Chapter 4

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The next morning came too fast for Samantha as she forced herself out of her bed. She could hear the other girls snoring from their rooms and she preferred that she not see them after last night's ordeal. Though she wished to not deal with anyone today, she knew that Jacob would come drag her out of the shop eventually so gave her a mental pep talk as she dressed for the day.

Once she was done and ready to start the day, she headed downstairs and fetched some bread to munch on. As she ate, she realized that she could hear someone messing with the back door of the shop. Though she would normally be alarmed, it occurred to her that Jacob might have thought to not get her and her friends into trouble with the Blighters so soon. There was plenty of time for the girls to get into trouble on their own, Jacob's own mischief didn't need to mingle with their own.

"You're awake?" Samantha turned and saw her mentor standing behind her, the door he used was still slightly opened and a young man stood behind him. Though she was not acquainted with the man, she knew that he was a Rook just by his wardrobe. "I'm glad, we can get to work then."

Repressing a groan, Samantha nodded and followed Jacob and the young Rook. Her friends would probably appreciate her leaving a note, telling them where she went, but she decided against stalling as Jacob might not be willing to hear her out. Besides, they could figure out what she was doing at the very least.

"So, what do you have planned for me today?" She asked as he led her and the young man to a carriage. "What's with the ride there?"

Jacob instructed the Rook to take the reins before explaining that he was taking her to one of the Rook hideouts. "I'd take you by foot, get you some more training with scaling, but Evie insisted that I keep you out of sight for a while."

"Because of the Blighters?"

"Yeah, that."

If Samantha was willing to dwell on it, she would have theorized why he had an odd twitch of his lip when he spoke. However, she was still tired, and her brain wasn't quite functioning at a hundred percent just yet, so she chose to ignore his reaction and settled inside the carriage with him. The two were mostly quiet as the Rook took them to their destination until Jacob decided to ask for more information regarding the girls.

"So, what can you tell me about where you girls are from?" he asked, "How different is it from here?"

"I think we went over this already." She sighed as she tried to think of a way to explain her world to him. "Do you have anything specific in mind?"

Jacob nodded and asked what year she lived in. When she told him that the year was 2018, he laughed asked what the world was like in 2018.

"We have a lot of technology, a lot of what is being developed now has evolved to the point that you might hardly recognize it." She explained to her the concept of cellular devices and Jacob was astonished by the idea of having such intelligent devices. Of course, as someone who grew up during the early 2000s, Samantha didn't find the advancements as fascinating as Jacob did and maintained a neutral tone as she shared what she knew. "We have vehicles that don't need horses to pull them along, they run using gasoline and have to be maintained differently than these things." Samantha knocked her knuckle lightly against that wall of the carriage.

"Amazing!" Jacob was about as giddy as a schoolboy and she shook her head at his enthusiasm. She wasn't judging him for it, rather she was numb to the feeling and found it slightly amusing. "What else is there? You did say that this world was parallel to yours."

Samantha nodded, "Well yeah, the time periods are the exact same. Minus Assassins and Templars, everything is equivalent to my world."

"Oh?" he asked, "And can you explain to me how you know so much about us if we are to be subtracted from your world?"

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