Chapter 8

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Tori's POV

Im really mad at Alex right now ,now thats it .Too many revenge taken no more ,atleast not infront of them .Infront of One Direction !!!

Im going to talk to her about this ,once we get home .

We reach home after 10minutes and Alex jumps out of the car and runs inside the house .Im mad at her at the moment but I cant stop myself from laughing at her .

I lock my car and go inside .

'Alex' I called out for her ,but got no reply .

'Alex just come out now ' I told her .

I knew she was in the bathroom .I went towards my bathroom and opened the door ,but know one was inside there .I could hear sounds of giggling from behind the curtain .I removed the curtain and Alex was there. She trued to run away but I got caught of her hand .

'Woah from when did you get that strong ' She asked me

'Well I don't know about that but I need to talk to you '

'Ok. ....but then promise me that you won't hit me'She replied

' why would it hit you ?Anyways just hear me out now! Im just getting a bit irritated by you taking revenge from me all the time , not only that but infront of One Direction .I get it that this revenge thing is not new .You love pranking and taking revenge but just stop it for now . ' I told Alex.

'Well I guess I can't do anything.You are always talking to Harry or doing something.You just don't realise that we are ina vacation togethet ,instead of giving time to me you are giving time someone you dont even know !!' said Alex

'Alex why don't you get it in. like him and lot of love him .He's like a drug im addicted to and I can't do anything about that and I do know him ' I told her calmly

'Ok I get that but you don't know him. You think just my reading about him and doing allyhat stuff will make you know him ,then you are wrong .You need to know him in person them you can do anything you want ,actually I don't even know why I'm telling you all this because you will not listen anyways so there is no use of waisting my time on this ' She yelled at me .She was yelling at me .

Why the hell are you telling at me ?I thought you would understand me but I guess I was wrong .' I angrily picked up my phone and head phones and left the house .I left before she could have said anything to me. I just can't believe it .I kept walking and tears fell down my cheeks .She didn't even try and come after me.

~ 2hrs later ~

Alex's POV

It has been two hours since she has left .Im starting to get worthwd about her now .She has never ever left like this for so long .I tried calling her but I got no response .My brain wasnt working at that moment .I was. totally blank .I had no idea what to do .Where could she had gone ? Harry's house, but she doesn't know where he lives or any of the other lads or she might .I searched my contacts for one of the lads names and Niall was the first one of found so I thought of calling him first .Come on pick up .The line was ringimg but no one picked up .Then after a minute I heard about sweet irish accent .FINALLY! !!!!

Phone Convo

Niall: Elooo

Me:Hi Niall this is me Alex

Niall:Heyy Alex whats up ?

Me:I need you to do me favor ?

Niall: Sure and what is that ?

Me: Umm...Is Harry at home ?

Niall: Yeah. .why?

Me: oh ok.

Niall: Alex is everything alright ? You sound tensed .

Me: I had a fight with Victoria and she left the house .It has been two hours and she did jot come back.I thought she was with Harry thats why I asked you ?

Niall: What ?Oh my god !Alex wait ill just let the lads know and we all will go look for Tori ok .I'll be there in 10minutes .Dont worry ill be there !!

Alex : Thank you so. much Niall

Niall: No Problem

~ Phone Convo ended ~

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