Trayvon Martin: Zero Justice.

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You know what's some bullshit?

HOW THE FUCK DID GEORGE BITCH ASS ZIMMERMAN COME UP NOT GUILTY FOR KILLING TRAYVON MARTIN?! Can someone explain this to me? It's clear as fucking day that the big boned, fathead dumbfuck killed him. All the God damn evidence is laid the fuck out on the table!

The verdict disgusted me. The fact that the fucking jury sits up there and sees nothing wrong with the fact that Trayvon's dead blows me out of the God damn water. What; they had Paula Deen copied and pasted six times to fill the fucking jury? I can't even comprehend how incompetent these fucking people are.

It seems like only yesterday I learned of Emmett Till in 7th/8th grade. This system is corrupt; first Casey Anthony, then this bitch?

For people who don't know what second-degree murder is, it's intentional killing without pre-meditation. That is what Faggerman was accused of. He could've been guilty for manslaughter (homicide, 20+ years) if the fucking jury and the prosecution didn't do such a shit job.

The prosecution let the fucking defense win. It seemed as if no fucking effort was put into this God damn case. It's bullshit. There's so many aspects that could've been brought the fuck up:

• If the police told Zimmerfuck's stupid ass not to get the fuck out of the car, WHY did he disobey orders? Can't he get charged for that?

• Why the hell did he have a gun on him in the first damn place? What was your intent?

• They're all throwing this dumb ass Stand Your Ground law around, but why is it that the law doesn't apply to Trayvon in his defense?

• After shooting Trayvon, why the fuck didn't Zimmercunt call the damn police himself? OH.

• Zimmerclit said Trayvon punched him in the nose, but there was no blood on Trayvon's hands. Who says it wasn't self-inflicted?

• Did anyone else see Zimmerho wink to his lawyer before the verdict was read?

There's a smell of bullshit within this whole fucking case. It's clearly biased and wrong. That's why I pray to God this case goes to Federal Court. It'll be slow for Zimmerpussy if it does.

He better enjoy his little freedom now; people out here want to murk his shit. The jury ain't safe either. Fuck outta here.

Why are people blaming Obama, though? He doesn't control the judicial branch, dumb asses. -__- I never took Civics and even I know that. Most of y'all said "Fuck America" but y'all were live as fuck with your American Flag shorts and leggings on 4th of July. OH.

Zimmerfag's got one more judge to face; one person on the jury with a hoodie on his head, skittles and Arizona in his hand. And that'll murk him more than a gun will. BITCH.


Gettin' real tired of your bullshit, Judicial Branch.

PS: If you made a Trayvon Martin story, can you not? -_- I saw someone made a Trayvon Martin love story fanfic and the shit was NOT CUTE. You look ignorant and look like an attention seeker. Sorry, not sorry. IDGAF; @ me tho.

Next Chapter: You're Too Damn Grown! ===>

Gettin' Real Tired Of Your Bullsh-- (Supreme Nonsense by Ty)Where stories live. Discover now