"It's an emergency."

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How does Tyson expect me not to be curious when he tells me that there's a 'dark and twisted' part of what he does. I can't help it that's who I am, I'm like Curious George. Except it would be Curious Caitlin, huh, it's got a nice ring to it.

Anyway, I got really curious and realized that I could just figure it out. I just had to find the moron that would let me see it all. And I know exactly who that person is. He would do anything for me, Jared.

It took me a little while to find him but once I did he didn't even hesitate to help me out.

"Why do you want to go see him again? I mean he's working and you've never done this before.." he said shoving his hands in his pockets. Come on Jared don't regain your common sense now.

"It's an emergency." I stated simply, I even sucked in a ragged breath for dramatic effect. And the Oscar goes to...

"Oh, right." he said and pushed three buttons in a row on the elevator wall. It was so cool, he pushed 3-0-7 and the numbers lit up green instead of white. I tried to keep the grin off my face, but it was so cool! It was the first time I realized Tyson was like some super secret spy of sorts. Except there was nothing secret about what Tyson does.

"Where is this place?" I whispered.

"It isn't another world, it's deeper underground that's all." he shook his head and stepped out into the hallway. This was different, though, there was an office with a glass window and a young man sat behind it. Jason showed him a badge and some double doors swung open to reveal an even longer hallway full of cells.

I bit my lip and quickly glanced back and forth, there were only a few people inside of them.

"Um, what are all these people doing here?" My throat felt dry

"How much do you know about this floor?" Jared stopped walking and seemed nervous. I think he realized he wasn't supposed to bring me down here, he was going to get in trouble.

"Enough." I said more sternly, he slowly nodded and continued walking.

We took a turn down a narrower hall and I heard a scream. A grown man's terrified scream and I halted. Jared looked at me again and started to open his mouth

"What are you doing? Come on, take me in there." I said, even as my voice slightly trembled the nagging curiosity took me into the room.

There were two parts to the cement room, it wasn't really big. Just big enough to have a glass wall and then a table and chair sat up on the other side of it. Except it wasn't just a table and chairs, it was a table and chairs, and Tyson with the man who stopped Vince from coming after me when I was there. I put my hand on the glass not saying anything. Tyson didn't look up from what he was doing and Jared pushed open the door that led into the other half of the room. All the screaming stopped and the man put his head in his hands.

Jared whispered something into Tyson's ear and he stiffened. I turned around as if that would stop him from seeing me. In all realness, the wall was probably one way. He probably couldn't even see that I was on the other side. The door opened and I forced a smile onto my face when Tyson stormed through and stood there. I was surprised, he wasn't yelling.

"Well, what was the emergency?" he mocked me knowing it was lie

"I need a chair." I said smoothly

"What the hell kind of emergency is that?" he looked down at me

"I need a chair so that I can sit and watch." I smirked and his face softened

"You don't want to watch this bab-"

"Excuse me, do not call me baby. Not in this situation. You can call me baby all you want elsewhere, right now is not the time. Another thing, you don't get to decide what I can handle watching and what I can't." I said crossing my arms "So, are you going to get me a chair Tyson?"

"If that's what you want." he said smirking and went to go get the chair. Usually, I would worry that this is wrong, that the man sitting on the other side of the glass doesn't deserve this. Not this time, though, he's still one of Vince's and he deserves whatever Tyson does.

Tyson came back and put the chair down behind me, I happily sat down and crossed one leg over the other.

"If you get too scared you know where the door is." Tyson said smugly bending down to my eye level

"Is that a challenge?" I whispered

"Yeah, if you make it through the rest of the interrogation I will take you out. On a real date." he said, a deal he knew I couldn't turn down.

"I'll do my best." I said and leaned forward to peck his lips and he smiled into the kiss.

"See you later." he said, I only nodded because I could see him.

The man I learned was named Carson was resisting beyond belief. I don't know how he does it, I would've cracked already and spilled my guts. Carson wouldn't even say anything, no words. The most Tyson was getting out of him was some strangled screams when he used water torture. I can't believe he can do that to someone, and not feel bad. He's making Carson is drowning, there's no harm done but still. I had to bite my tongue a couple of times and grab the bottom of my chair to keep myself in place. Is the date really worth it? Tyson can take me on a date, in my bed. That could be cute.

After only an hour Tyson helped Jared and handcuff Carson and take him to a different room. I tapped my foot persistently until he came back.

"You made it through?" he acted surprised but knew that it wasn't easy for me

"Yep, now you owe me a romantic date, out of this building." I said pointing a finger at him

"I know what I said." he said smirking

"Just checking."

"Why were you so curious about this part anyway?" he asked tilting his head towards the hallway. I sped up to catch up with him.

"Just that, I was curious." I shrugged and jumped when Tyson grabbed my hand. My stomach swirled with butterflies when he smirked down at me.

"Are you sure?" he asked moving his thumb up and down, I took a deep breath then nodded

"I'm scarred for life now, though." I joked

"In a weird way I'm glad you got to see and that you aren't seriously running with your hands in the air screaming." we both busted out laughing and Tyson waved to the guy that was in charge of opening and closing the door. He waved back smiling, I shook my head at this. It's weird to see him like this.

"Well, I can make a reservation for tomorrow night if you want." he said once we were on the elevator

"Yes." I said rather quickly, I blushed and swept my hair out of my face "I mean yeah, that sounds good."


Hey, everyone, I know that my updates have been far and in between lately but I'm trying to make up for it I swear. Plus it's not fair to all my new readers, or my very loyal readers who have been here from the beginning. I'm trying so hard I swear, but school has been crazy.

I am so excited to say that we reached 600+ reads, and very quickly approaching 700. It literally makes my day to see people just read my story. I appreciate you guys so much.

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