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(Authors note- Hey guys! Since this is my first story, I need all the feedback I can get! Feel free to leave comments and messages! My work is not edited so please excuse the small mistakes! :)

“Oh God no… no… no please-no… No! No! NO! Dean! Dean! DEAN! DEAN!” Chanel screamed. A tall boy responded to her call, from the house. He peeped through the door, and looking at a large carton which weighed double the girl who was trying to carry it –tilting on her and almost about to fall, he rushed out of the door. He was there next to her in a few seconds, completely lifting the carton off her. “What are you doing?” His brows knitted together as he carried the box and looked at her.

                She put her hands in the air, “You didn’t have to snatch it from me! I just needed help.”

                “Shut up,” he murmured and began walking to the porch, “go pick something your own size.”

She turned to face the truck. It was filled with cartons that were as large as the one she’d just tried to carry. With her hands on her waist and her narrowed eyes she displayed a classic expression of analysis. “There’s nothing here that suits my size.” Dean returned after he’d placed the box in the living room and stood next to her, folding the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows. “You’re right…” he agreed, but quickly he found something. “Here, take this!” He handed her a small basket. She looked at him irritably, but his face didn’t change and he continued to hold it out for her. Snatching it from his hand, she walked with her shoulders slumped, like a kid who’d just been denied an interesting job. As she passed him, Dean smiled and lightly pulled the end of her short pony tail. All he heard from her end was a grumpy ‘humph’ as she walked inside the house. Chanel put the basket on one of the cartons and threw herself on the sofa nearby and put her hands behind her head. Dean entered with four boxes all stacked on top of each other, his feet being the only visible part and his head nowhere to be seen. She saw him keep it down and dust his hands as he looked around the room, which basically looked like a store house. He whistled once and looked at Chanel with his hands on his waist. “Hungry?”

                She put on her puppy dog face and nodded innocently. A smile broke on his face. “Come on,” he said, jerking his head towards the door, “Pizza.” “Yeah!” she squealed and was up in a second, her small face lightened up with a big smile. They got off the porch steps and Chanel followed him, her gait involuntarily replicating his boyish style. As he got his Hayabusa (by the way, the love of his life) out, Chanel gladly stepped on the footrest and swung her foot over the seat until she spectacularly sat on it. Dean shook his head and laughed lightly, “Don’t have to dramatize every move you make”

                “Sorry, drama student here” she said, and as if to exaggerate the point she’d placed, she slid her hair band off her not-so-long-ponytail and shook it in the wind. “Unbelievable…” Dean whispered and continued laughing. He started the bike and rode uncertainly. Where were they headed? “Do you know of any places here?” he asked her. “Yeah I’d seen one… when we were coming today. I think it’s down to the left”. She was right. As the bike turned, it lead to only one restaurant…


                He rode the bike into the parking lot. As he slowed, Chanel got off immediately. “You go inside and order something for me too, I’ll be-” Dean looked up after he had parked his bike, but paused when he realized that she was a meter away and already disappearing into the door, “back in a minute” he completed.

                Chanel walked into The Shack and headed straight for the counter and placed her hands over it. A girl with long brown hair turned around and smiled, “Good morning, what would you like to order?”

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