Chapter 8: I choose...

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Alfred took the first swing which hit Allen right in the cheek causing him to stumble, but not fall. Alfred rubbed his knuckles though I didn't understand why he found it so painful... The 2p rubbed his cheek and grinned at Alfred. " 'that all ya got?"
Alfred could sense he was being challenged and charged at Allen but it was an obvious trap. The dark haired boy smirked and smacked his counterpart right in the face which caused him to fall backwards. I jumped slightly when this happened.
Alfred arched his back shortly after hitting the drenched grass; more like dirt. Mud splashed into the air making Alfred's jacket dirty and staining his shirt. Allen towered above the boy and grinned in a murderous manner, then, he kicked Alfred's side causing the poor 'hero' let out a not so manly cry. Allen chuckled, his pupils were smaller and his hair stuck to his forehead as the rain drummed down on every surface the droplets touched first. "What now, lover boy? You're on the ground crying in pain in front of (y/n). What does she think of that? Hm- argh!"
Whilst Allen was insulting Alfred, he never realized Alfred lifting his leg and hitting his shin which caused Allen to fall, hard. Allen let out an "oof!" sound once hitting the ground with a rather audible thump.
Alfred stood up. "I'm never going to give up." His voice was rough but he still smiled.
I noticed one of his lenses was cracked and his nose was bleeding a little, and it was because he was fighting for me. I looked to Allen who grunted as he tried to stand, I felt sorry for him and to me, it was abnormal to see him in this kind of state. Allen was often tough though this time, he seemed slightly weaker.

Allen was on his feet; he growled at Alfred and clenched his tanned fists. "I'll make you." He said in a low voice.
Allen stormed over to the wounded Alfred ,who took a few steps backward, and kicked him with power. Alfred was literally lifted off the ground as his body hunched forward before landing in the mud once again. Unfortunately, he was kicked straight into a thorn bush and as his skin was pricked by the Sharp, thick, miniature blades Allen smiled triumphantly. America struggled and whimpered as the sharp thorns scratched his bare skin and tore his clothes, he was tangled in the bush with only his glasses to protect his eyes from being poked out. "Need help, Blondie?" Allen asked in a sarcastic tone.
"Stay away from me!" Alfred sniffed as the thorns scratched his body.
"C'mon, give up. I've won don't want (y/n) to see you die right?"
Alfred mumbled something inaudible.
"I'm sparing you, and not because I like your stupid ass but because I care about (y/n)," Allen glanced at me. "You can't even protect yourself, how can I trust someone as weak as you with my darling, hm?"
Alfred slipped out of the bush, scratches all over his face, neck and hands. He stood and wiped his face of the blood that oozed from the separate cuts and stood. The boy breathed heavily and rain water dripped from his hair and face that mixed with the red blood; it made small splashes as the droplets hit the ground. For me, life froze. My life has been so frantic over these few weeks and I had two choices: stay with the boy I love or go home. Why does life have to be so unfair? I began to cry but neither of the two noticed. They were too concentrated to see the sadness in my eyes, to see the tears streaming down my cheeks and to hear my sniffles...

"She's mine!" America shouted though you could barely hear him over the intense rain.
Allen scoffed. "You think she wants you? You're such a loser, I don't understand the point of you fighting for her."
America huffed, purple and pink tinted patches of his exposed skin; His jacket lay soaked on the ground and areas of his clothes were ripped where Allen had attacked. Allen grinned and looked only drenched by rain. No scratches, no bruises. It was as if America hadn't touched him at all.
I stood watching from slightly further away as the battled for my love. I stood watching as America cried in pain while Allen kneed his stomach and face multiple times only for America to get back up and fight some more. I couldn't take seeing America suffering, Allen suffering... I had enough. As well as this, I feared if America was to die so would Allen... My final memory of them could be their dead corpses or them fading away completely. I couldn't let that happen.
"Stop it!" I screamed.
Allen pushed America who fell to the ground grunting; both men stared at me. "Please, I don't want to see anymore pain."
"Then choose me, babe. You know you'll be happy." Allen smirked.
"No, he's not the one for you y/n. I know you, you're better than this." America looked up with pleading eyes.
I sighed. Pain and sadness filled my heart but I knew this was for the best; I feared he would never forgive me but I was for him, it's what he wanted in the first place. "Okay. I choose..."

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