Chapter 5: Another new world?!

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WARNING! This chapter has some swearing in it...just sayin'.

I awoke to the sound of unclear whispers. "Why did you kidnap this 1p?"
"She ain't a 1p, just a normal girl."
"Guys shut up, she's waking up."
At first, the whole world was a blur but then my vision became clearer. I seemed to be sitting in a concrete room tied to a chair and three men stood before me. "Hey dollface, you slept for quite a bit."
I stared at the brown haired, tanned man who grinned at me, he looked so similar to Alfred...
"She's not talking..." The man on the right said.
His hair was strawberry blonde that was tied into a messy, short low ponytail. This man wore a red flannel and jeans as well as sunglasses.
"Oh well, she can have a cupcake! Maybe that'll help her talk!"
The third man was ginger and wore a white shirt with a pink vest and blue bow tie and lavender trousers.
"Not right now, Ollie."
The one named Ollie sighed. "Next time..."
"Who are you?" I finally asked after (sort of) identifying them.
"The name's Allen, that there is Matt and he's Ollie. Your with us now, babe."
I stared at him, wide-eyed.
"Excuse me?"
"Ooh! Someone's been taught manners I see." Ollie exclaimed.
"For some reason, I felt jealous of 'Alfie' and I never get jealous of him. I had a feeling that it was you, so now you're with me."
It clicked, everything came together now. These are the 2p's. " did you get to me? Isn't this a different world?"
Allen smiled. "Ding ding ding! Give the girl a prize," he stepped closer to me. "Ollie found a book, we used it. Now you're here."
"O-oh...who did the spell?"
I narrowed my eyes in confusion. "W-who?"
"Her 1p is Paris," Matt looked to the side. "Claudia's a bitch."
"And you're an asshole." A scratchy, female voice came from behind.
The three turned to see who spoke although I pretty sure they knew who it was already. "Is this the noob?" The girl asked.
The girl wore a white shirt with a frilled collar and puffy long sleeves a long with a black skirt that stopped above her knees. She had long, Brown boots and a whip that was attached to her belt. Her hair was dark, almost black, and it was tied into a long, low ponytail; her fringe was swept to the side.
"Yeah, what's it to ya?" Allen answered.
"No need to be rude, Allen."
"I'm not."
"Claudia! Do you wanna have a cupcake?" Ollie asked excitedly.
Claudia groaned. "Go bother Athenais or some shit."
"No! I hate her..." Ollie folded his arms like a child.
"CAN EVERYONE JUST SHUT UP!" Matt yelled causing everyone to jump.
It was silence for a few minutes and then Claudia stormed up the stairs, Ollie chasing after her asking if she wanted a cupcake. Matt was still looking at the side wall and Allen stared at me as I stared back.
"Let's untie you, don't run. You'll regret it." Allen warned before loosening the ropes on my ankles and hands.
Allen pulled me up by the arm and held on tightly, dragging me up the staircase; Matt followed behind.
I was taken into what looked like a meeting room, there were very few people. I looked around; it looked destroyed almost. The wallpaper was ripped and scratched everywhere you looked, you could barely call it 'wall'paper. The floorboards were creaky and the room as a whole was dark and creepy.
Claudia sat with her elbow leaning on the table, her chin resting on her hand. Ollie was still pestering her with the platter of cupcakes he still had. Across from her, another girl sat. She had devilish red eyes and dark brown hair that was tied in high pigtails - similar to Harley Quinn's hairstyle (villain in barman btw). Her skin was fair though most was covered up by the black denim jacket that was worn on top of her red t-shirt. The girl also had dark blue skinny jeans and black knee high boots.
This girl must've caught me staring as she gave me a murderous glare while tightening her grip on the shiny dagger she held in her right hand. Allen tugged on my arm again and made me sit next to him, Matt however looked pretty pissed because he was forced to sit next to Claudia who looked even more ticked off than she already was; I tapped Allen's shoulder. "Why don't they like each other?"
Allen thought for a moment. "Don't know, babe, but I don't think you should ask."
"FINE, I'LL EAT ONE OF YOUR DAMN CUPCAKES." Claudia suddenly yelled.
Matt grunted. "Any louder?"
"What was that?" The French girl questioned, slamming her fist on the table.
"I said: Any louder!" Matt spoke through gritted teeth.
The two were literally 2 inches or so away from from each others faces, growling like two angered lions. I opened my mouth to begin some sort of "do not fight" lecture but it was too late as the girl from earlier walked over and purposely shoved Claudia into Matt; she burst out laughing.
The other two had now not only gone bright red with anger but likely from embarrassment seeing as what just happened kind of alters their long reputation of hatred. "What the fuck! You know what? I give up. I'm out, aurevoir loosers." Claudia said as she stomped passed.
"Bitch." Matt mumbled while staring daggers into the girl who seemed to be laughing her ass off.
"THAT WAS TOO FUNNY!" She cried.
I looked down at the table, then looked to Allen who suddenly had his arm around my shoulder. "Why don't we get out of this joker house, dollface?"
Knowing I wouldn't have a choice anyway I nodded, I needed to get back to Alfred and I had to be alive to do that. I noticed that this building was as dark and eerie as the room we were in just now: shattered Windows, ripped curtains, broken pots and stands. Everything was wrecked. What happened here? I mentally questioned even though I knew I wasn't going to get an answer.
The outside was even more shocking than the building itself. Instead of a normal sunny day, the sky was dark and gloomy and covered with a layer of clouds. I looked around and saw a broken flower bed where the only plants growing were thorn bushes and weeds. I also saw a bench that seemed to have a book of some sort...
Without a second thought I walked over to it; Allen seemed to be stretching. It had the words "Spell Book Volume 8: Portals and more magic" written in fancy letters. My heart filled with happiness and excitement. Now I can get back to Alfred. I looked around, Allen was still stretching. Now's my chance. I thought as I broke into a sprint. I didn't get very far as Allen had grabbed my collar causing me to make an obscure choking noise; even worse, I dropped the book. "Where do you think you're going, (y/n)?" Allen asked.
He then grabbed my wrists and slammed my body against the wall, pinning me down. A rush of pain was sent throughout my head and back causing my vision to blur for a few seconds; Allen's face was inches away from mine as he smirked away. "Let go!" I screamed.
"Why would I? Didn't ya know, you're a catch."
The 2p laughed as I attempted to wriggle out, no luck whatsoever. "I just want to go back to Alfie..." I looked down at the concrete floor; tears began to form in my eyes, I was scared.
"I'm sorry, (y/n) but I can't let that happen. You're mine now." Allen said with slight sympathy before kissing my forehead as if we had been a couple for a while.
"I'm not an object! I'm human!" I yelled in his face.
"Yes, I know. Do I look like an idiot?"
"Yes." I replied *with sass*.
"You weren't supposed to answer that." Allen grumbled.
"Yeah, well, I did. Deal with it."
Allen tightened his grip on my wrists making me wince. "Don't use that attitude with me. You really don't want to use that attitude with me."
"I hate you."
Allen sighed. "Ever heard the phrase: Keep you're friends close but you're enemies closer?"
I nodded. "I've heard of it but think nothing of it. I think it's pretty pathetic."
For some reason, Allen smiled. "I think someone needs to teach (y/n) a lesson, don't you?" He roughly kissed me on the lips. "Maybe on loving your enemy, hm?"
Allen's laugh was evil and made him look dark and scary. I don't want to be here! I cried mentally. Alfie, save me...

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