Chapter 9

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Niall's POV

I wonder why Tori left the house ,it wasn't that serious.Its the same with Harry,we all just faught with him over the same thing but everything is finr between us....Its wierd.I think i should go and find the lads now and inform them about Tori . Where are they ?

''Louis finally I found you where are the others ,I need to tell you guys something and its really important!!''I told Louis .

''What it is it Nialler ?''He asked me with his innocent face .''Before you tell me let me call the others !!''


''What happened?''Zayn asked.

''Let me guess did you find yourself and girlfriend ?''Harry asked and everyone fell into laughter including me.

''Guys shut up its really serious and I think Harry will be the most concerned about this ''I said with a serious tone .

''Ummm. ..Niall is everything ok and what does Harry have to do with it ?''Liam asked worried .

''Uh....umm. ...its Tori she ran away from home. Alex called me and told me everything .She needs our help to find her. ''I said everything in one go without hesitating.I could see the fear and worry in Harry's eyes. He just ran to his room the minute I finished talking and all eyes were on me.

''Niall I think we should go now we don't have time and it's going to be dark in some time. ''Liam said.

''Ill go get the car keys ''Louis told us.

''Ill go get my shoes and I'll meet you guys in the car .''Zayn said and went to get his shoes.

''Liam you go outside ,ill go get Harry !!''I suggested and went towards Harry's room.

Harry's POV

Where could she have been gone ?Why did she leave like that ? Didnt she think about me for a second ?Wait whats wrong with me, she doesnt even know my feelings for her .Why isnt she picking me? Is she in danger ?

All sorts of questions were coming up in my mind .

I just heard about knock on the door. It was Niall.

''What is the problem Niall?''I asked him.

''We are going to find Tori ,are you coming because Alex is waiting at starbucks for us ?''Niall asked me. Ofcourse I want to come.

''Yeah I'm coming. I just. ...''I didn't know what to say.

''Harry mate trust me we will find her anyways where can she go she won't leave you ,Alex ,us alone w.ill she .''Niall tried to make me feel better thats the reason I love him .

''Ok. lets go we have no time to waste! !''I got up from my bed and went downstairs .Everyone was waiting in the car for me and Niall and I .

The ride to starbucks was really quite .When we reached there is saw Alex waving towards us with a sad face .

We got off the car and went to Alex.


''Hi guys .Thanks God you guys are here thanks for coming .''She told us.

''I think we should split up. in two so that it will be easier for us to find Tori and all of you keep your phones with yourselves so that if we find her we can tell eachother. Ok? ''Liam suggested that was a good idea.

''Zayn and Louis ,you. both go together.Niall and I'll go together.''Liam told us.''Uhh....Harry ,Alex you both can go together.??''

Ok so I was with Alex now. I have to find Tori with Alex and we both might find her first because Alex knows Tori more than anyone over here .We all went in different directions and made sure are phones were switched on.

Alex's POV

There was complete silence between Harry and I. A wierd sort of silence .The minute I thought of asking him where to go look for Tori first he spoke up.

''Uhh. ...umm. where do you think Tori can go ,where should we check first ?''He asked me.

''Lets go check by the lake side ?''I thought ,lm not sure but I think she will be there.

''And if we don't find her there we should go check on the beach near your house ,ok? ''Harry does give good ideas and I shook my head and went to the lake side ,near the park .

When we reached there ,Harry went to the back side of the lake and I looked near the trees and bushes. I laughed at the thought

that why will she hide in the bushes. This isn't the time to laugh and fool around for ,get serious ,I scolded myself .

While I was looking for her, I heard Harry call me .I rushed to the backside but he was standing there alone .I looked at him with a confused face.

''What happened?''I asked him.

''Did you find her ,because she is no where here. ''Harry said.

''Same here !!....So I guess we should go look for her on the beach now .''I told him and he shook his head and walked to the beach with me .

Harry's POV

The walk to the beach was quite long. I wonder where she is right now? Is she okay ?I wish we find her on the beach .She once told me ,that when she is upset or confused she goes to the beach or some place like that. Im not hundred percent sure but I think she will be there. My thoughts were enterupted

my a call. It was Louis. Have they found them. ?


Louis:'Hey mate did you find her '

Harry:'No not yet, Me and Alex are heading towards the beach '

Louis:'Umm. ..ok we are trying are best to find her ,Harry we will find her dont worry. '

Harry:'Thanks ok I'll call you if we find her ok '

Louis:'ok bye '

Phone Convo Ended

Alex went inside the hut to use the restroom while I was finding Tori.

I looked all around,when I found a girl sitting on the bench .I wish its Tori.I went towards the bench and tapped onthe girl's shoulder.

''Uhh. .excuse me ?''I asked the girl.

'Yes'When she turned around in. met her big beautiful eyes .My eyes were full of happiness and tears. I hugged her and she was shocked to see me there. Then I let her go after a long warm hug.

''Why did you go? You know how worried everyone is ?Dont ever do that Tori. Ever again and I mean it ''I whispered softly .I could see her eyes red from crying ,why was she crying? Ill ask her later. Right now I need to call and tell everyone .

''Come on lets go .''I held her hand and made her get up from the bench .

''Ok but where are the others?''Oh I forgot to tell her about the others.

''Oh yeah!! Alex is in the restroom. All the other four lads are looking for you .I need to call them up and tell them I found you. ''I told her .

I called the lads up and told them to meet us to the coffee shop near the Beach.When I was done talkimg to them .I felt Tori's hand leave mine.I turned around and saw Alex and Tori hugging eachother like they met after years.

After they were done hugging ,I informed them that we are meeting the lads at the coffee shop .They both agreed and walked to the coffee shop.

Author's Note

Sorry guys this chapter is extra long .Hope you like it .dont forget to vote and comment


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2014 ⏰

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