The Rescue(Requested)

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Created By: LonkHeroOfHuryle

Requested By: MercyDingo4ever

Sorry it took so long to update >~< I just didn't know how to write it so... Yeah.. It took longer than expected. Sorry. I hope you enjoy this. c:

P.s. Narwhal edited some parts for me. c: Thanks' narwhal.


Zero and Axel were just chilling on the couch, since X was called in for a mission. So, like usual Zero and Axel were just chatting away about some random topic.

"I heard Iris was called in for the mission as well......" Axel started randomly munching on a cookie he found under the pillow. Zero raised an eyebrow, curious.

"Why was she called in for?" Axel shruged as his reply, and kept munching on the cookie. Zero sighed, being worried for the two.... He slouched on the couch, deep in thought. Axel sighed softly.

"Don't worry, they'll be fine.." Axel reassured with a slight smile. Zero didn't reply for a moment than stood up, stretching.

"Why didn't they call us, though?" Zero asked, quite curious. Axel shrugged.

"Not really sure..." There was a moment of silence.

"Why don't we just go help X? I mean... Yeah he can handle himself, but I have a bad feeling about this mission..." Zero looked at Axel who was thinking about what he said. Axel then groaned but nodded.

"Sure... Even though I don't want to go but, yeah... We can help him. He might enjoy our company!" Axel smiled, while zero just chuckled.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's get going!" Zero exclaimed walking out of the room while Axel was rushing to catch up with Zero.

//Time Skip To Le Battlefield//

Axel and Zero made it to the location, that Iris and X were supposed to be at. Axel frowned not seeing the two here.

"There not here! We should just go get some pizza or something...." Axel said, about to walk away when Zero stopped him.

"Wait...they are here, just somewhere around the area...." Zero said, while walking around some buildings.

"Do we have to look around?" Axel asked, whining.

"Yes... Aren't you worried about them?" Axel shook his head no, while Zero mentally face-palmed himself.

"Quit complaining and lo-"

"Found something!" Axel exclaimed, removing some of the furniture that was covering the hidden hole. Zero rushed over to help Axel and afterwards they were staring down the dark hole.

"Good thing we were made with flashlights!" Axel exclaimed snickering.

"To be very honest, I love how you're creator made you're 'man boobs' glow.." Axel exclaimed, laughing. Zero glared at him while whacking him.

"Ow... I was kidding... Jeez.." Zero rolled his eyes, jumping down the hole while Axel followed behind with snickers.

"Shut up already!" Zero yelled at Axel hearing some noises up ahead. Axel immediately shut up looking at Zero.

"What? You hear something?" Axel asked, quite curious.

"Shush!" Zero said, making Axel mumble something in response. The two were quiet, walking down the dark hallway, they can hear some yearling and screaming down the dark hall.

"Did you hear that?" Axel asked in a whisper.

"Yeah.. I did.." Zero whispered back. The screaming continued more but it was louder than before. Zero started running, the voice was familiar to him.

"Zero! Wait!" Axel yelled, trying to catch up with him. Zero stopped in his tracks, his eyes widened in surprise. Axel catch up with Zero, and saw what he was staring at. His eye's widened as well. Zero couldn't believe what he was seeing. He saw X on a wooden table(this is Narwhal's idea, lol) his hands and feet tied up, while Iris was craning a crane that was connected to the wooden table. X screamed in pain when Iris made the rope stretch his body more. X felt his body rip apart slowly. Axel stared while zero clenched his fists' together.

"What do we-Zero?" Axel stared at Zero who was walking towards' Iris, taking out his Z-Saber. Iris was laughing and when she saw Zero, she smiled innocently.

"Oh Zero! Since you're here, would you like to help me, dismantle him, slowly?" Iris asked, while Zero stared at Iris with anger. Zero gripped his Z-Saber harshly, and he stabbed his sword through Iris' chest. Iris' eyes widened, while letting her grip from the crane release.

"Z-Zero.... W-Why? I t-thought you l-loved me?"

"I don't..." Zero answered, removing his Z-Saber That was thrusted into her chest. Iris fell on the floor, Oil(?) spilling around her limp body. Zero let her slowly die, while turning around to see a sobbing X. Zero rushed over, untying(I don't think I spelled that right, ;-;) from the wooden table, and embraced him in a soft hug.

"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner..." Zero apologized, hugging X not to hard. X shook his head, trying to calm down.

"You shouldn't be sorry.... You didn't know this would happen.." Zero sighed, Picking X up bridal style.

"Let's head back.." Zero said, walking out from the tunnel and left behind an Axel who was poking the dead Iris, curiously.

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