Breathy Moans

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Warning: shitty smut

Michael huffed a breath of annoyance as he unlocked the front door, throwing it open before angrily stomping inside. With as much force as his petite body could have possibly mustered, Michael slammed the door shut with a soft scream. The boy muttered incoherent mixed sentences of curse words and a certain name that tasted bitter on his tongue.

The angry pale boy toed off his worn out converse before dramatically stomping up the stairs, being sure to bring his leg up extra high so his normally light footsteps seemed ten times louder against the wood. The red heads eyebrows were furrowed and his lips were slightly pursed, his hands clenching and unclenching in anger. The boy opened his bedroom door, spotting a confused Ashton sitting with his back against the headboard and a book in his hands.

Michael didn't waste time with greetings, he threw his backpack to the ground and crawled into Ashton's lap, throwing the book to the ground and straddling him. Ashton raised his eyebrows but didn't refuse the younger boys actions. Michael tightly wrapped his arms around Ashton's middle and burrowed his face in the spot between Ashton's shoulder and neck. The tears that had been building behind the younger boys eyes finally made their way down his cheeks as his angry stupor turned into a broken-hearted expression.

"What's the matter princess?" Ashton asked, his voice thick with concern as he listened to the boy sniffle and heavily breathe against his neck. The older boy gently tried to push against Michael's chest so he could see his face but he only received a whine as the small boy tightened the grip of his arms around the older boys torso. Michael shook his head fiercely trying to relay the message that he wasn't going to speak about what happened. Of course Michael knew Ashton might have some comforting words that would help him feel better about the entire situation but right now he wanted to be stubborn and have Ashton hold him until he is ready to speak.

Knowing Michael wasn't about to spill what was bothering him Ashton dropped the subject and whatever questions he could be asking at the moment. Instead the tan boy nudged Michael's head to the side and peppered soft kisses against the younger boys neck. Ashton latched his lips onto the skin of Michael's jaw and gently sucked on the flesh, hard enough to make Michael breathe out in pleasure, but soft enough to not leave a mark. Ashton hummed in satisfaction when Michael slumped against his body and let out a long sigh as he limply rested his head against Ashton's shoulder.

"It was these boys at school" Michael whispered as Ashton moved his lips from the pale boys jawline, down to the section of skin just below his adam's apple.

"What'd they do?" Ashton asked, sliding his larger hands up and down Michael's clothed thighs. Michael lifted his hips as if to lean into Ashton's hands, his breathing coming out heavier as he swallowed hard, willing himself to speak.

"T-they said things a-about me" Michael whispered, wincing when he felt Ashton physically tense. There was one thing that stood out about Michael that himself and everyone seemed to have noticed; the boy wasn't very strong. If the world was ran by emotional strength then Michael would most definitely strive, but the world isn't like that, and Michael's fragile body can't take it.

"What things Michael?" Ashton asked, his hands unmoving on Michael's thighs as he tried to tilt his head and look at his face. Michael sniffled again, burying his face deeper in the crook of Ashton's neck.

"Michael what did they say?" Ashton insisted, harshly gripping Michael's thighs as his voice raised. Michael whimpered loudly, squirming as he tried to get out of Ashton's lap. Ashton's breath hitched as he watched Michael try to desperately get out of his lap, his face filled with fear. His pale hands desperately clawed at Ashton's larger hands, trying to get them unlatched from his thighs, but the older boy just sat there trying to keep his pulse from rising. Ashton shut his eyes tight, breathing deeply as he listened to Michael whimper and sniffle. Ashton opened his eyes again, watching the tears fall down Michael's pink cheeks.

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