Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Over the past few weeks, Josh and I have gotten to know each other better. Even though we aren't dating (officially anyway). Neither of us are seeing anyone else. We are practically inseparable and today is the day I finally get to meet the band. He said he would pick me up around 1p.m. and its 11a.m. right now. I get in the shower. I want to take a brisk shower but getting lost in thought it ended up being long. I dry myself off and slip on my under clothes before dancing to music I hear. I choose a black skirt that end a little above mid-thigh and a pair of black tights. For the top I select a simple white button up which I tuck into the skirt. I add a brown belt and black ankle boots. As for my hair I style it in big loose curls and spray with hairspray. I still have 40 minutes before he's supposed to come and get me. So I turn on Spongebob but end up thinking about me and Josh. I know that we haven't know each other for long but I really like him. Though sometimes I can't help but feel like he is keeping something from me. It's not like we are dating but still it hurts just a little. Then again, no guy is perfect and I'm sure he has a perfectly good reason for what he is keeping from me. Last week we went to the lake and swam for hours and then laid back and watched the stars and a few days before that when he was walking to my door he had both of his hand on either side of my head. He was 2 centimeters from my lips when his phone rang. After he left I said a few unladylike things. I was brought out of my memory by knocking on the door. Getting up, I walk to the door and glance out of the peep hole just in case it isn't Josh. It is. Opening the door, I flash him a smile.

"Ready to go?" he asks.

"Yeah. Let me just grab a few things." I move out of the way and he makes himself at home. I head back to my room where a grab a black scarf and my tan handbag. I check to make sure I have what I need. I do. I'm quick to double check myself in the mirror as I leave the room.

"I'm ready." I open the front door, not giving him a chance to back out on me (as he had before). As I reach the last flight of stairs I hear him laugh. By the time I see him I'm already in Baby, engine running. He gets in beside.

"We could walk, the band agreed we could practices at my place."


I open the door and start walking to his house. He catches up to me and throws his arm around me. We walk in comfortable silence. He pulls the door open for me and I hear in the distance what sounds like 'I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic! At the Disco playing.

"It seems they started without you," I say. I walk to the living room and toss my handbag on the couch.

"Yeah, they have probably practicing to impress you. Come on, follow me." He walks toward the door that leads to the basement. I follow him, praying there are no spiders. I hate them, they are little Satanist. We reach the bottom, the music is louder down here and sure enough I Write Sins Not Tragedies was playing on the radio. Josh takes my hand and pulls me to a group of people. A tall man with spiky black hair spots us first. He approaches us with a smile, his brown eyes sparkling.

"Hey man, so this is the pretty little lady you want shut up about? Nice to meet you. The name is James. I'm on drums." He holds out his hand and I shake it.

"I'm Alex, nice to meet you too. So he was talking about me? I hope all good things."

"It was, I'm Kenzie by the way. I'm the lead singer" A woman, Kenzie, stated smiling. She was short and chubby. She had her strawberry blonde hair pulled up into a ponytail showing off her bright blue eyes. Behind her there was another man, and then Brain. The 2nd man shoots me a smile. He is average height and built but he has a charm to him that makes him seem not average.

"That's Will, he doesn't talk much. He is also guitar," Kenzie says. I nod my head. Brain moves forward and hugs me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"To sing, of course."

"You can't sing you sound like a dying cat."

"She's right you know," Kenzie says from behind me. Will nods in agreement.

"Okay, fine. I'm here because I was bored," Brain says. Before I could respond, James interrupts me.

"You ready to hear Heaven?" James asks.

"You can't hear Heaven, it's a place not a sound." Josh says picking up a neon green guitar. I nod agreeing with him.

"Okay. Ready to be amazed?" James ask correcting himself.

"I was born ready." I sit on a couch I hadn't spotted until now.


They had been practicing for a while, when they decide to take a break. So we went to the park.

"Ya'll are amazing." I say. Josh is sitting with his back to a tree with me in between his legs, my back against his stomach.

"We aren't that good," Kenzie says. Josh nods in agreement.

"No, no she's right we were amazing as always." James says behind him. Will is rolling his eyes and Brain was mocking him. From what I can tell James is a little too confident. Kenzie is humble and really funny. Will is quiet but once he gets to know you he opens up. I was about to respond to James when a cold voice cut me off.

"Well, well what do we have here?" I look up and two men are stand in front of us. The one who spoke looked like his was trying to copy Justin Bieber. The second man looked like he would offer little kids candy while in a white van.

"You shouldn't be out here." The second man says. "He won't like it."

"It's neutral territory," Josh says. He picks me up and move me to the left so I'm no longer between his legs and stands up.

"It is, but what about her?" 2nd man says, looking at me. What about me, what did I do?

"What about me?" I say, annoyance laced in my voice. I pull myself off the ground. I stand beside Josh with my hands on my hips.

"You shouldn't talk to me like that little girl, you don't know who or what you're dealing with." This time it is Justin Bieber who says something. Josh has placed himself in front of me but I push him out of the way.

"I know who I'm talking too. Two idiots who never got taught respect and think they are better than everyone. As for what, to put it simply a dick and a jackass. You can decide who is who." Josh has placed himself back in front me much to my dismay. I go to move him again when I noticed he is shaking and as I look closer I notice that so is Brain, Justin Bieber and White Van are too. Kenzie and Will have moved off to the side. James reached for me to pull me out of the way. Right in the blink of an eye the men are gone and in their place are four giant wolfs. I let out an ear piercing scream.

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