Chapter 6: Where's home?

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After spending almost a week here, I've leaned a lot. Firstly, Allen is a freaking monster and won't ever let me go. Secondly, if I disobey, I get punished...not the best thing if I need to get back home to Alfred - wait, what? I just recognised the 1p world as my home and nearly forgot about where I really came from.
Sighing, I slumped backward onto the bed I was forced to share with Allen. Thankfully he didn't do anything to me and just let me sleep on one side of the bed however, I did always wake up to him hugging me which I was slowly getting used to. Life here was dull and a lot of the 2p's fought with each other. Ever since the first day, Matt and Claudia weren't even speaking but completely avoiding each other. Whenever they saw the girl, whose name was apparently Athenais, they threw an insult at her before taking their leave. To be honest, I think Allen is the only one who's making me feel comfortable in a way although, I was missing Alfred with a passion. I couldn't forget the kiss we shared and the way he took care of me while I was there...but...was I falling for Allen? Or do I still love Alfred? Argh! I can't believe I've gotten into this situation where I have feelings for both boys...No (y/n), only Alfred. I told myself.
Just then Allen walked into the room. "Babe, want something to eat?" He asked.
He's really considerate..."U-um, I'm fine."
"You look upset," He walked over to me and crouched, looking up and staring into deeply into my eyes. "What's up?"
"I guess you could say I feel homesick."
Allen smiled showing his teeth even though one was clearly missing. "Which home? You have three."
"I don't know anymore, Allen. I really don't." I said as my heart sank. How can I feel homesick when I don't know which home I'm missing most?
"Then I can't exactly help you there, my love. All I can do is make this the most comfortable home you could ever live in, right?" The brown haired boy rubbed my knee.
"I was meant to go home at the end of the month..." I mumbled.
"I can't let that happen though," Allen sighed. "I'll miss you too much."
I looked at the boy with sad eyes, it pained me knowing that both boys would miss me; It pained me knowing that they would be hurting because of me. "I-I guess I'll miss you too..." I sort of smiled.
Allen stood, grabbing my hand in the process and pulling me up with him; It was obvious he was taller than me. The 2p wrapped his arms around my waist and held me closer to him, my face resting on his chest. "I've never really felt this way about a girl before," Allen murmured. "I need you, no other girl has ever made me feel this way."
I bit my lip. Wow, I've really gotten myself in a tangle now...I thought while mentally facepalming.
A while later, we made our way to the usual 'hangout', Allen insisting we held hands. I felt like I was betraying Alfred after liking him for so long and then him finally liking me back, now I was with another boy. Then again, it wasn't my fault I was kidnapped and taken here; Allen kept the book that I had tried to run away with in some sort of safe which I didn't know the code to. I did try to open it several times before but I had no luck.
At the meeting room everyone sat in their usual places...sort of. "Claudia, you said you'd have a cupcake but you never took one," Ollie whined. "Instead you -"
Claudia covered his mouth. "Never ever speak of it, understand?"
Ollie nodded obidiently. The 1p England would never take orders from a city...
"I made them especially for you!" Ollie grinned.
Claudia raised an eyebrow. "Thanks?"
I noticed Francois sitting while smoking a cigarette. He looked bored, extremely bored. "I hope you like it!" Ollie exclaimed.
"Ha, I doubt she will." Francois commented.
"What? Why not?" The ginger haired boy asked.
Francois shrugged and inhaled the toxic fumes before puffing it right out into Ollie's face causing him to cough; Francois snorted.
"Big brother! That was kinda mean..." Claudia pouted.
"I really don't care." The scruffy boy stated.
Yup, very argumentative. "Hey you guys, please can you stop arguing? Just once?" I pleaded.
Matt cleared his throat. "That's never going to happen."
I tilted my head. "Why not?"
"Allen, can you tell your girlfriend why? I mean, it's pretty obvious but I guess it's how her brain works."
"What was that, Matty?" Allen asked with slight anger.
Matt sighed. "Nothing."
I felt a sudden hand on my shoulder; I turned around to see Luciano grinning at me in a flirtatious manner. "Hey, (y/n)."
I smiled awkwardly. "H-hi Luciano, how are you?"
"I'm fine, I can see you are too." He winked.
Oh mah gerd...
"So- uh - what brings you here?"
Luciano shrugged. "Just wanted to find Oliver and get him to cook for me."
Both of us stared in the direction where Ollie was still pestering Claudia with the platter of pink cupcakes with heart sprinkles. "He looks kinda busy..."
"Nah, he's just pestering Claudia. Ollie's got time to cook for me." Luciano strode over to the two
"Ollie, make me something to eat will yah? I'm pretty hungry right now."
Ollie looked up at the smirking Italian. "But, Claudia needs to have one of my cupcakes."
Claudia grumbled something inaudible; Luciano turned to her. "Claudia, be a dear and eat one of the cupcakes," he held a knife close to her neck. "Or I'll kill you."
Claudia's eyes widened in horror as Luciano threatened to press the knife into her skin. I was annoyed how Francois ignored the situation.
I held onto Allen's hand with a tighter grip, I didn't want to see any bloodshed...especially because their appearances reminded me of their 1p's which I still missed.
"O-okay, Luciano. I'll take a cupcake." Claudia surrendered before reaching her hand out to retrieve one of Ollie's cupcakes.
"Good girl," Luciano said though his knife was still pressed lightly against Claudia's skin. She held the cupcake in one hand as the other was gripped onto the table. "Now eat it."
Claudia lifted Ollie's treat to her mouth and she took a rather small bite out of it; she swallowed. We all waited in anticipation, hoping she wasn't poisoned - I think some of us were hoping so, anyway. "Tastes good, thanks Ollie." She finally said.
I breathed a sigh of relief as Ollie's face lit up. "You're very welcome, Claudia. Luciano, I'll cook for you." He stood up.
Luciano took his knife away from Claudia's neck. The poor girl leaned down and rested her face on the table.
For some reason, I felt shaken up as well. Allen gave me a nudge. "You okay, dollface?"
I nodded, completely lost for words.
"Sit down, you don't look okay."
I was placed on one of the old, uncomfortable wooden chairs.
I sighed. I bet everyone in the 1p world is doing just fine...

