Chapter 2

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Henry had given the girls one of the three rooms that were built above his curiosity shop. He assured the girls that no one had ever lived in the two spares (one room was naturally Henry's former bedroom) and they were told that they would either live here or be moved to somewhere safer. However, those decisions were to made tomorrow and tonight was to be spent on the cold wooden floors of a dimly lit room. Samantha wasn't too bothered by the lack of bedding; true, she knew that their backs were going be hurting in the morning, but they at least had a room. Her friends had their complaints, but they too were grateful for what they were getting, and they took their circumstances with a grain of salt. The meal that had been given to them was filling, but not satisfying. These were modern girls with moderns tastes and while they could by on a poor man's diet, their stomachs were not pleased with the change.

"It could be worse." Jackie sighed, "We could just be eating dirt."

"Yeah, let's think about the bright side to all of this." Christina groaned as she tried to lie down on the hard floor. Henry had no spare mattresses for them to use; he mentioned that there used to be hammocks in the spare rooms, but since he hardly had guests who would stay the night, he had taken them down. They were given blankets and the idea of using some of them to cushion the ground had been attempted; sadly, they didn't offer much help, though Samantha had urged her friends to keep them on the ground. Her reasoning was that, with blankets beneath them, they wouldn't be as cold, and they would maintain heat throughout the night.

"Good news is that we're staying with the assassins." Samantha smiled at her friends, hoping to ease the tension. "At least we know that we're in good hands."

"True." Zenin nodded, "But won't we be a burden on them?"

Samantha shrugged, "Maybe they'll find a way to make us useful to them. After all, we're under their care so I think that it's natural for them to make use of us."

"I guess..." Zenin sighed and tossed herself onto the floor, forgetting that there was no cushion to protect her from harm. "Ow!"

"Dumbass!" Called the other three girls, there was no point in helping Zenin now that she had already harmed herself.

"Jeez, don't make them think that we're unable to watch over ourselves!" Jackie said while rolling her eyes, "Why'd you do that anyway?"

"I forgot!" Zenin growled, "And fuck you guys, not helping me out and shit."

"You did it to yourself." Samantha said dismissively, "But don't worry, none of the assassins heard you."

"Huh, what do you mean?" Jackie asked, "They live here, don't they?"

Samantha shook her head, "Not according to Evie. She said that they have a hideout where they typically live. This shop is rarely used by them; Henry comes over to keep his shop open when he can, but that's about it."

"Oh? Well, then that means we're all alone?" Christina didn't like that idea and cowered closer to Jackie in search of comfort. "B-But..."

"Calm down." Samantha said with a sheepish smile, "Evie said that no one will bother us here."

"Are you sure?" Jackie asked as she put her arm around Christina, "I don't know who would want to hurt us, but we did seem to make those people really mad."

"We've not done anything to garner interest from the Templars, I'll give the Blighters a pass because we did somehow end up on their turf."


"Those guys in the redcoats, they were Blighters." Samantha explained, "The guys we saw when we came here are Jacob's gang, the Rooks."

"Gangs?" Zenin repeated before clapping her hands together and demanding that Samantha explain everything about Syndicate. "Fill us in here."

The Assassins And The Dimension Travelers| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now