"Maybe I do, Maybe I don't"

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I woke up in the white fluffy comforter that I've become all too familiar with and groaned. My head pounded a continuous beat and I closed my eyes subsiding the pain a little bit.

"You're awake," Tyson said

"What have I said about watching me while I sleep?" I turned to look at him and grinned

"Yeah, yeah I know, 'we're not in Twilight'," he said highering his voice to try and sound like me

"That's right, it's creepy."

"Does your head hurt?" he asked getting up from the chair

"Yes," I admitted and fell onto my back

"Well, when you sob yourself to sleep I would think so." he went into my bathroom and came back with two little blue pills

"Thank you." I didn't mean it for just the pills, I meant it for last night and the pills too. By the way he was looking at me I could tell he knew what I meant.

"You're very welcome." he said and then turned to leave I swallowed down the pills and then laid back down. I replayed the events of last night in my head and frowned, I shouldn't have been so rude to Jared. He was so nice to me and only wanted to help me, Tyson was the same way. Why didn't I let Jared help me? These damn anxiety attacks are getting really annoying.

"Caitlin?" Aubree poked her head in and when she saw I was awake she ran over to the bed and laid next to me "I have some news."

"Oh God." I moaned and giggled

"This is good news, very good news." she grinned and couldn't keep it off her face

"Well?" I urged her

"I'm pregnant." she squealed and opened her mouth in a huge smile. I did the same and sat up immediately

"Oh my gosh! That's amazing! It is amazing right?" I asked raising my eye brows

"Yes! Alex and I have been trying to have a baby for so long. I just hope he is as happy as I am." she sighed and stared at the ceiling

"Wait, you haven't told him yet?" I nearly shouted and she shushed me

"No..not yet. I'm going to tonight at dinner in front of everyone."

"I am so happy for you Aubree that's amazing." I gushed

"Honestly I think I've been pregnant for a while and just didn't put two and two together." she shrugged

"Well, how far along do you think you are?"

"Oh, no more than a month and a half."   

"That's so cool." I was honestly so happy for her, she's my only girl friend here and I can't wait for her to have the baby. Will I still be here when the baby comes a long though?


Aubree and I talked until noon about the nursery and baby names, we went down to eat lunch together and I couldn't keep the smile on my face when she told Alexander that she had a special announcement to make at dinner.

We parted our separate ways, I went back upstairs to my room to change into some gym clothes. There really isn't anything else to do around here. There's hang out with Aubree and work out, that's it.


"Whoa!" I said grabbing the nearest thing, which was the sheet to my bed and covered myself

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry." Tyson said a hand over his eyes

"Okay, what happened to knocking?" I screamed and scrambled to grab the clothes I was about to put on from my dresser.

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