"I just didn't obey your orders."

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Caitlin's P.O.V

My breathing became erratic watching a gun being put to Axel's head. Looking between Tyson and Vince I searched for some type of clue as to what would happen next. Nobody had moved or said anything and I saw Axel's hand shaking, he knew better than I that Vince really wouldn't hesitate to kill his. It wasn't a threat when Vince held a gun to your temple, it was a promise. 

"I thought I told you to kill her?" Vince seethed into Axel's ear. Axel gulped visibly before responding 

"You did. I just didn't obey your orders." he said each word carefully articulated, it was like trying to walk in a room that had mouse traps laid out everywhere. One wrong move and one goes off, setting every single one off. 

"I can see that." Vince looked over at me, I stepped closer to Tyson. He grabbed my hand and gently squeezed it. "Tyson you don't want used goods." he said smirking 

"Yeah, no. I know you didn't have sex with her." he said, my eyes widened. He told Tyson I had sex with him?! "That's how I know." Tyson said pointing to my face 

I pulled away from Tyson and stepped forward, I was about to say something. I have no idea what I planned on saying to make Vince remove the gun from Axel's head but believe me, it would've been fantastic. One for the books, but I was rudely interrupted by a new car pulling up behind Vince. A man who appeared to be in his later fifties stepped out of the car. He pointed a gun at Vince's arm and shot, he did it without hesitation and perfect aim. 

Vince screamed in agony and I had to bite my tongue to keep from smiling. Serves him right. He'll be fine, it's just an arm. His left at that and he's right handed. 

"It took me some time to realize what all the commotion was about on the news. Tyson this isn't about your mother, not this time. This time, it's about her." he said pointing at me, thankfully not with his gun. 

"She has nothing to do with how I choose to advance my plan." Tyson said. Vince was still on the ground clutching his arm. There was a lot of blood and I closed my eyes, the sight and smell were making me nauseous. 

"Hi darling," the man said kindly smiling at me "what's your name?" 

"Caitlin Winchester." I said putting out a hand for him to shake. He did and grinned again, his eyes looked remarkably like Tysons. And his nose and mouth were almost identical to Vince's. It took me a moment but I realized this was their father. 

"Winchester.." he seemed to be trying to place the name "I remember your parents, aren't they some of those folks funding you, Vincent?" he asked Vince knowing fully he wouldn't be able to respond through his pain. 

"What are you doing here dad?" Tyson sounded annoyed. I saw him nod towards Axel and he started towards me. He put a hand on my arm and pulled me towards the car 

"Wait bring her back here. It isn't exactly ideal but I have to meet the girl that got my boys talking again. No matter how uncivil the talking is, it's talking none the less." he was very optimistic about the whole situation. 

"Dad I only came to get Caitlin before Vince killed her-" 

"So you care about her? Like..you care about her?" his dad chuckled and looked back at me, "I thought I would never see the day Tyson Pierce fell in love with a little girl." 

"I'm twenty." I mumbled, nowhere near a little girl. Come on people this is why I'm here in the first place. 

"Tyson, go. I need to have a few words with Vince in private." he walked us over to the car "Son, do me a favor and finish your plan. See it through, make sure Vincent is behind bars for the rest of his life." 

Tyson only nodded and gently pushed me into the passenger seat of the car. Axel climbed into the back and then we were off. I closed my eyes and blew out a sigh of relief. I'm just glad to be gone from that wretched place. I only wanted one thing right now, though. 


"I know, trust me I'm hurrying." he said smirking at me. I rested my hand on top of his and he intertwined our fingers gently. 

"You guys are disgusting." Axel piped up from the backseat. I only giggled and looked out the window. 

I couldn't expect anything less than a helicopter as our form of transportation. I buckled myself up and clutched onto the seat like my life depended on it. I hate helicopters with a passion. If I could avoid them for the rest of my life that would be amazing. It took about three hours to get back to the hideout. I slept for most of it, I don't know how but I did. 

Tyson shook me awake and he pulled me out, trying to hurry and get out of the cold. Once we got inside Aubree was waiting and I hugged her quickly 

"I really can't talk right now." I said looking over to Tyson and she nodded and winked at me 

"Use protection!" she shouted and Tyson groaned in annoyance. 

We ran to the stairs, I barely used them but it was the quickest way to get up to his room. I giggled when we got inside. He slammed the door shut and cupped my face in his hands. My insides sang at his close proximity and I pushed us back to the bed. 

"I think I need a do-over," I said forcing him to lay down.

"Yeah, just to make sure it's perfect." he said playing along. 

I leaned over him and repeated what I did the last time we were in a bed together. I pressed down on his hands until my face was a mere centimeter away from his. He stared into my eyes and I smiled before pressing my lips down onto his. He wasted no time flipping me over so that I was the one on my back. I've never wanted to kiss a man more than I do right now. 

ummm....you're welcome

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