Chapter 7: All is not fair in love and war

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= Reader-Chan's POV =

I rested my head on the cold, wooden surface; my hand being used as a cushion. This place was somewhere I was slowly getting used to and not exactly because I was forced to. "Babe, you look sad."
I turned my head to face Allen. I guess he's my new Alfred. I thought while smiling. "I'm okay, just need to adjust to this place and I'll be fine."
The room was cold and creepily quiet for a change. No one was arguing; My eyes felt droopy as I was about to drift off into a light sleep as both the dream world and boredom consumed me...
"(Y/n)!" A familiar voice called.
I instantly lifted my head to see Alfred and some of the 1p's standing in the doorway in a fighting stance. My heart filled with happiness but also filled with some sort of sadness and disappointment. "Alfred? How the hell did you get here?" Allen asked, his face shocked.
"Because I'm the hero!" Alfred stated; Paris whacked him round the head. "Ow..."
"Dude, seriously."
"Sorry, Allen but I want (y/n) back."
Allen laughed. "Hm, let me think...NOPE."
Simultaneously, Matt and Claudia stood up and stood either side of Allen at the ready.
"Let's get 'em." Matt growled.
At that moment, Matt marched right over to Canada and dragged him away from the crowd. "Hey!" Alfred yelled.
Poor Matthew squirmed around as he was being held tightly by the arm. "What are you doing with him?" England asked.
"Another hostage I guess." Matt shrugged.
"I'm not a hostage though!" I protested.
Matt shrugged once again, still clinging onto Matthew.
"You stole my girl and now you're taking my brother? This. Means. War." Alfred clenched his fists.
Claudia stepped forward and stared challengingly at Paris. "You ready, loser."
I could already feel the tense atmosphere between the two groups; they growled at each other like wild dogs. Francois groaned. "Can you guys take this shit outside?"
For some bizarre reason, the groups began to walk outside into the dull world where the flowers were dead and the sky looked ruined. By instinct I followed, my heart raced as I feared of what was about to come. What if the 1p's get hurt? What if Alfred gets hurt? What if Allen gets hurt?
I cared deeply about the two boys who had shown how much they cared, too. It was wrong and I knew I couldn't have the two to myself...
"Charge!" England shouted as he went straight for Ollie.
All of the members in the two groups began to attack their counterparts although they weren't go in very far seeing as they both have equal strengths.

I saw Alfred trying hard as he battled against Allen; he took every blow as he wrestled the murderous counterpart. Every time Alfred got hit I flinched and felt a lump forming in my throat. The tables turned when England knocked over Allen, that's when Alfred got on top. He raised his fist an repeatedly slammed it right into Allen's face. Allen's lip got cut when he accidently but his lip. I was on the verge of crying.
Suddenly, Allen grabbed Alfreds fist as it neared his mouth for the thousandth time and squeezed it. Alfred cried out in pain as he was thrown to the side.
"Alfred!" I shouted.
The blonde haired boy looked up, not at me but past me. I quickly turned to see what was so interesting; then I saw them: Scotland, Wales, Ireland and a new girl all armed with their own weapons though they weren't extremely violent. "Alistair! Back me up here!" England shouted as he tried to hold back Ollie who was trying to shove a cupcake into the 1p's mouth.
"Ay, Arthur. That's why we're here!" Alistair grinned while tackling Oliver to the ground.
England brushed himself off and Scotland pulled him up; Oliver was already standing up. Oh no no no...
"If you're not gonna eat my cupcake, I'll turn you into one instead!" He growled, a stained knife in his pale hand.
England turned around, scared. As Oliver charged toward him, the new girl pushed Arthur down while dodging the blade at the same time. "Ye always need your siblings to save you, huh?" She smirked, a Scottish accent was audible.
Arthur blushed in embarrassment. "No I don't!"
All of a sudden, I heard a loud shriek of pain - or what sounded like pain anyway. I turned around as I saw Athens getting stabbed in the arm by Athenais, blood seeped through her green shirt and made a dark red pool on the floor. I looked at them in horror, the gore...The fight. All because of me.
"Stop...please..." I whispered as hot tears rolled down my cheeks.
Nobody heard.
"Stop right now!" I screamed.
The two groups stopped fighting and stared at me in confusion. "I don't want this! No more fighting!"
Everyone still stared as we stayed as still as statues in a solemn silence. As if the world wanted to set the mood once again, it began to rain. Alfred stood up but winced in pain as he did so. "Well then I guess it'll be a one-on-one fight between me and Allen. I'm sorry I dragged everyone into this."
Another long period of silence.
"Someone help me take Athens inside!" England crouched next to the bleeding girl. "Leave them to fight."
Scotland and France rushed over, Scotland held her arms and France held her legs as England supported her upper body so the knife wouldn't go any deeper.
As everyone walked inside, they either wished Allen or Alfred good luck.

Once everyone was inside, I turned to face the two boys who were already standing at the ready. My heart pounded. I know who I love...yes...I know who I love!
I opened my mouth to tell them to stop but I was too late, they were already at each other...

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