Chapter 10

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Recap: "what about the whole mate thing? Is that real?


"....Yes it is." He looks down at his at his feet. My heart starts beating faster. Does he have a mate?

"How does it work?" I ask getting my voice back.

"It works differently for everyone. Sometimes all it takes is look into another person eyes, other times it's a smell. Occasionally it can start in dreams. You dream of the same person over and over until you find them. But in all cases you're not complete until you do. We tend to be harsh and rude only letting a few people in until we find them. They are our everything," He spoke in a low tone. The way he spoke made me think that he had found his mate. Should I ask? No that would be rude but if he has his why does he spend so much time with me?

"You want to ask something go ahead," Josh speaks.

"Have you found your mate?" I ask, not really wanting to know but at the same wanting to.

"Yes, and she is the most perfect person even if she doesn't believe it," Josh replies not looking up from his feet. My heart sank. He has a mate. He doesn't like me as anything more than a friend.

"Does she mind you spending so much time with me?" My voice is just as low as his now, full of pain that I hope he can't hear. Josh finally looks up from his feet.

"No, she doesn't. Because you are her." As he spoke those words my eyes grow larger. Me? I'm his mate?

"I'm your mate?! Are you sure?" I ask. He has to be joking with me. I'm not mate material. Part of me wants this because I am falling in love with him and if he was with someone else I would be crushed.

"Yes I'm sure. I had been dream of you for the past year. When you showed up in my kitchen I don't know what to do so I reacted badly. Later when I brought you the money I just wanted to check myself to see if it was really you. When I saw that it was, I gave you the wrong amount of money on purpose. I knew how you would react and I just want to see you again. Every day since I met you have been trying to figure out how to tell you," Josh answers me, emotion thick in his voice. This time I can place the emotion, its adoration. My heart leaps for joy. I'm Josh's mate. I don't say anything just throw myself in his arms. He is perfect. He could never hurt me. I pull away from Josh slowly, he needs to know the truth on way I react that way other day.

"There is something I need to tell you. I pray you don't think different of me afterward." Taking a deep breath I began. "When I was 16 I went on a date with a guy named Ash. He was 17 I think, but that doesn't matter. He took me to a nice restaurant downtown then we took a walk. He was great but things turned south on the way home. He turn down a different road, when I asked him what he was doing he replied that it was a short cut. I foolish believed him but that changed quickly. He pulled off the road and turned off the car. By now I realized something wasn't right. I went to get out of the car I was done asking questions but the doors were locked. I started to freak out." I pause taking a deep breath and wiping away tears. Before I start again Josh stops me.

"You don't have to tell me. It's okay, and it doesn't matter. What happened won't change my feelings toward you." Josh grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze.

"You need to know what I did. He hurt me badly before I got away, I was lucky though. He didn't rape me. It was a year later when I saw him again. The police hadn't been able to find him but I wasn't the first victim so they had believed me. He had broken into my house and told me he had come back to finish what he had started. What he didn't expect was that I would have a gun. He came toward me and I shot. I didn't mean to kill him, later everyone told me I did what was necessary but I didn't sleep easy. I freaked out the other day because I really liked you and I haven't liked anyone since him." Josh wipes away the fresh tears but doesn't say anything. Instead he kisses me. I'm shocked that wasn't what I had expected. He pulls away slowly.

"I said it once, I'll say it again. It doesn't matter you. What happened doesn't change my feelings." This time it is me who kisses him. After that we just sit and talk. I learn that Frank knew about the pack and has known for a while. That Kenzie wasn't a werewolf but her mate, Will, was.

"It's late. I should go home. I have school work to catch up on tomorrow." I slowly got up, pulling myself away from him.

"Yeah I have to help my dad with stuff tomorrow but I'll walk you home," He said standing up as well.

"No there's no need. I drove here anyway." I smile at him. He nods and walks me to my car.

"Bye. I'll see you later." He bends down and kisses me.

"Bye." I kiss him again before leaving. I fall asleep with a huge smile on my face thinking of Josh.

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