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The group of fey was like no other. There were many guards, but one human accompanied them. They stopped at the bottom of the mountain and looked at the girl. Their sparkly different coloured skin made hers look lame in comparison. The girl's eyes that were once so full of adventure and youth, were now replaced by stress and the tiredness of an adult. New scars covered her body from her many wounds that she had gotten in trying to get here.

The elder in the group looked at her. "You are now on your own, as we cannot go with you." His blue skin shimmered.

The girl nodded and bowed. "Thank you for leading me here Your Majesty." She looked at the fey around her. "I would like to thank all of you for helping me." She took a deep breath and started her trek up the mountain.

She twirled her long sword in her hand. It was crafted by the fey and enchanted to slice any creature that came in its path. The sun glinted off of the hilt and into the girls eyes. She moved the sword out of the sun.

Almost halfway up the mountain and she encountered her first challenge. A creature that was dark as night. Something that seemed strange since it was near noon. It had four legs and two wings. The girl had never seen a creature like this before. The creature attacked and she easily parried and sliced the creature in half. Her swordsmanship had gotten better over the years.

She continued to walk up the mountain, encountering creature after creature. She made it to the top and found a cave. Warily, she stepped into the cave and followed the path. She lit up a torch and held onto it.

The sound of water dripping off of the stalagmites was all that was heard. She continued to follow the path through the cave, despite the annoying voice in her mind telling her to run.

She came upon a large cavern. It was fairly large and full of heaps and heaps of gold. This, she thought, is a pirates dream.

She threw the torch aside, as light came down from an opening in the ceiling of the cave lighting the room. In the middle of the heaps of gold, was a large beast. It's black scales were about as big as a large dog, it's head bigger then a mansion, it's body was as large as a lake. She felt small next to this creature, and she sure as hell didn't feel like waking it up.

"Excuse me!" Her voice ran throughout the room, bouncing off of the walls. The large dragon blew out some smoke through its nose as it shifted to wake. It opened its eyes and they both fixated on her.

It's voice was gruff and raspy, like that of an old man. "A human? Why is there a human here? What do you want?"

The woman was scared, but she held her ground. "You see, I've come to collect a special sort of...amulet."

"An amulet eh?" The dragon leaned forward so it's nose was right in front of the girl. "What sort of amulet?"

The woman's eyes were wide with fear, but her voice didn't waver. "Some know it as the Cursed Amulet, others know it by the Amulet of Undoing."

The dragon huffed, blowing smoke. "Ah, that amulet. It's full of dark magic." The dragon eyed her suspiciously. "What would a human want with that amulet?"

She sighed. "I know of a man who wants that amulet more then anything. He knows it's here and he will kill for it. I want to move it to a different location, so that he won't find it."

The dragon looked at the woman, studying her and didn't say anything for awhile. He sat up and looked down at her. "Very well. I will give you the amulet." The girl sighed in relief. "But, you must not give it to anyone else at all. Once you find a new place, cast a spell so that no one can find it. Head my warning human, under no circumstances must you give this to anyone. Nor must you let them hold it. Keep it around your neck at all times until a place is found. Understood?"

She nodded. "Very well. I will follow your orders."

The dragon nodded slowly. "Very well then." The dragon got up and turned around shuffling through the gold. He lifted something from the ground and put it in front of the woman. "Take it out of the satchel and put it around your neck." She did as he asked. "The Amulet is made of Nenrl which is a rock only found here in Thalidien."

She looked at the amulet. It was silver and had red stones that went from the top to the bottom. She tucked it under her shirt away from sight. She looked up at the dragon and bowed her head in respect. "Thank you dragon for trusting me with this. Now I shall leave you to your rest." The dragon watched as she left the cavern and back out into the light.

The woman made it down the mountain and heard the noise of swords clashing. She peeked through the bushes and saw King Warrens men against the fey. The fearie King was wounded, currently on the ground trying to avoid any swords from hurting him.

She drew her sword and blocked a soldiers sword from beheading the fearie King. "Kava! You should've run!"

The woman smirked, when she looked into the soldiers eyes. "I beg your pardon Your Majesty," she looked at the King, as she sliced the guard in half. "I never run from a fight."

The Amulet (A tale of Eswor Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now