Part 5

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A/N : This has nothing to do with the overall plot of the book. It's a filler/fun chapter I added as opposed to studying.

I made up the game mostly to figure who gets the last beer of the case if two or three want it. I call it 'have you ever'. Simple game and very fun if you are drunk. How to play is you pass around the remaining beer (optional) person to person asking if the rest have done something the one with the beer has. If either of them has then the game continues, if neither have then the beer goes to the one who did. you can ask for some form of proof if it's really out there (tattoo or scar usually). Best if played drunk!!!!!

"Have you ever...... Been to a ball?" I asked, making both of the boys look at me like I was an idiot for asking.

"Once, and I was asked never to come to the annual Guild gathering again." Master Wallow announced, his face half dark with the glow of the fire on it.

"Never, but I will when I take over Tectus." Ignis chuckled, nudging Wallow jokingly.

"Three, and I usually stayed long enough to have an alibi for some prank or another involving paint and several portraits of my family. Ignis, your turn." I answered, handing over the bottle of ale that Wallow had gotten from the bar in the last town before we left yesterday.

"Huh..... Have you ever run away from home?" He asked, brows raised in question as he took a swig of the leather pouch and waited for us to answer.

"No, I'm an orphan so I never had the occasion." Wallow answered, looking to me curiously.

"Not including now..... quite often as a child. I'd go to the old castle that had been nearly burned to the ground about 30 years prior and stay until someone came to drag me back kicking and screaming." I shrugged, thoroughly enjoying this drinking game.

"I ran from home once and haven't looked back since. I was about 13, and got tired of living under my father's thumb like a rat scrounging not to anger a cat." Ignis announced passing off the bottle to Wallow as we waited for him to announce a question or bow out.

"I've got maself a good un. Have ya ever dueled with swords or daggers?" He asked with a raised brow expecting himt o be the only one and win the game, and the rest of the ale.

"Yes, I decided to force one of my guards to teach me and we dueled often." He cursed under his breath as Ignis shook his head defeated.

"Almost got ya!" He sighed handing it over with a long sigh.

"Mind as wel bow out boys, because i guarantee neither of ya have worn a corset." They simultaneously groaned in defeat as they realized i could name several things, as men, they would never do.

"Great! Beaten at my own game by a woman!" Ignis called, bidding his share of the ale gone from the game he suggested.

"One more round!" Wallow called, leaning over the fire with a wicked smile.

"Alright, but I have a list you would never dream of thinking of." I smirked, handing the bottle to Ignis who took a swig again.

"Have you ever set fire to a man?" He snickered looking like he was a child who learned to outsmart his parents for the first time.

"Yes, what can I say..... That man should not have taken the job of making a time barrier from fire magic." I shrugged making both men huff out laughing with both humor and surprise.

"Have ya ever lost a toe?" He asked pulling his shoe off to show the missing small toe of his left foot.

"Does it count if it was bitten off?" I asked, making him curse loudly.

"Prove it, princess!" Ignis snapped waiting to see the stub left of one of my toes. I pulled my right boot off and the sock underneath to  show the middle toe completely gone, barely even a scar left. I'd had the option to regrow it because fo the shifting thing, but I enjoyed being different like this.

"Have you ever worn a dress?" I asked making Ignis turn red in the face and nod barely holding in a laugh as he tried to explain.

"I.... Haha..... I had to go undercover to find a.....pffttt..... to find a thief at this fancy party when i had just joined Tectus." He managed before busting out into laughter resembling a donkey's hawing.

"Good on ya boy, nother round!" Wallow called happily. He had turned red with the alcohol in his stomach, looking like a jolly old man instead of the powerful Guild Master he is.

"Fine, go on and try." I snickered handing it over and throwing him a face as he pondered what to ask.

"Ever flown the coast?" He asked making me snicker and nod.

"Took a trip there about two years ago and when I was left with a sitter for my mother to attend a ceremony honoring one of her oldest friends marriage i flew as far south as I could in the form of a Danruf." I smiled, picturing the reflection of myself in the waves as I flew above soft golden sand and rocky cliffs.

"Damn it all to h^ll!" Ignis called passing the bottle with a glare directed to me.

"If this doesn't get ya girl then I'd better give up flat!" Wallow called taking a long drink of the still half full bottle before he began speaking the question, "Have ya fought in a war?" He asked, slamming his hand against the trunk making me shrug and back out. It didn't count to have watched it from the summer home as they tried to kill the royal family's only heir.

"Dragon war of the throne. We have different ages of warriors than you do. If ya can go full dragon than you can fight. I was 9." Ignis announced smiling as Wallow passed the bottle unwillingly.

"Have you ever been in love?" I asked, making Ignis stutter a 'no' and Wallow smile sheepishly.

"Married thirteen years with a daughter no less as infuriating as ye are." He smiled probably thinking of her as I passed the bottle to Ignis.

"I was about 4 and had a best friend. It shouldn't count, but i loved him. Mother sent his family as far as possible to avoid me seeing him ever again." I announced sadly when Ignis didn't say anything for a good minute after taking his swig.

"Ever gotten so drunk you can't remember how you woke up somewhere strange?" Ignis asked looking at Wallow expectantly.

"I remember every time I've been drunk boy!" He laughed, looking to me and waiting for me to say i had.

"I don't get drunk often, if honestly ever. I've woken on the roof once, but I can recall getting there. Ignis wins." I called making the boys yell in triumph. Ignis downed half of the remaining contents of the bottle in one go, and savored the rest for the rest of the night until we all fell asleep in our spots around the fire aided by the alcohol so it was a quiet night only broken by the sounds of the animals all coming to life in the darkness.

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