Bad Boy : Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

2 weeks later


Its been 2 weeks and I haven't heard from Ray. I called and texted him , no reply. His mom called me asking where he was , she hasn't seen him either. I hope he's not dead somewhere. Not hearing from him makes me nervous. But I have been telling Shaun my issues and stuff, he gives great advice. Kai is in therapy sessions for her coke addiction. I haven't heard from Trevor since the incident & I don't want to talk to him. But its Christmas break and all I want to do is chill. So for the whole day today I just relaxed in my room. I felt normal for once in a while.


I was shivering and twitching, the drugs must be wearing off. I haven't eaten or had anything to drink, in days. Well, it isn't my fault. Angelo, made me do it. I should've known not to tell him about the suitcases. He was setting me up the whole time... I think Im in KayTee's warehouse. Right where Tyrone was killed. I recognize this room from anywhere , and its been extremely taunting as well. I know that I miss Sav. Its been 2 weeks, its torture , she probably thinks Im ignoring her, but Im not. Cant believe I actually thought about leaving her. But I want her to be safe. Im too dangerous for her... But no one is here with me right now. So maybe I can escape. I have a knife in my back pocket that they didn't confiscate . I twisted my wrists in the ropes. The ropes rubbed against my skin as I pulled the knife out the pocket and started cutting. Right when I was almost done, I heard the door slam. I cut the rope faster till I got it to fall off.

" Boss I got the needles!" That must be Kaytees assistant, John. From what I observed these past days, he's a definite ass kisser.

The room Im in was locked so I couldn't get out. But there was a wall of guns, I got two handguns off the racks and tried to open the windows. But they were sealed shut. So once John opened the door , I shot him in his leg. He screamed and screamed , I pulled him in the room then locked him inside. The hallways weren't guarded , so it should be a easy escape. I went out the back way into the cold winter air , and ran down to 1st & 15th. Which brought back many memories to the day Ty was killed. I kept running till I was at Savs house, I climbed up the balcony and knocked on the door. I was so hungry,it felt like my stomach was eating seemed like forever that she would come answer the door. God am I so glad to see her.


I opened my balcony door to find ray , shivering and pale looking. Almost like some of the life was sucked out of him. It was so scared, I know something bad happened to him. But he pulled me closer by the waist and kissed me. His lips were cold but I didn't mind. It made butterflies flutter in my stomach. Then I felt at ease, just to know that he is alive. He closed the balcony door with his foot, to not break the kiss then moved s back on the bed. Oh no, he is not getting away from questions that easily. I pulled away from his lips and he stared into my eyes .

"I love you." He said, which always makes my heart race. Its a unexplainable feeling. But I had to not get lost in his trance.

"Where have you been?" He dropped his gaze from my eyes and looked down .

"I was set up."

" By who?"

"Angelo, Bobby's brother. " Ray told me about how they held him hostage and everything. The suitcases. Then how Kaytees crew is still after him.

I told my dad I was feeling sick , so he bought me some food from Chipotle . I gave the food to ray. And he ate it so fast ! I know he hasnt eaten in 2 days, but damn!

"Im sorry ray. About all of this. "

" No... Im sorry for even having you dragged into this. I should've left you alone. "

"Ray.. My life would be boring without you. "

"Really ? " he grabbed my hands, then stared in my eyes again.

"Im glad I was partners with you then." He chuckled and I blushed.

We just relaxed for the rest of the night. Since he was so tired, from being at the warehouse. I just hope nobody finds him here. I don't want him to go through that again. At around 12 am I went downstairs to get myself a snack or something. Then in my dads office, through the crack, I saw him and Andrew Tyler rummaging through two black suitcases. One of them had cocaine and the other was a whole lot of money. Which reminded me of the cases ray talked about.

"Im rich, Elizabeth!" My dad shouted, then a lady stood from the chair. I didn't even see her there. She was tall, light skin , with long black dreads. I couldn't see her face. Her back was turnt. But she reached for the case of money and slammed it shut.

"You mean, Im rich." She laughed at my dad right in his face. Andrew Tyler grabbed the other case and stood behind her.

"Wait wha-what about our deal???"

"Listen Damon, you are 5 months late on your Payments. With that type of work ethic. I no longer need you under my services."

"No ! Please! They're gonna take my house away if I don't pay them tomorrow morning!" My dad ran around the table and got on his knees and begged, tears streaming down his eyes.

"I tell you what..." The lady , Im guessing who is Elizabeth, opened the suitcase and got some wads of money and dangled it at his nose . He looked like a dog staring a long- awaited treat.

"Ill give you some cash, and a little extra to get back on your feet. " She gave him the money. He jumped up for joy.

"But remember... You still owe me."

"Liz, I could never pay this back, this is almost a fortune."

"You have a daughter dont you? " Andrew spoke from the corner, with a grim smile on his face.


"I always wanted a daughter.. " Elizabeth said. She will never be my mother. Never.

"I cant do that Liz. Shes my daughter."

"Well you have to make a decision. I wanna know tomorrow. I could use a little help around my house." She began to turn to the door.

I rushed upstairs and entered my room. Then I layed next to Ray, quietly so he wouldn't wake up. The man I thought was the strongest & most fearless person in the world, cried and begged on his knees. I hope he doesn't sell me to that woman.. Im really scared. Dont know if Im gonna tell Ray or not. He has too much on him already.


I was awakened by Savvyn pulling my arms around her.

"Whats wrong??" I yawned.

" Cuddle with me." I chuckled and cuddled her closer into me. She smells so nice and feels so right.

"Ray..." She said quietly .


"Are you gonna leave me ?" Wow. I wonder what made her ask that question. Something must be wrong .

"Savvyn... Of course not." The thought of leaving her , makes me feel empty. Im too much in love with her to do that.

"Why'd you ask that Sav?"

"No reason."

"Your not hiding anything from me are you ?"

".....No. I just wanted to know." She yawned and closed her eyes. Her breathing was a little bit slower, so I knew she was sleeping . I know shes hiding something. Just have to figure out what it is....


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