Bad Boy : Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


I socked Angelo across the face. He refuses to tell me what Kaytee wants with me. I want to know and Im going to get answers from him one way or another.

"Let me out this shit man!." He shouted, struggling to get out the ropes.

"Tell me whats going on with Kaytee." I folded my arms and he stayed silent. He wants to be complicating huh? I reached in my back pocket and put the cool gun up to his head. He was scared but tried not to show it. I chuckled. Funny how someone who seems to be so strong , is weak in front of the gun.

" Tell me , or , you'll be sleeping in the cemetery ."

" Im. Not .Telling. "

" Im giving you one last chance ... " I got my gun ready to shoot.

"Even if you kill me... I already won.... 265 Plainwell Avenue. He's got hit men meeting there tomorrow to plan your killing. " he swallowed and blinked. What does he mean 'He already won?'

"Bye angelo."

"What?! I told you where he is man!! I cant leave my brother !!" He started crying .Then I pulled the trigger.


His head dropped and blood gushed all over the floor. Took a last look at his body, its a shame he had to die this way. I took his body and but it in several garbage bags. I cleaned up the room and washed my hands. I grabbed a couple of guns off of his gun wall, and put them in my duffle bag. I took Angelo's body to bury it the woods somewhere far away..

Tomorrow, Im going after Kaytee,
I want him dead. Im finished with all his games. Once I find him , Its Done.


It is the night of my party. My Aunt is out of town with her boyfriend. So Shaun , Kai & I decided to throw a party early. Everything is so far so good. The house is packing up minute by minute. The DJ is bomb and so is the food. I was a little nervous because Ray wasn't here yet, Im nervous on everyones reaction when he arrives.

"Bomb party Sav!" Someone screamed. I smiled and nodded. I don't even know half of these people. Im just glad that the party is going well. Until I spot Trevor... My heart started racing and Anger bubbled up in me ,each step he took towards me. Luckily a crowd of people swarmed between us. I took that chance to escape and find Shaun.

I looked everywhere, then I found him in the kitchen with girls hugged up on him . Smiling and laughing. They gave me dirty looks when I pulled him to the side .

"Did you invite Trevor?" I asked.

"Yeah. I invited everyone, you said I could. "

"Yeah but not him. " I rolled my eyes and ran my hand through my hair.

"Look.. Just stay far away from him, and you'll be okay. "

"I dont think that 'just staying away from him', will work. Trevor is sneaky and you know it. Get him out my house." Shaun was being too nice. I understand Trevor is his best friend, but I don't need him at my party. I was interrupted out my thoughts by these girls rushing past me to the living room.

"Rayan here? His fine ass." Some girl with orange hair said , & rushed passed me. I squeezed through the crowd and to look for him, but I couldn't find him. So I gave up and sat with Kai. She finally broke up with her boyfriend, shes supposed to be clean.

"Sav whats wrong?"she asked me.

"Shaun invited Trevor over and Im pissed of at him." I crossed my arms and leaned back in the chair. Then someone was tugging on my hair.

"Um ! Excus-.. Ray !" Ray was looking sexier than ever, but something on his face told me he wasn't alright. He looked pretty angry actually.

"Whats wro-"

" Don't 'whats wrong' me. Why did you invite that boy here? "

"I didn't invite him , Shaun did!"

"Well , get him out of here or I will." With that he headed up the stairs.i turn around to find Trevor coming my way, once again. Why is he being such a stalker. I pushed through the crowd once again. I ended up in the corner of the living room Then I lost him.. I took that time to cool off, and gather my thoughts together. Then someone grabbed my hand and pulled me outside.


"Trevor what the hell?!" I slapped him across the face. It was freezing outside.

"Just hear me out . Please."

"No , Trevor. I don't wanna hear shit from you!" When I reached for the door he grabbed my hands and kissed me. I tried pulling away , but he just forced it on even more. Which made me kiss back. His lips were so warm , I actually enjoyed it.. it cooled a fire that was burning deep inside of me. All the anger , embarrassment. I completely forgot about everything. Then he pulled away leaving me completely dazed .

"Ever since you came, its never been the same." he started.

"Savvyn, I am in love with you. What happened a few weeks ago. I can never forgive myself.. I hurt you when you are already dealing with , if you still hate me, I completely understand. Just know I will always love you.." he turned around and walked off the porch.

"Trevor , wait!" But he didn't stop , I watched as he walked further and further down the cold dark street. Till he disappeared from my sight.


She pushed me on the bed and started kissing me. I wanted to stop but. Her body is so undeniable. Our kissing was so rough and intense, the room got really hot. Then we struggled and staggered trying to take off each others clothes. Till we were completely unclothed. I climbed on top of her and admired her body. Gorgeous. Then, she bit her lip and pulled me down by my shoulders. We kissed a little more, and I was completely ready. I wrestled myself inside her. So tight and warm. I was throbbing. I grabbed her by her thighs and went in and out slowly. Her moans were so sweet. After a while of blissfulness, it clicked it my mind....Savvyn.

Abruptly, the door swung open...


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