chapter 5- shopping!!

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'Hey tori you have been chatting with Harry for non stop could we possibly go out and do something?!?!?!' Alex yelled. Gosh does she ever become quiet.

' For the ninth time no!!!' I.said

'Why not?' She whined..

'Because im chatting with Harry ' I said

'Fine' she gave up easily...hmmm something is not right ill find out later I always do.


Harry harry harry! Oh my gosh I get annoyed by hearing his name all the time. I asked her nicely could we do something and she said no.argh what a stubborn ass!!! Well tile for alex to play a prank. What I decided to do is take her hair cream and put it on her bed a little bit of it and so when she sits over there the cream will go on her butt which will look as if she did something and hopefully the stain will stay until we reach the mall.after I was done.I went back to the lounge.

'Seriously victoria lets do something!!' I said

'Fine!! We will!!' Oh anything else but shopping!! I said to myself.

' No how about we go food seeing?' I sugggested

'How about a no now lets go and get ready' she said

'Fine mom!!!' I replied.

Once she was done taking a bath and stuff she sat on her bed on the exact same spot I put the cream and when she got up there was a stain..... muhaahahahahahahaha....... once we reached the store the stain was still there and people were staring at her......

'hey alex why are people staring at me?' She asked

' I dont know?' I said I so badly wanted to.laugh!

'Must be because I look pretty ' she said

'Yeah sure thats the reason' I whispered.



People are still staring at me hmm I wonder whats going on......

'Hey Tori are we done now maybe we could get something to eat?' Alex asked. Oh my gosh she is a hungry girl!!

'Sure lets go and eat mcdonalds!' I said

' yay!!' She literally dropped all her bags.and ran to mcdonalds...... crazy chic....


'Hey harry can we like do something??' Louis asked me.

I was talking to victoria he knows how much I love to talk to her!!

' no Louis not now im talking to.victoria' I said

' hmph fine!!' He said. Louis doesn't give up that easily something is about to happen..... eh oh well.


'People we have a crisis here......' I said

'We are all out of food???? No!!!!' Niall screamed

'No niall' I said

' oh ok' he said

'The crisis is that our friend harry has been spending to.much time talking to victoria than spending time with us we must do.something!!!' I said

' how about we pick him up and we all go to the mall and we could make sure he leaves his phone here' Zayn suggested

' Zayn that is a brilliant idea!!' I said

' I agree on this one!' Liam.said

'Me too!' Niall said

'Great! The mission starts now!' I screamed


Its quiet too quiet.....

'ATTACK!!!!!' louis yelled

Just then louis niall Zayn and.liam.came and grabbed me and took me to.l the car. They put my seatbelt on and to.the mall once we got there there were.some fans who wanted our autograph so we gave it to them and then we went off shopping...... seriously what just happened???

After we were done shopping well type of we just checked out stores I spotted a very fimiliar brown haired looking girl I looked closely and saw it.was victoria I rushed to her!

' hey Victoria' I said and tapped her shoulder when she turned around it was her friend. Oh no

'Hey harry!' She said. Gosh does she dislike me or something?

' hi im looking for Victoria' I said

'Of course you are she is over the Mcdonalds line' she said

'Oh thanks!' I said and went away.once I got there. I noticed that Victoria's butt was wet...... ummm I.think this is a prank....

'Hey  victoria mind telling me why your butts wet?' I asked

' hey Harry? What are u doing here and my butt isn't..... oh my god what did I sit on... ALEX!' She said

'You sat on Alex well thats not very nice' I said

'No I didn't sit on Alex I meant to say Alex did thid' she said

'Ahh makes much more sense' I said


HAhahaha he noticed the stain! I started giggling to myself and I didn't notice that Liam Zayn Niall and louis are staring at me.....

'Oh hi im Alex!' I said and took out my hand to shake with theirs

' hey im eh you know who we are!' Louis said

' oh my.god Louis what if she doesn't know us?' Liam asked

' oh then  if you dont know us search us on the net we are One Direction!' Louis said

' oh my god louis!' Liam said

' Haha its ok I know who you are' I.said

'Mind telling us why u were laughing love?' Zayn asked.... he called!

'Well you see my friend Victoria was always chatting with Harry and I wanted to go out so she wouldn't listen so what I did was I took cream and put it on her bed and when she sat on that spot the cream came on her butt and now it looks as if she has gotten a stain' I said

'Ahh a girl who likes pranks I like you' louis said

' I like u too but Niall more ;)' I replied

'Aww Niall she likes u!!' Louis said. Niall just stood there.not saying a word whatever is up with him?

'Niall you are quiet how come?' Liam asked

'I just dont feel like talking' Niall said

Weirrrddddddddd...... just then Victoria came back with an angry look.and my Mcdonalds wasn't in her hand.....opppssss.

'Lets go ' Victoria said and she grabbed my ear and pulled mr out of the mall owww!!!!!!


I grabbed alex ear and pulled her out of the mall seriously she embaressed me!!! Im going to do something really bad to her now too!!! Muhahahahahahahahahaha


Ok so this is me zahra I.hacked mishgaha account and updated this for her mishgah I hope u like it bye now!!!!!!!!

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