Chapter 11

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Luna's P.O.V.

I made my way over to one of the cabins, hopefully this one leads to the station, but when I reached the door, the stupid thing was locked. I turned around, to see if the rookie was getting anywhere but by the looks of things, he's just looting. What a great use of our precious time. Facing the door again, I raised my leg and sent a hard kick into the hinges, knocking them loose and sending it crashing into the wall behind it.

I heard leon running up to me, probably cause of the door slamming. Panting he asked "w-what happened?" I slightly turned towards him, trying to look innocent.


"Okay...anyway I found a ke-" his sentence died as he noticed the door, open and hanging from its hinges. "Why?"

"Saves time?" He kept his face blank "no, okay" I gestured for him to lead and took a step back.

"Let's go" he said with a sigh

We walked though the cabin and out into the police station court yard. A few of the dead lingered against fence reaching their fingers though the gaps. Leon took the lead as we walked the stone path, towards a metal staircase. A police helicopter passed over us as we went up the stairs, a officer was signalling it over, urging the pilot to land, not noticing the two zombies creeping behind him. The pilot dropped a rope ladder down to him unable to land. The two dead crept closer as the ladder was moved in front of the officer, they grabbed him by the neck and bit down, ripping out his throat, he aimed the gun in his hand towards the chopper and fired in a attempt to kill the dead attacking him. The chopper began to fall, crashing into the roof we were standing on, hitting the officer, he was trying to help, in the process.

Leon edged forward, probably, to go help them but I pulled him back "don't bother, they're already dead"

"But" he tried to argue, before I stopped him

"No, there dead and even if one of them did survive that, they'd be dead soon, so leave it" I growled at him. Walking around the destroyed helicopter, I headed into the station, leaving Leon out on the roof.

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