Chapter 4

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Chris P.O.V.

"...but what ever it is it's bad" Luna said keeping her eyes lock on the darkness with in the tunnel

"Bad? What do you mean bad?" I asked her

"I don't know, like what ever happens down there it's not going to good for anyone!" She exclaimed finally looking away

"Well, we can handle what ever it is okay. But it's the only way to go and we can't turn back" Jill said being the voice of reason, as always.

"Jill's right, we can't go anywhere else" I said, agreeing with Jill. Jill began to walk into the tunnel pointing her gun as she went. Unable to see anything I tossed my flashlight towards her, hopefully giving her an easier time seeing. Turning back to Luna I told her "I want you to stay behind me at all times and no matter what you don't leave my side, okay?"

She gave a sharp nod and with that I followed Jill into the darkness, feeling Luna's presence behind me soon after.

We continued though the darkness until we find a hole, leading further down, presumably leading to one of the many secrets of umbrella.

"I'll go first, Jill you take the back" I ordered

"Got it" she said moving to behind Luna, while I took her place at the front. I peered into hole, attempting to see how far down it goes, however like the rest of this tunnel I'm met with nothing but darkness. I go to head down the ladder when suddenly I'm thrown to the side and Luna sprints past and jumps down the hole.

"What the...LUNA!" I shout after her but she doesn't answer back. "Jill, come on." We jump down the hole after her, which isn't as far down as I thought and end up in a old cave, lit up by a few wall lights placed unevenly with the wires connecting the hanging loosely between each of them. Cautious of the new area and the dangers within, I aim my gun in front of me, taking the safety off as I do. Slowly making my way though the cave, while looking for any sign of Luna, we begin to hear the Loud squalls of the creators hiding here. Their cries become louder as we start to hear the sound of wings flapping before we finally see the bat like mutations the cave was harbouring. We started to shoot them down but each time we killed one two more would take its place, not wanting to waste any more ammo I grabbed Jill and ducked on the ground as the bats flew over us there calls becoming unbearable. However we were lucky enough they didn't do anymore damage then deafening us and soon headed over us and continued down the cave passageway; their cries becoming quieter the further away they went.

Jill was the first to return to her feet after the cave had become silent, once again."what were they?" She asked disbelieve in her voice."and how did Luna get past them?"

"I don't know, maybe she ducked underneath them as well" I suggested, this seemed to calm her down a bit, but worry was still clearly evident on her face.

"Yeah maybe, but we still have to find her. Let's go"

"Okay, she couldn't have gotten far"


We continued to follow the cave for a while longer, not seeing anything that could help us apart from some extra ammo we found in boxes, that were placed in holes on the walls; we found no sign of Luna anywhere and I could tell Jill was becoming extremely worried and to be honest I was too. She was just to innocent to be involved in any of this and what makes it worse she can't remember anything, she was like a scared child when we first met her, god only knows what she's like now, for all we know she could be scared out of her mind hiding some where. We have to find her soon otherwise...

I'm pulled out of my thought by gun fire coming from deeper in the cave. I look over at Jill, at the same time she looks at me and give her a sharp nod, which she returns before taking of running through the cave, I follow behind her but she's ahead of me due to her head start.

Turning the corner, I'm surprised to be met by the bodies of two of the creatures living dead on the ground, with a hole in their heads and Luna standing over them, a gun in her hands, panting. She looks up after while regaining her posture, while saying "glad you could join the party" gesturing to the two dead mutations on the floor."though your a little late"

"What the hell Luna, you had us worried sick" Jill exclaims

"I'm sorry okay, but the psychic stuff was kicking in again" she said softly, like a small child being told off by their mother.

"It's okay, just don't do it again, please"


"Right, now that that's out of the way were did you get that?" I asked pointing at the gun in her hand

"I found it"

"You found it?" I asked her skeptically

"Yeah it was in one of the holes in the wall"

"Right, so how did you know how use it? and know how to kill them?"

"I don't know I just did"

"Chris, don't worry about that now, we have to get going" Jill said breaking up my little interrogation

"Okay, but that's too good of a shot for a newbie"

"Well maybe she's just a good shot, okay. Let's go" she said taking Luna deeper into the cave

"Yes, ma,am" I muttered under my breath and followed the two.

Walking further into the cave we soon found some metal doors similar to the ones that lead to were we found Luna. As we got closer we noticed the build up of water that covered the ground up to the slope we were stood on top of.

"Looks like we're getting wet" I said, making the girls groan.

"Oh, the joys" Luna said, sarcasm lacing her voice.

"Let's just get this over with" Jill said walking into the water. She turned to us "at least it's warm"

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