Chapter 9: Alfred

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"I-I choose Alfred." I hesitated slightly knowing how Allen might react but I had to follow my heart.
As expected, Alfred's face brightened as he *tried to* run over to me; I was soon enough embraced in the hug I had been longing for, the hug I had prayed to get over the past week. Allen stood by, his expression was angry and upset.... I knew he was heartbroken but I knew who I loved, I knew I loved Alfred.
I had various reasons for loving him: he took me in and took care of me, he loved me and showed it. He fought hard to take me back and spent all that time to find a spell for me and I knew Alfred made me happy. I couldn't ever imagine a life without this blonde haired, loudmouth. My hero.
"Let's go home, (y/n)..." Alfred whispered softly into my ear and I nodded, my hair brushing against his destroyed jacket.
We began to walk but something stopped us - no - someone. "Don't you dare leave me, (y/n)!" Allen yelled, dispair was so audible in his tone.
I sighed but didn't dare to face him. "I don't belong here, Allen. I-I wanted to leave for a long time but you forced me to stay in a place that I hated!"
"But I care about you!" The 2p retaliated.
I turned around shaking my head. "How is that caring, Allen? How is kidnapping a girl and me in a place that I'm unhappy in caring?"
I grabbed Alfreds hand and lifted our intertwined fingers up in the air proudly. "This is caring, this is the boy you need to learn from!" I shouted before dragging a shocked Alfred inside.
"W-wow, (y/n)..." Alfred breathed while we walked down the broken hallway.
Once we got to the dead meeting room, I saw Arthur standing in front of the portal. Clearly, the others had already gone through.
The 2p's sat on the far side of the room and surprisingly, they sat together. "We have five minutes to get through that portal, guys," Arthur warned.
I looked to the far left corner where I saw a pile of smoking ashes. Alfred and Arthur looked in the same direction. "Oh, right. France burned their book. For once he was useful..."
"How'd you find it?" I asked, I thought I was the only one who knew where it was.
"We forced those two to show us," The brit pointed at Matt and Claudia.
"Yeah, well we won't need it..." Matt grumbled.
I smiled at the two. "Thank you, I doubt we'll see each other again but I want you guys to know... you made my stay slightly more amusing."
"We aren't a hotel y'know!" Claudia snapped.
"Just leave before Allen comes back, he's not gonna be happy." Matt sighed.
I nodded and squeezed Alfred's hand; he smiled as we made our way to the portal.
Arthur had already jumped into the portal which was now slightly smaller than before. I took one last glance if the 2p world and stepped through with my love, Alfred.
We stepped into a large library, many books were scattered across the floor. All were related to magic. Athens was sitting on a table with a large bandage wrapped around her arm where the wound was... where the knife was.
I was struck with the feeling of guilt, she got hurt because of me. They were all dragged into this fight for me, but I was glad. I was so glad to be back in this world with the one's who cared for me... to be back with the one. My hero.
I turned to face him and noticed the portal had fully closed though I played no more attention to it, I was too busy smiling like a madman. Life had given me so many good things to then match it up with the bad but this... this was the best thing. The man standing in front of me was my life and I didn't know if there was any other way I would want to live it but if it was without him, I wouldn't want to live that life.
Alfred looked at the floor and sighed a little. "I guess you want to go back home now, since we found the book."
I shook my head violently. "I can't leave you behind, I love you."
Alfred grinned and just like that, he kissed me. His lips pressed against mine instantly made my day, I could get used to this life... I thought as everyone cheered and whooped in the background.

6 months later

"Alfred?" I called out to my amazing boyfriend.
Over the months we had built a strong bond with each other, I helped him in his job and around the house. We loved and cared for each other, I was so happy.
"Alfie, where are -" I opened the door to the bedroom we shared, what I saw shocked me and I gasped...

Alfred was down on one knee with the most beautiful ring I had ever seen: it's gold shone brightly and the fabulous blue Crystal sparkled as the light went through it. "(Y/n), over these past few months you have made me the happiest man alive. I couldn't imagine a life without you. Will you make me an even happier man and marry me?" He smiled hopefully.
I felt like crying - of happiness of course. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" I exclaimed as he slipped the ring onto my finger.
After Alfred stood, I practically jumped on him. "I love you, (y/n)!" His voiced muffled in my hair.
"I love you too, my hero." I laughed.

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