Out Of Place

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You could walk the street with a murder two feet in front of you and you would never know it. The dollar bills you carry around in your wallet could be laced with the cocaine that a prostitute once snorted and you would never know it. You could be attracted to a man who murdered his own parents and you wouldn't even know it. People are misleading, and sometimes others are just a bit too willing to trust. My mother always told me not to let money touch my face or my mouth because I never know where it has been, put that saying in a different situation; do not let someone touch your heart or your mind because you never know what they have been through. Trust takes time to earn and it needs to be earned before you let yourself go. The earth is full of people who regret giving someone their trust when they didn't deserve it. I guess Michael can now be added to that list.


The lights were flickering and everything was silent. Ashton looked down at the knife in his hand, his blood was cold, the temperature radiating out of his pores. His body was covered in goosebumps and a layer of sweat as he walked out of the kitchen. He could hear his own breathing but everything else was blocked out. Something felt wrong, something felt... off. Something was out of place and eerie.

"Ashton what are you doing?"

"It's late"

His brain was talking to him, a soft timid voice that gave him comfort. He found himself smiling, swaying in his step. He walked over to the living room and he could see his mother, she was staring at him confused. She looked so beautiful, Ashton loved the way the moonlight reflected in her beautiful hazel eyes that were passed down to him. Ashton stepped closer, the knife slightly concealed by the darkness of the night and the way he was holding it behind his leg.

"Ashton,, go back to bed, it's late"

Her sweet voice rang out peacefully, soothing Ashton's crawling skin. He stepped closer, wanting nothing more than to be wrapped in his mothers arms, but the knife in his and was pressing against his leg and all he could think about was how she was planning to leave him. The thought made his blood boil, his grip on the knife tightening.

"You're going to leave me" he said, a small frown playing on his lips. His mother frowned, tilting her head to the side in confusion.

"What? Baby, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere" she said, stepping closer to him as she placed her hands on his shoulders.

"Let's just get you to bed" she said, smiling softly. Ashton shook his head, pushing his mother back with his hand that wasn't holding the knife.

She's lying!

She'll leave you!

Kill her!

His brain screamed at him as his mother pushed herself against the wall in fear. Ashton moved closer, bringing the knife in front of him so his mother could see it. Her eyes widened as Ashton stepped closer, his body twitching uncontrollably as he held the blade of the knife to his mothers stomach.

"Ashton, please. This isn't you, it's your brain telling you to do something you don't want to do" she said pleadingly. Ashton shook his head as he held her arms against the wall, trapping her.

"I have to" he said in a sad voice. The women sighed, relaxing as she shut her eyes.

"Ashton I'm pregnant" she whispered out, almost as a last resort.

She'd love it more than you!

Kill her!

Ashton stared into his mothers eyes as he tightening his grip on the knife.

"I'm sorry mum" he breathed out before plunging the knife deep into her stomach. The women spluttered, her eyes rolling back as tears spilled from them. Ashton removed the knife and stabbed the women again, and again, and again, and again until she was limply falling to the floor.

Something felt wrong.

Out of place.

Something isn't right.

Something doesn't feel the same

It's not a dream.

It's not a dream

Ashton squeezed his eyes shut before opening them again, tears streaming down his flushed cheeks. He was standing in Michaels living room, the sound of the ceiling fan filling his ears. He stared down at the ground, a sob bubbling up in his throat as he watched blood fill the cracks in the hardwood. He cried as he stared down at the one thing he never wanted to see;

Michaels lifeless body.

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