= Alfred's POV =
"Guys we need to look harder!" I yelled in desperation.
We all scrambled around in the large, French library checking up and down for the book. I managed to get the Axis and a few others to join like Austria and Spain. The Nordic 5 said they couldn't help here but would try looking around their books for any spells; It was slightly irritating having Paris messing around with Athens and not taking anything seriously.
We only had one thing that firstly, told us (y/n) had been kidnapped and secondly, he told us it was him. Written in scruffy, rushed handwriting Allen had written:
Yo 1p's,
I took your precious girl from you.
Doubt I'm ever gonna give her back.
Bye, Allen.
P.S Alfred, I just stole yur girl.

I stared at the piece of paper that I had crumpled in my fist multiple times. How dare he! I shouted mentally. I was so angry. He stole the girl I had fallen in love with, I bet he was just going to take her and spit her out like every other girl he's played! I couldn't let that happen, not to (y/n).
"We have had no luck mon ami..." France said sadly.
"Sorry, mi amigo."
"Even the awsome Prussia could not find your magic book!"
I forced a smile. "Thanks guys but -"
I was suddenly cut off by the sound of squeeling. "I found it!"
I quickly rushed over to Paris who was jumping for joy. "The book?" I asked hopefully.
"No! My lost bracelet."
I was seriously about to loose my cool with this girl.
After whacking Paris on the head multiple times I felt a light tap on my shoulder; I turned around to see England and a spell book. "Athens found it."
I jumped for joy on the inside but on the outside I think I was just staring in awe. "Werr? Did you find the book?" Japan asked.
I took the magnificent hardback out of England's hands and showed Japan. "Veh~ So are you ready to get you're girl back?"
I nodded excitedly but suddenly  realised, I couldn't face this murderous bunch alone. Even as the hero, I didn't want to get brutally murdered in front on (y/n) so I figured I'll need an army...of countries.
I breathed in. "Are you guys ok with coming with me?"
Everyone stood silent and stared at me with dumbfounded looks on their faces. I do admit, it's a crazy idea but it'd be even crazier if I went alone.
"I'll come with you, mon ami," France finally broke the silence. "This is for true love, non?"
"I guess if big brother's gonna go, so will I!" Paris stated although France looked kind of startled when she said this.
"I'll come with you, America." England smiled.
Thanks, dudes. I thought.
"Me too..." Athens mumbled.
"Awesome Prussia is coming!"
"As am I, mi amigo."
"I'll be joining you and so will Italy." Germany said.
"I can use my surrendering flag!"
"No!" Germany yelled.
"I wirr arso come." Japan smiled.
"I must stay here," China smiled sadly. "I'm much too old."
"It's okay, I understand." I grinned. Okay, I've almost got my last person.
"I'll stay behind with China, da?" I nodded before turning to Canada. "You coming, bro?"
Canada nodded. That 'a boy!
"Okay," I began, handing England the book at the correct page. "Let's go rescue (y/n)!"

I'll be updating on Monday's, Wednesday's, Friday's and Saturday's. (I'll try to anyway)
I hope you'll enjoy!  =^-^=

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