Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

It has been a week since I passed out. Apparently I hit my head harder than I thought. I had just woken up yesterday to the worried faces of my mom and dad. Josh, the band and Brain were all there as well but they keep their distance. Josh had told my parents that I had gone hiking with him and the others. That we decided to see what trail was quicker so I, Kenzie and Brain had go one way and them the other. There was a log on the trail that none of us saw (as we were talking) and I tripped and hit my head on a rock nearby and passed out. Brain had ran to find help. On the way to the hospital I had woke up but when we got there I passed out again. I hated that they (and me) had to lie to them but he couldn't just say "Your daughter got a concussion running away from me because I turn into a giant wolf". My brother was on his way here from Italy even though I had said it wasn't need, I was fine. He would be arriving tomorrow and would meet us at my apartment seeing that I was going to be released tomorrow. Josh and I hadn't spoken about his little fur problem and it was fine by me. I didn't want to see or hear from him again. I still didn't fully understand what had happened. What they did, he did, doesn't happen in real life, only in fairy tales.

***next day***

The doc said I could leave today, but if I experience a headache, dizziness, nausea or vomiting to come back immediately. I assured him I would and we (me and parents) left. I was happy to go home but I was also dreading it. I lived so close to Josh which he told my parents I was undoubtedly going to run into him. I imagine my mom has already invited him over for dinner. After my dad helped me up the stairs against my will we reach my apartment. The door was unlocked and slightly open inside sat my brother talking to Josh. So of course the first thing I say is what the crap which gets their attention.

"Sis! It's good to see you," Oliver, my brother, said standing up to greet me. I smile and hug him.

"It's good to see you too," I greet him but I'm looking at Josh over his shoulder. He mouths sorry at me which I respond back sure you are. Oliver pulls me to the couch and sits me between him and Josh. My parents sit on the love seat that is left of couch but they turn to face us. I shift away from Josh and move closer to Oliver. Hurt flashes in his eye and I immediately feel guilty. I don't won't to hurt him but I just can't trust him. I'm not sure I ever will again. I know I should hold it against we have only know each other a few months but it feels longer than that. I really like him. Not in friendly way more like I want to push him against a wall and kiss him way. Which is totally wrong of me to think like that. He is just a friend and odds are he doesn't like me like that. Complete lost in my daydream of having Josh pushed against wall I didn't hear my mom's voice. Oh no.

"What were you thinking about?" My dad ask with a teasing tone. "Were you thinking about a boy, perhaps Josh?"

"No!" I exclaim blushing bright red. Perfect.

My mom laughs, "Sure you're not. Is it Josh or someone else?" She asks. My dad and Josh start to nag me. Jerk.

"None of your business! Can we please drop it?" I say, praying they will but they don't.

"I will not drop it until you tell me what you were thinking about," My mom states. Ugh! What do I do? I can't lie, my mom would know if I did that. I can't tell them either. Josh is sitting right there!

"Okay, fine. I was thinking about Josh." Honesty is the best policy. Or not. Josh's eyes widen in surprise. My mom and dad just stare at me and him. Oliver just starts laughing. I should not have said anything. So instead of sitting there, waiting for them to respond, I bolt. I run, well more like limp, down the stairs. I don't have the keys to Baby but I know Josh keeps his keys in his visor. His green mustang is sitting in the parking lot. I quickly get in and by now I can see my parents, Oliver and Josh. I start the car and drive away. Regret fills me and I think I might have over reacted.

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