Psychological: Flashback, Fear, or mistrust

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Psychological: flashback, fear, or mistrust

Michael walked by Ashton's side into the police department. The detective, whom had said his name was Detective Meyers, had a few more questions and Michael didn't want Ashton going in alone. The detective immediately guided Ashton into a room, telling Michael he could wait by the front desk. So Ashton departed with a small kiss to Michaels lips before allowing Detective Meyers to lead him into the same interrogation room they had been in before. The detective and Ashton sat across from each other at the table, both of their faces blank.

"Can we get this over with? My boyfriends waiting for me" Ashton said, a subconscious smile finding its way on to his lips.

"I didn't know you were seeing someone, Mr Irwin, does he know what happened to your parents?" Detective Myers asked. Ashton cleared his throat, pursing his lips as he sat up in his chair.

"Yes he does, but love is not based on what has happened in the past" Ashton said, the image of Michael filling his brain, settling the nerves in his stomach. Meyers nodded as he reached below the desk and pulled out a box, placing it on the table. Ashton raised his eyebrows, leaning back in his chair as Meyers opened the box and pulled out a plastic package. The detective set it on the table, sliding it in front of Ashton.

The boys blood turned cold, internally stiffening as he stared down at the weapon, his mind beginning to scream at him.

You killed them!

It's all your fault!

Michael deserves better!

Ashton stared at the knife for a few seconds before looking back up at detective Meyers with an expectant expression.

"What's this?" He asked, playing it off easily.

"Come on Ashton, you know what that is" the detective said. Once again, he was pushing Ashton towards a confession that the boy wasn't going to make.

"Well obviously it's a knife, I don't really know what you expect me to think" Ashton said. The detective was getting frustrated, Ashton could see it in the mans face, it made him smirk and mentally praise himself.

"This was the knife used to murder your parents, but you knew that" Meyers said, smirking as if he just caught Ashton. Ashton leaned back, staring the detective dead in the eye.

"I actually didn't know that, because no one would ever show an eleven year old boy the weapon that was used to murder his own parents. Look detective, I'm sure you're great at your job and I bet you're an outstanding citizen..." Ashton said with slight sarcasm, "but if you don't have actual evidence to convict me on a murder charge, I'd like to leave now"

Ashton's blood was starting to boil as he stared the detective down. Meyers growled somewhat under his breath.

"The fingers prints were wiped clean off of the knife but I know you did this, just confess Ashton" Meyers said, practically begging. Ashton chuckled as he stood up, shaking his head.

"That'd be a false confession Mr Meyers"
Ashton said, giving a taunting salut before walking out of the interrogation room. The boy walked back to the front where Michael was. He held his hand out for the boy, helping him out of his seat before wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

"Let's get going babe, it's a lovely day"
Ashton said, knowing the detective could hear him. He grinned as he held Michael close, leading him out of the building. Michael wrapped his arm around Ashton's waist, leaning in to the boy.

"I love you" Michael said in his normal, soft and quiet voice. Ashton leaned down and gently kissed the boys forehead.

"I love you too baby, nothing will ever change that"

So he thought.

{one more chapter then the epilogue}

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