Do's and Don'ts Of Wattpad Readers and Writers.

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This isn't meant to be a funny rant, but if it is...well fuck me sideways. xP

Do's Of Wattpad Readers:

- BE PATIENT. No one wants to hear you bitch about updating when that's your first comment on the story ever. If you want someone to update so bad, stfu and read something else in the meantime. People actually have lives outside of this.

- BE HONEST. Nobody likes a fake fuck who can say they like something when they really don't. Stop being a dickriding kiss-ass and be honest.

- ANALYZE WHAT YOU READ. Before commenting, don't ask a right-there question. Quit being a lazy dumbass and reread the fucking text.

Don'ts Of Wattpad Readers:

- POST AN IRRELEVANT COMMENT. Let's say there's a story and it mentions a cool cat and someone mentions their kitty cat dying January 18, 1999...NO ONE GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOUR CAT. EXACTLY WHY IT'S BEING EATEN AT THE CHINESE RESTAURANT. Make your comments relevant. In all actuality, if you post a stupid, irrelevant comment, I will not give a fuck.

- BE A NEGATIVE NANCY. There's always that one asshole commenter who points out every fucking thing that's wrong. If you don't like the story, LOG DA FUCK OUT. Then the bitches get mad when you be a smartass about it. Fuck outta here. Go about your B I and stfu. If you're so good at writing, why the fuck isn't your story up there at the same rank as mine? OH. Not to sound like a bitch, but it's true. You can't correct no one's spelling or facts if your fucking story title is written like a Facebook Status or you had your story up for a year and only got 1 vote since then. Join the Get Your Life coalition.

- POST A COMMENT FOR EVERY PIECE OF THE CHAPTER YOU READ. Comments are the shit, but damn. Put it into one comment.

- POST ONE WORD COMMENTS. That shit is annoying.



Do's Of Wattpad Writers:

- TAKE YOUR TIME. Don't push yourself to post often to please strangers when you have other things to do.

- BE PATIENT. Votes and comments will come to you.

- LIKE WHAT YOU WRITE. Don't continue writing a story you hate, you stupid cunt. :D

- BE CONFIDENT. Fuck whoever doesn't like your story. That's their problem.

Don'ts Of Wattpad Writers:

- BE A COPYCATTING CUNT. The most annoying thing a wattpad writer can do is steal the idea of another wattpad story. Take your fucking unoriginal ass on somewhere. I have dealt with copycatting, can't fucking write their own shit, trifling motherfuckers all through my time on Wattpad. That shit is annoying. You look like a stupid ass bitch with no fucking life. You're THAT irrelevant that you had to fame-jack? L A M E.

- BE AN ANNOYING, ADVERTISING CUNT. Don't fucking come onto my stories and my message board asking to read your stories if you never commented on my shit or fanned me. FUCK YOUR STORIES. NO ONE LIKES AN ANNOYING CUNT. If you post the shit on my message board/stories every fucking day, I will get a-fucking-nnoyed.

- BE A FREELOADING BITCH. Freeloading bitches are the ones who only hit your inbox/chat/message board when they need something. Fuck you, seriously. Freeloading for fame ass. You're a bitch and you should throw your fucking computer away. -_-

Gettin' real tired of your bullshit.

Next Topic: People's Choice! (Comment with the next topic I should rant about. I'll pick them out of a hat, to be fair.) :)

Gettin' Real Tired Of Your Bullsh-- (Supreme Nonsense by Ty)Where stories live. Discover now