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“OMFG NO WAY” I exclaimed as I saw a woman who looked like the person I saw in the bathroom at school.

“We have to go now”

“I know her I met her at school she told me something was coming and I had to be brave but I didn’t believe her hear me out look she has something in her hands”

“Okay Zelda but make it quick”

I unbuckled the belt and opened the door and went to meet her I was about to speak but she interrupted me saying “Your aunt meant for you to read this it is from your mother if they found it they would know what they are not to know my Zelda I know you have so many questions but I cant answer them you have to figure them out yourself hurry now you don’t have much time they are right behind me goodbye princess” she said as she vanished and I didn’t see her again all I saw was a letter in my hand that had my name on it the letter on the table I was meant to read when I was almost kissing Josh.

I heard a loud thud upstairs and realised that they were upstairs and I ran into the ship sat down beside aunt Gina and she started the spaceship and the roof opened never saw that one coming then we took off once we were out of the house aunt Gina pressed a button and the whole house blew up bad guys and all.

“So is that meant to mean we are never coming back?” I asked.

“Most likely but I know you will want to come back don’t worry I’m sure you’ll see Josh again”.

“Aunt how did that woman disappear like that does she have magical powers wait, wait, wait do I have magical powers? Do I have a different form?”

I could hit her with questions all day but she got fed up and said “Enough”

“They are not magical powers they are your stars in action see that’s why I said you need should train there are no freelance questions in the royal court my dear now those stars on your neck are possessed by royalty and only royalty but if you do a deed that affects people like saving the life of a royal family member you get one star which allows you only to teleport which is what she does but you have a six which is rear only one person had six but you know what forget about it”

Then she put the ship on autopilot as she stood up and went to the wardrobe and pulled out a silver dress, which was kind of long but not too long and matching pants.

“Go down the ale and turn to the left and put this on and meet me here”

I obliged the room was beautiful it was filled with mirrors I took off my clothes and stared at my self for a little while I don’t look like a princess but I am travelling out in space oh well I guess things are going to change.

I wore the dress and pants, which were like my leather jeans but only softer and more comfortable, and the dress had an inner shirt, which was zipped on with those two on I look like a spy in an espionage movie the top was kind of revealing it was a v-neck which I’m not use to wearing because I know I have great shape but I don’t like showing it so I dress like a tom boy.

I put on the dress part and it looked good together very metallic.

“Aunt Gina by the way do you have anything to eat I’m kind of hungry”

When I walked up to her she was setting coordinates for where we were going and she turned around and looked so surprised like she had never seen me in a dress before come to think of it I’ve never worn a dress before you know only to church and when I was a kid.

“Zelda you look like a princess I’m so jealous and sure there is something to eat check in that cupboard” she pointed to a blue cupboard as she took out her dress and put it on just by snapping her fingers.


“I’ll teach you how to use you stars once you are done eating”

I opened the cupboard and I saw a microwave pop up and there was a selection of foods, which were not yet cooked.

“Pop whatever suits your fancy into the microwave and it will turn into regular food”

I took the one-labelled fries and chicken out it in the microwave and pressed the power button and I had fries and chicken weird right oh well I ate it and when I was done I put it on top of the cupboard.

“ Shall we get to work?” she asked.

“Yes we shall”

Then she pressed a button then all the chairs reclined and fitted into the floor then a weapons case appeared when the wall switched over and I saw guns swords I was in awe.

“Zelda your dress is not only beautiful but is made for battle when fighting I would advise to detach the gown part like this” she said as she ripped off the flowing part of her dress by ripping it revealing the guns strapped unto her thighs.

“Now you try” I did the same the flowing part came off but no guns.

“Time to get you fully equipped, this goes around you thigh”

She put a gun on each thigh.

“That’s all you need for now. About your stars lets start with the basics it’s all about concentration if you concentrate you can do anything.

“Let’s try teleporting concentrate on going down the ale then do it”

I concentrated and I closed my eyes and told my body to go there and I was there within a flash.


“Remind me to give you etiquette lessons after this no swearing on my ship”

“Sorry” I said still looking like an excited child.

“Now let’s try creating force fields” she held her hand out put her wrists together and before you know what’s happening a blue orb is around her it looked like a bubble I was going to pop it but then when I touched it I did move I got really angry cause it shocked me then I pulled out my gun from my waist and shot it at the orb this time my aunt exited the orb but it was still levitating I continued shooting.

“How do you do that?” I finally gave in and stopped shooting but I know Suzy wouldn’t just thinking of her reminded me about her so called twin telepathy I remembered I may never see them again and that’s when the gun fell out of my hands and I started hyperventilating I never liked my home but at least I had friends I would miss them my aunt saw that and handed me the letter my mum gave me and said “I think its high time you read this”

It had my name in beautiful cursive letters I opened it to start reading

Dear Zelda,

Cliff hanger sorry guys any who yes its me again and I know some people want to murder me in my sleep please don’t I am looking for covers for all my books and my poems may I recommend you read that’s right we are teens written by my friend @kayyyy98 sorry its o short I’ll try and upload soon love you all


ZELDA: Princess of the galaxyWhere stories live. Discover now