouldn't have." America mumbled in a harsh, sarcastic tone.
We waved goodbye to the French siblings before taking off for England, literally.

*Arriving in Britain*
"Hello, (y/n). It's lovely to see you again," he glanced at America. "Are you okay? Any idiocy rubbing off from this Looney?"
America smirked causing England to rage shortly. "Idiot." He simply said.
Britain handed over a gift bag with the Union Jack printed on it. "It's probably not got that much of a wow factor like what that frog and his nice sister gave you but I hope you like it."
I opened the bag, it was basically what I hoped for. Inside was a nicely folded pair of grey jeans that lightened around the knees, a t-shirt similar to Athens' one but it had the Union Jack on it but in a punk like style. There was also a black leather jacket and blue, white and red converse. "Again, it's probably not-"
I ran up to him and hugged him tightly. "Thanks so much! I love it!"
"No trouble really." Britain smiled proudly.
"Hey so where's Athens?" America asked randomly.
Britain's cheeks tinted pink slightly. "U-uh she's gone back to Greece already," he narrowed his eyes. "Why?"
"No reason." America said though it was obvious he was trying to hold back his laughter.
"Baka..." Britain hissed at America.
  *Arriving back in America*
"I got some pretty nice clothes today, huh?" I said as I fell onto the sofa. "I really live the dress, not what I was expecting! And Britain's was just what I needed, y'know? I especially liked-"
America nodded lightly and then left the room without saying a word. Huh? I thought. Could he be jealous or something? As I continued to wonder what America was doing.

= Alfred's POV =
I walked out of the room, remembering the outfit I had left on my bed for (y/n)...I hope she likes it, after all, it was made by the hero!

= Reader-Chan POV =
I worried about America at the same time I hoped I didn't say something wrong. "America?" No response. "Alfred?"
Just I called his name, he walked back into the room and clearly holding something behind his back, but what? "No one really calls me 'Alfred' that often."
"Oh, sorry..."
America smiled. "It's fine. I like it when you call me that...but weren't you meant to call me my hero? Remember the deal?"
I felt myself blushing once again. Gah, need to control my emotions. I thought while pressing my palms against my heated cheeks.
"So, what's behind your back, Alfred - I mean my hero?" I asked.
Alfred looked surprised and then confused. "O-oh yeah," He revealed to me a neatly folded pile clothes with a pair of combat boots on top. "This is for you."
I took the clothes from him and carefully unfolded them it consisted of: a pair of blue skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and a black jacket with the American flag on the sleeve. "Wow! Thanks so much Alfie!"
Alfred blushed slightly at the nickname I had decided to refer to him as from now on. "I'm really glad you like it."
"S-sorry. I didn't mean to call you Alfie without your consent..."
Once again, the American gave me a kind smile. "That's okay, you can call me Alfie if your comfortable with it more than America or Alfred. You can stop calling me my hero now, it's too much..."
I nodded and smiled back. "Okay then Alfie."

= America's POV =
(Y/n) smiled which made her look even cuter than she already was. I was happy that she was here and that she was with me though the only thing that worried me was when the month ended...she'd have to go home or want to go home...I didn't want her to leave, I was already falling for her! I wanted her to be mine, to be the heroine, my heroine...
Then again...Britain won't find that book again. It was in French and it looked pretty ancient so I doubt Paris would find it again, she's a bit of a dumbass after all...but a nice dumbass.

I needed to stop (y/n) from leaving or at least delay it...

I'm (Not) your Hero! (America x Reader x 2p!America)Where stories live. Discover now