Rumors fly.

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Chapter 2

“Water!” I heard someone yell and I squinted my eyes to see a very neon colored shirt running my way. As the person came more into view I noticed they were wearing a highlighter colored shirt and a purple skirt and knee high shoes. 

“Emma” I said hugging her as she jumped on me. Knocking my air out and I laughed. Gosh she was a crazy girl, what In the world was she wearing. 

“Didn’t you hear me calling you” she yelled bringing everyone’s attention to us. 

“Jesus calm down” I whispered to her. I never like being the center of attention, especially in school I was usually just a girl that went to school most people didn’t even know my name which is exactly the way I wanted it. 

“How come you didn’t tell me!” she yelled and I kept looking around glaring at people who were being nosy. 

“What are you babbling about?”

“You and Luke” she said in the ‘duh’ tone.

“What about me and that ass?” I replied as we began walking into school.

“You never said you guys were going out” she whispered her voice hurt. As I choked on the air that seemed to clog up my throat.

“What” I said my voice sounding like I had just lost my voice. 

“Yeah bit-och I can’t believe you didn’t tell me” she said punching me in the arm knocking me into the lockers. My shoulder hit them really hard and my head was spinning. Oh no! was all my head chanted.

“You stupid chicken head, I thought we were close and by close I mean like sisters, you were my other half -” she started blabbing on and my mind went somewhere else. Did the school think we were going out? Oh no everyone’s attention would be on me now. My mother! I gasped what would she believe.

“After all that time you didn’t trust me” she kept on going. 

“Emma!” I yelled stopping her from giving her speech.

“I am not going out with Luke” I assured her hugging my textbooks tighter. 

“Then why are people saying so?” she asked putting her hand on her hip challenging me.

“How should I know” I said dropping my books on the floor touching my temples. 

“Babe you dropped these” I heard the stupid familiar voice.

“What are you doing here” I hissed as I snatched my books from his hand glaring at him.

“Now that’s no way to talk to your hubby” he said smirking and I glared at him.

“You see even he says it” Emma gasped saying it

“Who the hell are you? A clown?” Luke told her seeing her outfit

“Listen Mr. Steroids go die in a hole me and my bestie are talking right now” she told him looking him in the eye. 

“Do you even know who I am?” he spat, and my eyes widen oh no. These both hotheads will end up killing themselves.  

“I know you know who I am” she said as she advanced on him her fist clenching and his were too.

“No I don’t know clowns” he spat his breath getting hard and I could see him tremble a little.

“Listen chicken shit I am no cl-” she began but I jumped in the middle of them.

“Guys no need for the violence” I said chuckling nervously pushing them away from each other.

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