Vacation gone wrong.

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Prison Camp.

sweet chickx3 ©

Chapter 7

Aqua’s p.o.v

I felt myself being lifted , I tried to open my eyes but found out I couldn’t. What the heck? Forcing them to open , I couldn’t. I found out I couldn’t move my body either. What? I wasn’t in control of my body. 

“She’s regaining conscience” someone spoke out. Heck yeah I am. 

“It’s about time , this girl weights a lot.” someone complained and I felt my anger spike up. I did not!

“Shut up, weak little man your just mad she kicked you in the balls.” a voice of a lady spoke out 

“That wasn’t a fair game.” the man responded and I heard laughter. I felt myself being thrown on the something soft all of a sudden.

“This should help speed up her waking up.” the lady said and I felt something being poked into my left arm. Groaning at the pain it caused I felt a huge headache pushing its way to my head. 

“Ah, she’s waking up” someone said and I forced my eyes to open and surprisingly they did. Closing them quickly as a white light blinded me for a second. Taking in my surrounding I found bright flashing lights located on the ceiling. Quickly sitting up my body becoming tense. Where was I ? I held my head in my hands as another massive pain spread threw my head. 

“Here darling take these.” someone to my side said and I jumped clutching my hand to my shirt. Squinting  to see who was in front of me. The bright lights were shut down followed by normal lights turned on. I noticed I was on a metal bed. A lady showed up in front of me wearing glasses having red short hair and colorful green eyes. She smiled sweetly at me coming close with a glass of water in her hand. Not trusting her I moved my legs so they dangled on the side. My body ready to fight if anything went wrong. I was never the girl to ever get in fights but I damn well knew how to fight since my dad had made me practice in case of anything life threatening situations and right now I felt like this was one of them. 

“Here.” she smiled now in front of me handing me a pill and the water. I gently shook my head pushing back the pill she held in her hand. Nope I was definitely not going to take anything these people give me. Now searching around the room my eyes landed on the two guys that were located near the double doors. They looked mean and were muscular. Kind of like security guards. My eyes roamed back and fell on the frown the lady had on her face. Why was she sad? Did I do something wrong?

“They will help your headache.” she insisted holding up the water. I nodded but quickly put the pill under my tongue and smiled when the lady smiled as soon as she turned around I spit the pill on into my hand and threw it. Smiling even more when the lady turned around with a questioning look. I avoided her eye gaze and drank the water. As soon as my throat felt the water I closed my eyes in desire. I hadn’t noticed my throat being dry until the water soothed the awful taste of the pill and the dryness. Finishing the water I gently put the cup down next to me on the metal bed. 

“My I ask why I am here?” I asked the lady who seemed to be doing something on her phone. She looked up and smirked

“Darling you’re here so you can learn displince and respect , you will no longer be a criminal and end up like your father.” she spat , and I gasped what ? Me a criminal ?

“I have no idea what your talking about!” I yelled feeling angry she had to even mention my father.

“You do, your mother wanted this for you. She arranged this.” she said laughing. What my mother….

“You’re lying” I told her not believing anything she said 

“Sweet child , I do not lie. Now get up for you will be escorted to your cell.” she said motioning for me to get up. Cell?

“C-cell?” I whispered and she nodded. 

“Come here!” the 2 man growled as they grabbed my arms one on each side. Gulping in fear I glared at the lady and she smiled evilly at me. 

“Well , well looks like we have a newbie.” a girl who was tall but not taller than me said as the guard pushed me into the room. The room was all white with a bunk bed in the corner. The room wasn’t big and there wasn’t enough space. 

“Hi.” I simply said as I made my way inside the tiny room, it had no windows what so ever so I frowned. Why would they want me in such a place like this?

“Look, don’t get in my way of anything and were going to get along just fine.” she said ending the conversation I nodded and made my way towards my bed. Gosh people were not friendly here. I concluded as I sat down on the bed. Looking down at my clothes I frowned, they had forced me to wear a blue jumpsuit. Sure it brought out my eye color but I missed my old clothes. Surely they’ve heard of fashion?

Leaning back on the bed which was not comfortable at all I looked at the top of the other bed. It looked old and made me shudder. This place was definitely not the vacation my mom had planned for me. It was probably the opposite. 

Oh mom what have you done? I thought as sleep invited me into its wonderful land. Yet again.


Hey guys I know I haven’t been uploading as much on this story but I will now 

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Love you all <3.

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