"What drug were you taking?"

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I was at a loss for words, I know. What was I thinking? For the love of all things good did you really think you were going to be able to escape? After all you did get kidnapped, it may not seem like it because your not in some nasty cellar but yes Caitlin you are still being held hostage.

"Did you hear me?" his voice was booming now and he was more than pissed that I was going through his files "Look Caitlin, in the long run you will thank me for what I'm doing."

"Unlikely." I mumbled

"Now you speak?" he smirked down at me, I had pulled my knees up to my chest and was trying to form a bubble around me. Which obviously wasn't working. "Caitlin I'm going to have one of my men guard your room from now on, oh, before I forget. Take off the necklace."

"No." I said gripping onto the pendant like my life depended on it.

"If you don't remove it, I will." his voice was low and threatening

"This is all I have from my mother." I whispered another round of tears surely coming my way.

"That's to bad. Take it off," he wasn't kidding and nor was I, I was not going to take the necklace off "Fine, I hope I'm wrong about this." he said seemingly more to himself, in a split second he was yanking the necklace off. I yelped in pain and reached for it back, Tyson went over to his desk and smashed the pendant open, some sparks flew and I just stood there confused

"What was that?" I asked my voice trembling

"Damn it," he got on the desk phone and dialed a number "Pack her stuff, call John, have all the men on high alert."

"No, please don't move me again." I started to sob, I'm so mentally exhausted it's insane. He walked over to me slowly

"Caitlin, calm down," he said grabbing my wrists "This is no longer about my plan. I'm trying to juggle that and keeping you safe. Just trust me, when we get where we're going I promise I'll explain everything."

"Stop touching me!" I screamed and pulled away quickly. My breaths were getting quicker and I felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. Every thing began to get blurry and very hot "Tys-"

Tyson's P.O.V

After I began to tell her we were going some where else she started to have a panic attack. I can only sympathize so much. Alexander busted into the room seconds later with her bag in his hand.

"You better not have left anything. They're probably not far from here if they have a loving bone in their body." I snarled and gingerly picked up Caitlin's body

"What happened to her?" he asked following me to the elevator, I looked down at her and frowned

"She had a panic attack and passed out." I replied as we went up to the roof

"Caitlin was perfectly fine until you told her we were moving again." he mumbled looking at the young woman in my arms. She was stunning, there was no way else to describe it.

"What do you care?"

"She's nineteen Tyson, she may be older but she hasn't moved out yet. Her parents have sheltered her for all of her life. For all she knows we're going to kill her." He said raising his voice. There was a groan and Caitlin stirred in my arms

"Are you going to drug her?" he whispered starring at the doors that were now opening

"No. I'm going to blind fold her." I said, she can't take another dosage of that stuff any way.

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