Chapter 4

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The next morning was a blur and 3 rolls around all too soon. I was grabbing my things when a voice called my name.

"Alex! Wait!" Running down the hall towards me was my friend, Colt. Colt was 5'9 with shaggy hair and bright blue eyes. We have been friends since high school when he ran into me. Since then me, him, and Delilah have been nearly inseparable.

"Yeah?" I say facing him.

"I was wondering if you could do me a favor?" he ask.

"That depends on what the favor is?" I remember all the thing he has asked me to do in the past. Some of them were really bad.

"Could you give this to Frank?" He pulls out Frank's purple shirt.

"Sure, but why do you have this?" I ask.

"He spilled coffee on it, so I offered him one of mine." I could tell he wasn't telling the truth but I wanted to go home so I didn't say anything about it.

"Well I have to get going. I was promised some coffee." I wave at him as I walk away. I start thinking about how both Frank and Colt were gay and how they would make a cute couple. I reach my apartment with 30 minutes to get ready. I strip off my clothes and pull my hair up so it doesn't get wet. I hop into the shower letting the hot water loosen up my muscles. I grab my body wash and a washcloth. After I wash my body I turn off the water. Stepping out of the shower I grab a towel and dry off. I walk to my closet and choose a tan tank top with a belt and black lace on one side. A pair of dark skinny jeans and tan heels with black lace finish off the outfit. I quickly slip them on before heading back to the bathroom to dry and style my hair. I curl it into big glossy curls. I spray my hair with hairspray. I hear a knock on my door.

"One second!" I call back. I grab my tan clutch bag and put in a pair of black dangling earrings. I walk into the living room and open the door. Josh stood in front of me in a descent pair of blue jeans and a really tight green shirt. His hair was messy but in a good way. His eyes rake over me and I really didn't care. Our eyes meet and he looks away first.

"You look exquisite," he says.

"Thanks. You look good too," I say, my face turning a slight shade of red.

"Umm, do you want to go?" He asks, nervousness lacing his voice.

"Sure." He offers me his hand and leads me down the stairs to his car. I make a mental note to ask him later if I could drive it. He opens my door and closes it behind me. He gets in and starts the car. He starts driving in the opposite direction of star bucks.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"There is a little café that has the best tea and coffee in the world," he answers. I nod, figuring I have no choice but to go with him.

"Don't worry, it isn't far. If I turn out to be a douchebag you could walk home or steal my car." He looks over at me and winks. I smile wondering why he is so good at calming my nerves. We pull up at a small run down looking cafe.

"It doesn't look like much but you know what they say. Don't judge a book by its cover," he says. He opens his door and walks around to open mine. We walk into the cafe and people just nod at us. A few of them smile and greet us. Josh grabs my hand and pulls me to a table toward the back of the cafe. Looking out the window after sitting down, I see a small waterfall in the middle of a flower field.

"Hey Josh and Josh's friend what can I get for you?" said the waitress. She was tall with black hair and dark eyes like Josh's. She actually looked a lot like Josh. Her body was curvy and she was beautiful. I'm actually kinda jealousy.

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