Chapter 14

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Luna's P.OV.

This is gonna be bad "come on, we should go before what ever they dropped becomes active" I said as Leon began to open the door. He gave a sharp nod before heading inside.

I followed him through, going to head back to the main part of the station, but was stopped when the ceiling behind me began to break, one of the beams that was holding the roof up fell though and blocked the door. No way we get though there any more. "Come on" I said continuing to head further inside.

As we reached the corner, footsteps sounded from the other end of the hall, quickly getting louder as it got closer. Soon a huge figure came into view, it looked like a man but it's pale almost white skin and strong figure showed other wise. He slowly walked towards us, his loud steps becoming more and more intimidating. Me and Leon both raised our guns and began to shoot the thing in front of us any where we could, but our bullets did nothing and he continued walking towards us. Whatever this thing is, it was obvious, it was another experiment like me.

Leon nudged me, pointing behind us when I looked at him, indicating to put some distance between us and the monster. Doing so we pushed back to the wall, still shooting but it was having little to no effect. As it got closer we ran further back, closer to the door we entered, when Leon took out the shot gun he found. We both shot at him but only got the same results, nothing, until he was at arms length, when he dropped to his knees after Leon fired the shot gun at its head. I grabbed Leon's hand and ran around him and through the corridors. Passing through, we were meet with another licker, crawling across the wall, Leon once again lifted the shot gun and fired it, knocking the licker of the wall, shooting it again when it flipped itself from its back, an ear piercing screech came from the creature as it died.

Moving past the door, that lead to the stations entrance, we rounded the corner, ignoring the dead licker that attacked me before, and were met with the front of the chopper, that had crashed through the wall. Barely managing to squeeze past, we made it to the door on the other side.

Inside a few scattered boxes and a vending machine lined the walls, but the main feature of the room was the statue lined in chains on the back wall. Leon wondered of towards the vending machine while I began to examine the statue. Getting closer I noticed a blue card lay on some boxes close to it. Reaching out to pick it up, I didn't hear Leon's faint steps towards me until he spoke "find anything?" Jumping I quickly spun around, only to find his face barely inches from mine.

"Uh...yeah that...uh...key card...thing?" I stuttered, why the hell am I stuttering.

He backed up "alright grab it and let's go" he said completely unaware or just choosing to ignore what happened there. As he walked under the sky light, the glass broke, falling around him as a licker dropped on top of him. I reacted quickly aiming my gun and emptying my clip into its head, stunning the creature enough for Leon to escape its grip as I reloaded. Grabbing his shot gun, Leon helped me gun the licker down until the thing gave a dying shriek.


A/N~  alright I've got some new story ideas for when I finish this one either:

~One piece

~Fairy tale


~Attack on Titan

I need some help deciding 🙏🏻 any other suggestions are welcome

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