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-in English class-

"What are you doing?"


"No, Satan."

"No need for sarcasm."

"Don't be so clueless then."

"Alright. Well, I'm just writing a letter."

"To whom?"

"To someone special."

"Oh... Who is she?"

"Who said it was a 'she'?"

"So you're writing a letter to some guy? Daniel, I know you like the back of my hand, cut the chase. Who's the girl?"

"Well, since you so desperately wanna know... she's a smart, gorgeous girl whom I love."

"Her name, Doofus."

"She's standing right in front of me."


"No, Satan."



"So uh can I read the letter then?"

"Not yet."


"Its not finished."

"Well, tell me when it is."

"I'm not."

"What? Daniel, your honestly not making any sense."

"What I mean is that I'm not gonna give it to you, someone else will."

"Thats stupid, why wouldn't you just give me the damn letter?"

"With that attitude maybe I just shouldn't give you anything then."

"No! Wait, okay. I do want to read the letter, but what's the occasion? That's the part that's puzzling me. I mean, you used to do these kind of things when we dated, but obviously that's not the case anymore... so why?"


"The letter will explain. Just be patient."

"You know I was never one for patience."

"Trust me, the wait will be worth it. I promise."


"And no, puppy dog eyes won't work either."

"Arg, your impossible."

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