Bad Boy : Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Present Day


" Beep! Beep!" My alarm clock rung in my ear. Louder than usual... The only time it gets louder is when Im... Ugh , Im an hour late for school..

I hopped out of bed and headed to my closet . I decided to wear something simple . Ripped jeans, sperries, long sleeved white shirt, my navy blue Abercrombie jacket, and along with a beige scarf. Then I straightened my hair with my flat iron.

After getting my stuff together I went downstairs and into the kitchen. I poured myself some cinnamon toast crunch and milk. Then I sat down at the table to eat with my dad. My dad was mean mugging me from across the table. I continued eating like I didn't notice.

"Why are you up so late?" He asks.

" I was studying all night long ..."

"You were supposed to be at school an hour ago. You had a meeting with the beta club, remember?" My dad takes a sip of his coffee and opens his sports magazine. I completely forgot all about that. Its not like we do anything in there anyway.

After finishing my cereal , I waited on my dad to finish up so he can drive me to school. It seemed like he was moving slower on purpose. Once we got inside the car, he began lecturing me.

"You must want to fail 11th grade this year." He said.

"No dad Im just-"

"No Savvyn, you cant let simple things like track and ensemble get in the way of your education. I wont allow it." Track isn't anything simple , neither is ensemble.

"But dad, you dont understand-"

"Dont tell me what I dont understand, Ive lived on this earth longer than you. No reason for you to be making these grades!" He fussed the whole entire drive to school . Once pulled up in front of the drop-off area , he sighed deeply and looked at me .

"You are very smart Savvyn , I just don't want you to end up like me ..."

"I'll pull my grades up. I wont let you down. " I unlocked the car door and opened it, getting ready to step out.

"Good ... make me proud babygirl." He said. I got out the car and closed the door. I walked inside school and put my things in my locker. The bell for 2nd period then rung. 2nd period is Geometry. It was the class I was on my way to , when I walked in . I sat next to my best friend Kai . Like always. Then I copied her homework because I didn't have time to do it last night. By the time I was finished with the last problem, Class began.

" Okay , so today were going to continue learning about-" Ms. Jepsen was cut off by Rayan.. He always comes late.

" Nice for you to join us Mr. Lopez."

" Sure ." He comes and sits right behind me...

I get a weird feeling whenever he's around me. Its just something about him that is so.. Interesting. Is it his long hair or tall lean body? Or is it just-

" Ms. Anderson!"

"Huh? "

" Whats the answer to problem 16 ?" Why does she always call on me?

" uhh..... 7x "

" You really have been...'out of it ' lately... You need to get on the ball." She turns around and continues writing on the board. Then I hear a low chuckle coming from behind me. I turn around , and its Rayan. Laughing while sketching something in his notebook. He is so cute. Why did it take me so long to notice this? Ive really been in the books too long .

" Well, its time for me to assign you to your partners. No , you can not change them And no, you may not socialize with others pairs. " .

She is so uptight and wack. I cant stand her teaching style. How could you expect to pay attention when her voice is so drone... Its aggravating . She started calling out random pairs.

"Rayan & Savvyn... You all may get into your pairs." Why did she put me with him, Im going to end up doing all the work. With that being said. Everyone got up and moved around with their partners laughing , talking. Reluctantly, I turn around to only find Rayan staring in my face.

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