chapter 2-Getting ready for the concert

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 I quickly went took a  quick shower and got dressed and left my house to go pick up alex. When I reached  alex's house she was busy eating food!!!!!!!!

'Alex can you ever not eat food  pleaese we have to go ,go and get ready ????? ' said victoria 

' hey what do you mean and u know  I can never live wthout food......... and im already ready ,lets go' replied alex

'really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh god what do I do with this girl' victoria

'k lets go then ' alex

Then we went to the mall zahra said she wanted to go get some coffee for herself while I was finding some make up for myself .

After my shopping I went to starbucks ,alex was waiting for me there ,then the most surprising thing happened that we heard some girls screaming away .When we went outside ,we saw the 'One Direction '  ................................................................................................................................................................

'omg omg omg Alex look its One Direction ' 


'what the hell alex ,what do you think you are doing '

Everyone started looking around that who was that girl who said that.

I got sooooooooooooo embarressed , i took alex's hand and ran out of their .I was quit mad at alex for doing  that ,but stil thank god harry didnt notice it was me .......................................................................


That was so much fun ,I wish harry would have seen victoria blushing like a red rose . Thinking of vitorisa in a rose body made me laugh ot loud 

'Why are you lauging ' asked victoria 

'nothing I was just thinking  of you in a rose body '

'why???????????????????????????????' yelled victoria 

'Because when I said all that stuff in the mall infront of all those squeakling girls and one direction you were blushing red like a red rose!!!!!!!!!!!!hahahhahahaha '  alex replied

 'oh god alex wen will you change , you r like this since I have known you ' said victoria 

' NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS ' screamed alex

 'hey you can slow down Ican hear u im not deff ' said victoria

' kk now when will we reach im tired of sitting in the car'moaned alex

' oh please can you shut up for a moment' victoria said angrily 

'he Tori I dont get one thing why do u always forget that I can never shut up ,thats actually the best quality in me ,you know ' replied alex

'forget  it here were home ' said tori (victoria's nickname )

' yes finally 'screamed alex

I ran inside tori's house and into the bathroom ,becausec if she gets in there to get ready she takes forever . 


While alex was getting ready ,I was checking my twitter if Harry tweeted or not ,and he had tweeted an hour ago saing " Excited about our concert tonight ".....................................................................................

After alex was done like in 15 ,20 minutes I quickly got my clothes and got inside the bathroom because we just had an hour left . I wore a purple shirt with harry's signature on it in black ,wth skinny jeans. Then I straighten my hair as fast as I could because the concert started at 9:30 and the time was 15mins to 9 ,and the way to concert is like 15,20 mins drive from my house so we had to hurry up.

'hey tori are you done getting ready because we dont have much time left ? ' asked alex

' ummmmmmmmmmmm..........yeah im done just wearing my pumps and coming '

' ok im waiting outside ' replied alex

i took my car keys ,locked my house and left for the concert 



Hope u like srry if the chapter was too long ill try and update as fast as i could thank u :)

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