Chapter 14

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Nicholas and James headed home for the night, feeling confused and ashamed. They didn't understand what was wrong with Samantha and they couldn't help but feel that somehow, it was their fault that she was like this. They should have refused Roth's offer, should have listened to their wives about how Roth was a dangerous man. They were accomplices to a kidnapping and what looked like a future murder; just absolute fools they were.

All they wanted was to not have their children go work in the factories. The thought of their babies coming home disfigured or not even coming back was a fear all parents had in this era. Nicholas' sons had already asked about the chance of them going to the factories after another little boy went missing while he was at work. The thought of anything happening to his sons shattered his heart, his wife wouldn't be able to bare the loss either.

James and his young wife had been trying for a baby for months, almost a year, and it would be the death of them should something happen to their child. If it wasn't so hard, they would have stayed in the countryside and been happy. If the farming life could truly provide for a family, they would have never came to London.

As the two men entered the old house they shared with a few other families, they found Evie waiting for them with their wives. Their wives had their heads down and barely peeked up as their husbands entered the building; James' mother-in-law and Nicholas' sons were already sound asleep. Evie waited until the two women were about to settle in for the night to make her presence known. To say they frightened of her would be an understatement; the women were terrified of the Rooks and Evie. Evie almost to offense to that but, given the circumstances, she couldn't really blame them.

"Hello, gentlemen." Evie greeted them, the men stiffened as the recognized the female Frye twin. She didn't think she was so notorious, she placed all blame on her twin for all the norority. "Don't look so bothered, I'm not here to kill anyone. Just to talk."

"We've done nothing to her."

Evie nodded, she knew very well who was to be held accountable for these turn of events. "I know you haven't, that doesn't include Roth however."

The two men didn't relax, if anything they were more on edge now than before. "What do you want?"

Evie took a step toward the men and handed them a bag full of money; some of it came from stolen goods that Zenin somehow managed to scavenge. "We need Samantha back, this will be the first half of your payment."

"W-wait..." James looked over at his wife, she gave him a look that begged him to take Evie's offer. "B-But our-"

"I have found a place for them to hide until Roth and the Blighters are taken care of." She assured them, having already discussed her terms with the two women. "It'll be guarded by the Rooks, you all will be safe."

Nicholas eyed Evie, he could see that she was being entirely honest with them and he didn't doubt that she'd keep her word. However, no matter how strong the Rooks became, the Blighters were always going to be a thorn in their sides. "Your offer is generous, however, might we add one thing to the agreement?"

"What might that be?"

"Jobs, good ones." He tossed a glance toward James, he gave the younger man a slight nod to show that he felt they should work with Evie. "Promise us that much, we'll help you."

Evie smiled and whistled for the Rooks, "Then it's done. Now tell me what I need to know, then the Rooks will take you away."


He hadn't been with the man for an hour and Jacob was trying to resist the urge to punch Roth in the throat; he was being tested past his usual level of tolerance with the crazed bastard. Roth had been going off about wanting to blow up a building that Starrick owned; he hadn't all the supplies yet but, Jacob could easily fix that. If he wanted to that is.

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