Home breakers

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Chapter 1

“Pink flamingos in the pool

I smell like a minibar

DJ's passed out in the yard

Barbie's on the barbeque

Is this a hickie or a bruise?” 

I sang while moving my head and washing the dishes. 

“Last Friday night” I sang on the top of my lungs.  I was preparing to sang again when the headphones got plugged out of my ears causing my head to jerk back afraid since I was alone in the house.

“Ahhh!” I yelled grabbing the dish and hitting the unknown person.

“Aqua!” they yelled and I opened my eyes and gasped, in front of me was no other than Luke the towns ‘bad boy’ he was a gang leader. 

“What are doing here” I snapped angry that he made me break a dish that my mother loved. 

“Geesh can’t a boy check on his girl?” he joked and I glared at him but noticed the side of his face red and blood dripping down a little. 

“Oh my god are you okay?” I asked putting my hand on his face checking out the wound.

“Yeah except some crazy chick hit me with a freaking dish” he said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes. Grabbing a cloth I wet it and wiped the blood of his face. I bit my lip to not laugh at this situation. I mean who sneaks up on someone doing the dishes alone in the house to end up hitting hit by a freaking dish. It didn’t work since a small laugh came out and he gave me that look that said continue and you’ll die. I raised my hands and swallowed back a laugh. 

“So what brings you to my home?” I asked turning of the water and going to grab the broom to pick up the pieces of the broken dish.

“I already said why” he said in an ‘duh’ tone. Gosh this dude really is a jerk. 

“Well I didn’t understand” I told him and wondered how the hell did he get into my house when the door was locked.

“Hey! How did you get in? without the key?” I asked shocked and scared that he could get in without the key.

“Babe I do dangerous stuff for a living you’d think breaking into someone’s house would be hard” he said smirking and my eyes widen. 

“Get out of my house Luke” I snapped pushing him towards the door which let me tell you did absolutely nothing since he was a muscular guy and he didn’t even budge one bit. 

“Don’t hurt yourself” he cooed pulling my hands off his shoulder and pulling me into his chest,

“Let me go!” I said but it sounded muffled since my face was pressed against his chest.

I heard the door open and footsteps and I tried getting away from Luke but he held onto me tightly not even letting me move my head. I heard a gasp and that when I kneeded Luke taking him by surprise and turned to see my mother there standing shocked. 

“Hey” I said awkwardly hearing Luke groan on the floor. I’m pretty sure my face was red because of the lack of air by Luke’s chest and also because of the embarrassment. 

“What’s going on?” she asked confused and looking at Luke.

“Nothing” I said quickly while Luke got up.

“Just visiting my girlfriend” he said putting his arms around me. My eyes widened and I elbowed him and moved away from his hold. 

“He’s just joking” I reassured her 

“I’ll see you later Babe” he yelled as he walked past my mother not even bothering to say goodbye. What a rude jerk. 

“Aqua I don’t want you hanging out with boys like that” my mother said once she saw he was gone. 

“I know, I know” I told her going to clean up the pieces of the dishes since stupid Luke distracted me. 

“Your father was just like that and now look where we are” she started off and I held in a groan. I loved my mother and all but when she starts to talk about my father you can never get her to be quiet about it. She repeats the story in every way possible. My father was once a gang leader, he was the best one occurring to the borrow. My mother was naïve and had fallen in love with him at such a young age getting pregnant and having me at the young age of 17. My mother hadn’t wanted my father to know about me but him being him found her again and with a daughter. I had my father’s blue eyes and carried my mother’s blonde hair. My father had taken care of me and my mother and I think he truly did love her but he had gotten really caught up in the jobs the gangs had him do that he didn’t think of the consequences. My dad got busted during a job of trafficking drugs into the country and was now facing 25 years in jail. Thank god he had a good lawyer and they didn’t look him up for life. But he had been taken away from the age of 8 from me. Now I was 18 and it has been 10 years since I hadn’t seen him. I have no idea if my mother has seen him or not but I guess that’s her business. My mother and me have struggled with keeping the roof over our head since my mother came here by herself leaving her family back in London. I guess having me wasn’t part of the plan since my mother always had everything planned out. She is always protective of me and now having Luke bother me has really worked her up.

“Goodnight mum” I told her kissing her forehead and heading into my room. When will life change for us? Will I ever see my father? I think I need a vacation. 


Hey guys this is my new story be sure to check it out thanks




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