Chapter 1- The Beginning

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Me and Cam had been best friends for seven years now. I remember the day we met. It was the first day of third grade, and the teacher had announced that we had a new student. I was so excited to meet the new student because I had almost no friends and I just wanted to seem friendly to them since they didn't know anyone either. The student came into the classroom with the principal.
"Hello children. This is your new student, Cameron. Please treat him with respect and be nice to him. Thank you." And with that the principal left leaving Cameron alone in the doorway. He stayed there by the door and I couldn't help but notice at how cute he looked. He stood there with a smile that looked so adorable and his hair was just perfect. (In the picture above)
I was taken out of my thoughts when the teacher, Mrs. Terese, said something.
"Class please welcome our new student, Cameron."
"Hi Cameron," the class said in unison.
"Now let's find you a seat."
Because I thought he was cute, I really wanted to get to know him. For my luck, there was an empty desk right next to me.
"Mrs. Terese! Mrs. Terese! There's a free desk next to me, Cameron can sit here," I said pointing to the empty desk beside me.
" Why thank you for letting Cameron be your new partner Jenni, your so kind. " I got so happy as Cameron started coming toward the desk beside me. He put his backpack down and I noticed it had batman on it.
" OH MY GOSH! BATMAN IS MY FAVORITE HERO!" I yelled which startled the whole class, including the teacher. I started to become embarrassed when Cameron started talking.
" Batman's my favorite too. Seems like we have something in common," Cameron said with a smile as he sat down.
"Oh Jenni if you don't mind I would really appreciate it if you could show Cameron around," Said Mrs. Terese.
"I would love to," I said almost on instinct. I was so happy because that meant I could spend more time with Cameron and I would actually have a chance at making a friend.

"Okay class, back to our lesson. Oh, and Cameron if you have any questions feel free to ask your partner Jenni," said Mrs. Terese. I looked over at Cameron as Mrs. Terese started teaching the class about adding decimals.
"You add then bring the decimal down. And your answer is 4.52," Mrs. Terese announced to the class. "Would anyone like to demonstrate the next problem?" No one raised up their hand, until I turned beside me, and to my surprise, Cameron's hand was raised.

"Oh Cameron, thank you for volunteering. Nice to know you've already caught on with the lesson," Mrs. Terese mentioned as she picked on Cameron.

"Well I am a quick learner," Cameron responded with a smile. Cameron then got up and went to the whiteboard to do the problem. As he was doing the problem, I could already tell it was wrong and Cameron was stuck on the problem.

"I might not be that quick of a learner, " Cameron announced laughing. I raised my hand," May I help Cameron with the problem?" I asked.
"Why of course, go ahead," responded the teacher.

I went up to the board an grabbed a different marker and said with a sincere smile," You forgot to carry the number." I finished the problem and me and cam went back to our desks, and Mrs. Terese gave us a worksheet to work on.
I was writing my name on the paper when Cameron looked at what I was doing and said," Thanks for helping me on the problem. You seem very smart, Jennifer. " I was shocked at how he already knew my name.
"How do you know my name?" I asked. Cameron pointed to my paper and I giggled," Oh, haha. You can call me Jenni for short by the way."
"Well hello Jenni, my name is Cameron, Cam for short. But you seem cool, wanna be friends?"
I was so happy and nervous that Cam actually wanted to friends with me.
"No, I don't want to be friends with you, I want us to be best friends." Cam smiled and we high fived each other in honor of our new friendship.
All of a sudden Cameron gets and I had no idea what he was doing.
"Cameron, what are you doing?" I whispered.
"Just watch," Cam responded looking excited.
Cameron walked up to the front of the class and stood there. When no one noticed that he'd gone up to the front, he spoke up and said," Attention my new fellow classmates." The whole class turned their heads to the front of the class."I would like to announce that I have a new friend. No, I have a new best friend. And her name is Jennifer..."
"Marie Cruz," I mouthed.
"Jennifer Marie Cruz," Cam continued,"Jenni for short. And I also wanted to add that since she is now my best friend, we will always be best friends and nothing will change that."
As Cameron finished his speech, the whole class all ooooed at me and Cam.
"The new kid likes Jenni!" yelled one kid
"There gonna get cooties! EWW!," yelled another.
It felt kinda weird that my whole class thought we were a couple, but I kinda liked it.
The other kids kept screaming things at me and Cameron and we were just staring at each other.
Cameron looked like he was going to say something, but he was interrupted by the bell. Me and Cameron walked out of the door together and the whole class behind us started singing "Jenni and Cameron sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" I didn't really mind the class telling us we were a couple because Cameron and I were just friends, we weren't even a couple.

We walked out of class and to get our minds off of what had just happened, I said," So, I should really start showing you around." Cameron nodded his head. Our school campus wasn't really that big so all there really was to show him was the bathrooms, library, office, cafeteria, and playground. After I showed him that almost forgot to show him his other classes.
"Oh, I almost forgot. What other teacher do you have?" I asked.
"The principal told me I had Mrs. Terese for math and Ms. Montez for ELA."
"That means we have the same English class!" I responded in joy.
"They probably gave us classes together knowing we would be instant bestfriends," Cam said smiling. I couldn't help but smile as well, his smile was so contagious.
I then showed him his class and we started walking around the school.
"LETS GO TO THE PLAYGROUND!" Cameron shouted out of nowhere and scared me.
" Woah haha Okay," I said laughing at how loud he shouted.
"Race you!" and Cameron took of running.
" Not if I make it there first!" I shouted running behind him but catching up. I ran as fast as I could to get past Cam. I passed him, and he tried to run faster but I was already way ahead of him.
"Oh no you don't! You won't ever beat me!" Cameron shouted and talked me down to the floor.
"OW! Cameron! You cheater !" I yelled jokingly. Cam just stayed on top of me for a long time and I shook him off.
"Caaaam, get off," I said.
"Oh, um sorry. I just, uh, I liked us being on the floor ." Cam said nervously and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Your lying," I said knowing he lied because he rubbed the back of his neck. "Why did you really push me to the floor?" I questioned.
"I don't know, I just think your cute," Cam said smiling really big.
"Well I think your cute too," I said and hugged him. He hugged me back, then the bell rang.
"Friends?" Cam asked.
"Best Friends. Forever." I responded smiling. Cam smiled as well and we locked our arms together and walked to our class.

My First Fanfiction :)
Hope you like it!

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