Chapter 14

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"Pepper!" Lillian came screeching down the hall and into my room. "Pepper. Pepper, it's happening."

My stomach lurches.

"What's happening?"

"They're coming for me," she whispers, grasping at my hands. "The government men. I may not have much time."

She comes into my room plopping her bag on my bed and beginning to fill it with a couple of hospital johnnies, a blanket.

"I don't understand," I say, watching her frenzy.

"The documentary, Pepper. The government is angry. They don't like that I revealed their information. They're coming for me," she repeats. "Where's Beech? Beech!"

Beech appears, carrying a similar bag.

"Listen Pepper, I don't know when, but when they come, you will have the chance to escape. You have to get out of here."

"But-" tears clog my throat. "But you'll be arrested. What will happen to you?"

"I don't know," she answers. "Pray for me, Pepper, and I'll pray for you."

I shake my head. I've never left the lab. Now I'm afraid. All of this has happened so suddenly. Beech is a criminal. Where will he go? And what about Sugar?

"Lillian, I-... Where do we go?"

Lillian zips up the bag and hands it to me.

"I have friends living in South Dakota. I've told Beech everything. He has the keys to my car. Sugar is all packed up. You're going to be okay."

"I can't leave," I whisper.

"Pepper," she sighs.

Tears scald their way down my cheeks.

"This is happening so fast. I can't leave, Lillian. We'll die."

"Pepper, listen to me," Lillian says. "If you stay here, you will die. If you go, you might survive. Pepper, think of Sugar."

No one says what all of us are thinking.

Sugar is not strong enough to leave now. She's going to die soon, Lillian knows that. She wants to give Sugar a glimpse of freedom, a chance to die right.

Lillian turns to Beech.

"You take care of my girls, Beech."

He nods.

"Pepper," she says. "You and Sugar and Salt, I loved you all dearly. I did this for you. I would die for you, girlie. Do you understand?"

I'm crying too hard to speak so I nod silently.

She pulls me in tightly, hugging me hard.

I struggle to find my words.

"You're like the mother I never had," I say. "You taught me everything I know. I love you Lillian."

She nods.

"I love you too," she says. "I'm going to go say goodbye to Sugar."

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